HOME > Reality TV Episode Summaries - March 2004

Reality TV Episode Summaries - March 2004

  • Forever Eden - Episode 5 summary

    March 31, 2004
    "Stand By Your (Holy) Man," our episode summary for the fifth episode of FOX's Forever Eden, written by Angelfood, is now available.
  • Mad Mad House - Episode 4 summary

    March 30, 2004
    "She Has To Grow AND Go," our episode summary for the fourth episode of the Scifi Channel's Mad Mad House, written by I_AM_HE, is now available.
  • Playing It Straight - Episode 3 summary

    March 30, 2004
    "Gayme On," our episode summary for the third episode of FOX's Playing It Straight, written by GuessItRains, is now available.
  • Average Joe: Adam Returns - Episode 2 summary

    March 26, 2004
    "To Twist or Not To Twist," our episode summary for the second episode of NBC's Average Joe: Adam Returns, written by buckeyegirl, is now available.
  • American Idol - Gay Idol Journal, "Week 2"

    March 25, 2004
    Larry Johnson, a comedy writer currently working for Disney TV, has posted the second installment of his weekly American Idol Gay Idol Journal diva rant, an exclusive to the RealityTVWorld American Idol message boards.
  • America's Next Top Model 2 - Finale episode summary

    March 25, 2004
    "The 'Crowning' Episode," our episode summary for the season finale of the second season of UPN's America's Next Top Model, written by Isabelle Murray, is now available.
  • Playing It Straight - Episode 2 summary

    March 24, 2004
    "Jackie Finally Gets One," our episode summary for the second episode of FOX's Playing It Straight, written by Tiger Lily, is now available.
  • American Idol - Gay Idol Journal, "Week 1"

    March 24, 2004
    With the oh so tacky preliminary rounds now out of the way, Larry Johnson, a comedy writer currently working for Disney TV, has posted the first installment of his weekly 'American Idol' Gay Idol Journal diva rant, an exclusive to the RealityTVWorld American Idol message boards.
  • Mad Mad House - Episode 3 summary

    March 21, 2004
    "Goat Guts, Anyone?," our episode summary for the third episode of the Scifi Channel's Mad Mad House, written by Swami, is now available.
  • Survivor: All-Stars - Episode 8 summary

    March 21, 2004
    "The Gut Runneth Over," our episode summary for the eighth episode of CBS' Survivor: All-Stars, written by FesterFan1, is now available.
  • Forever Eden - Episode 4 summary

    March 19, 2004
    "When Survivor Meets The Bachelorette," our episode summary for the fourth episode of FOX's Forever Eden, written by Howard Dean, is now available.
  • The Apprentice - Episode 10 summary

    March 19, 2004
    "The Cosmic Cowboy and the Rickety Rickshaw," our episode summary for the tenth episode of NBC's The Apprentice, written by Bebo, is now available.
  • America's Next Top Model 2 - Episode 9 summary

    March 17, 2004
    "The 'Sex' Episode," our episode summary for the ninth episode of the second season of UPN's America's Next Top Model, written by Isabelle Murray, is now available.
  • Average Joe: Adam Returns - Episode 1 summary

    March 17, 2004
    "They shall come back, come back again..," our episode summary for the premiere episode of NBC's Average Joe: Adam Returns, written by Estee, is now available.
  • Playing It Straight - Episode 1 summary

    March 16, 2004
    "Girlfriend's Got No Gaydar," our episode summary for the premiere episode of FOX's Playing It Straight, written by volsfan, is now available.
  • Mad Mad House - Episode 2 summary

    March 16, 2004
    "My Big Fat Obnoxious Virgin Strikes Back," our episode summary for the second episode of the Scifi Channel's Mad Mad House, written by I_AM_HE, is now available.
  • Survivor: All-Stars - Episode 7 summary

    March 16, 2004
    "The Cheese Stands Alone," our episode summary for the seventh episode of CBS' Survivor: All-Stars, written by dangerkitty, is now available.
  • Forever Eden - Episode 3 summary

    March 11, 2004
    "Check Your Fly, Your True Colors Are Showing," our episode summary for the third episode of FOX's Forever Eden, written by I_AM_HE, is now available.
  • The Apprentice - Episode 9 summary

    March 11, 2004
    "(You Ain't Nothing But) Whine, Whine, Whine," our episode summary for the ninth episode of NBC's The Apprentice, written by AyaK, is now available.
  • America's Next Top Model 2 - Recap Episode summary

    March 10, 2004
    "The 'Recap' Episode," our episode summary for the recap episode of the second season of UPN's America's Next Top Model, written by Isabelle Murray, is now available.
  • Survivor: All-Stars - Episode 6 summary

    March 9, 2004
    "A Very Special Viewer Advisory," our episode summary for the sixth episode of CBS' Survivor: All-Stars, written by Bebo, is now available.
  • Mad Mad House - Episode 1 summary

    March 7, 2004
    "It’s a Mad World After All. It's a Mad, Mad World," our episode summary for the premiere episode of the Scifi Channel's Mad Mad House, written by Swami, is now available.
  • Average Joe 2: Hawaii - Finale episode summary

    March 7, 2004
    "Larissa Learns Her Lesson (or, what goes around, comes around),'" our episode summary for the finale episode of NBC's Average Joe 2: Hawaii, written by MTW1961, has now been posted.
  • America's Next Top Model 2 - Episode 8 summary

    March 3, 2004
    "The 'Go-See' Episode," our episode summary for the eighth episode of the second season of UPN's America's Next Top Model, written by Isabelle Murray, is now available.
  • Forever Eden - Episode 2 summary

    March 3, 2004
    "Killing two birds with one apple,'" our episode summary for the second episode of FOX's Forever Eden, written by TeamJoisey, is now available.
  • The Apprentice - Episode 8 summary

    March 3, 2004
    "Trump Ice, Ice Baby," our episode summary for the eighth episode of NBC's The Apprentice, written by Bebo, is now available.
  • Forever Eden - Episode 1 summary

    March 3, 2004
    "And FOX said ‘Let There Be Drek,'" our episode summary for the premiere episode of FOX's Forever Eden, written by Estee, is now available.
  • Survivor: All-Stars - Episode 5 summary

    March 1, 2004
    "The Passion of the King," our episode summary for the fifth episode of CBS' Survivor: All-Stars, written by TeamJoisey, is now available.
  • Average Joe 2: Hawaii - Episode 8 summary

    March 1, 2004
    "Fredo Calls Larissa On Her 'Career Move,'" our episode summary for the eighth episode of NBC's Average Joe 2: Hawaii, written by Howard Dean, has now been posted.


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