HOME > Reality TV Episode Summaries - January 2005

Reality TV Episode Summaries - January 2005

  • SI Swimsuit Model Search - Episode 4 summary

    January 31, 2005
    "The Meaning of Life: Runway and Boobs," our episode summary for the fourth episode of NBC's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Search, written by Ricky, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 6 - Episode 10 summary

    January 31, 2005
    "Panties In A Bunch, Or Hooked On Phonics," our episode summary for the tenth episode of CBS's The Amazing Race 6, written by ginger, is now available.
  • The Bachelorette 3 - Episode 3 summary

    January 31, 2005
    "The Attack Of The French," our episode summary for the third episode of ABC's The Bachelorette 3, written by greeneyes, is now available.
  • The Real World: Philly - Episode 19 summary

    January 29, 2005
    "Spreading the Love," our episode summary for the ninteenth episode of MTV's The Real World: Philadelphia series, written by Mon Cherie, is now available.
  • American Dream Derby - Episode 4 summary

    January 26, 2005
    "He's Got His Thing Out!," our episode summary for the fourth episode of GSN's American Dream Derby, written by realitybites, is now available.
  • The Surreal Life 4 - Episode 3 summary

    January 26, 2005
    "Horses, Dwarfs and Bears.. Oh My!!," our episode summary for the third episode of VH1's The Surreal Life 4 reality series, written by RangeRover, is now available.
  • The Apprentice 3 - Episode 1 summary

    January 26, 2005
    "Unbelievable Bad Leadership," our episode summary for the premiere episode of the third edition of NBC's The Apprentice, written by Bucky Katt, is now available.
  • Wickedly Perfect - Episode 3 summary

    January 25, 2005
    "Would You Do It In The Woods?," our episode summary for the third episode of CBS's Wickedly Perfect, written by Estee, is now available.
  • SI Swimsuit Model Search - Episode 3 summary

    January 24, 2005
    "The Tale of the Ice Queen," our episode summary for the third episode of NBC's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Search, written by Mon Cherie, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 6 - Episode 9 summary

    January 24, 2005
    "Best. Episode. Ever.," our episode summary for the ninth episode of CBS's The Amazing Race 6, written by Draco Malfoy, is now available.
  • The Bachelorette 3 - Episode 2 summary

    January 22, 2005
    "Jen's Quandry." our episode summary for the second episode of ABC's The Bachelorette 3, written by RangeRover, is now available.
  • The Real World: Philly - Episode 18 summary

    January 22, 2005
    "Strike Three, You're Out!," our episode summary for the eighteenth episode of MTV's The Real World: Philadelphia series, written by volsfan, is now available.
  • SI Swimsuit Model Search - Episode 2 summary

    January 19, 2005
    "A Hair-Raising Experience," our episode summary for the second episode of NBC's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Search, written by Bebo, is now available.
  • American Dream Derby - Episode 3 summary

    January 19, 2005
    "The Great Steaks Race," our episode summary for the third episode of GSN's American Dream Derby, written by realitybites, is now available.
  • The Surreal Life 4 - Episode 2 summary

    January 18, 2005
    "At Least These People Aren't Breeding," our episode summary for the second episode of VH1's The Surreal Life 4, written by toddE, is now available.
  • Wickedly Perfect - Episode 2 summary

    January 18, 2005
    "Never Serve Warm Champagne," our episode summary for the second episode of CBS's Wickedly Perfect, written by volsfan, is now available.
  • The Bachelorette 3 - Episode 1 summary

    January 16, 2005
    "Once, Twice, Three times a DAW." our episode summary for the premiere episode of ABC's The Bachelorette 3, written by MTW1961, is now available.
  • The Rebel Billionaire - Finale episode summary

    January 16, 2005
    "Winner Takes All (Maybe)," our episode summary for the finale episode of Fox's The Rebel Billionaire, written by Swami, is now available.
  • Wickedly Perfect - Episode 1 summary

    January 13, 2005
    "Apples, Apples Everywhere, But Not A Bite To Eat," our episode summary for the premiere episode of CBS's Wickedly Perfect, written by buckeyegirl, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 6 - Episode 8 summary

    January 13, 2005
    "Tell Mom Not To Watch!," our episode summary for the eighth episode of CBS's The Amazing Race 6, written by Swami, is now available.
  • American Dream Derby - Episode 2 summary

    January 11, 2005
    "Shoot Me or Smoke Me," our episode summary for the second episode of GSN's American Dream Derby, written by realitybites, is now available.
  • American Dream Derby - Episode 1 summary

    January 11, 2005
    "Santa Anita Baby (Don't you know that I love you?)," our episode summary for the premiere episode of GSN's American Dream Derby, written by realitybites, is now available.
  • The Will - Episode 1 summary

    January 11, 2005
    "I’d Bet the Ranch…," our episode summary for the premiere episode of CBS's The Will, written by ARnutz, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 6 - Episode 7 summary

    January 11, 2005
    "Eat Your Insanly Hot Soup Faster, Drama Queen!," our episode summary for the seventh episode of CBS's The Amazing Race 6, written by Canada Girl, is now available.
  • The Surreal Life 4 - Episode 1 summary

    January 10, 2005
    "Because No One Else Would," or "Get Da Brat a New Agent," our episode summary for the premiere episode of VH1's The Surreal Life 4, written by ginger, is now available.
  • SI Swimsuit Model Search - Episode 1 summary

    January 9, 2005
    "Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Spankathon," our episode summary for the premiere episode of NBC's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Search, written by TeamJoisey, is now available.
  • The Real World: Philly - Episode 16 summary

    January 9, 2005
    "I'm Not Drunk...I Just Have These Blackouts!," our episode summary for the sixteenth episode of MTV's The Real World: Philadelphia series, written by volsfan, is now available.
  • The Rebel Billionaire - Episode 10 summary

    January 9, 2005
    "Honey, I Signed Up For A Summary And All I Got Was This Lousy Recap," our episode summary for the tenth episode of Fox's The Rebel Billionaire, written by PagongRatEater, is now available.
  • Who's Your Daddy - Episode 1 summary

    January 9, 2005
    "Only Seven Of These Men Deserve To Die," our episode summary for Fox's Who's your Daddy? reality special, written by Estee, is now available.
  • The Real World: Philly - Episode 15 summary

    January 3, 2005
    "A Very Special Real World," our episode summary for the fifteenth episode of MTV's The Real World: Philadelphia series, written by Mon Cherie, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 6 - Recap Episode summary

    January 2, 2005
    "A Jumbled Up Episode Called A Recrap," our episode summary for the recap episode of CBS's The Amazing Race 6, written by strid333, is now available.


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