HOME > Reality TV Episode Summaries - March 2005

Reality TV Episode Summaries - March 2005

  • The Apprentice 3 - Episode 9 summary

    March 31, 2005
    "Goodbye, Princess Bathmat," our episode summary for the ninth episode of the third edition of NBC's The Apprentice, written by ssshaw, is now available.
  • American Idol 4 - Finals Week 2 summary

    March 29, 2005
    "Oops! (So) We did it Again!," our episode summary for the second week of American Idol 4's finals, written by Spidey, is now available.
  • Survivor: Palau - Episode 6 summary

    March 29, 2005
    "The Top 10 Most Ironic Statements Made By a Redneck," our episode summary for the sixth episode of Survivor: Palau, the tenth edition of CBS's Survivor series, written by KObrien_fan, is now available.
  • America's Next Top Model 4 - Episode 4 summary

    March 28, 2005
    "The 'Test of Character' Episode," our episode summary for the fourth episode of the fourth edition of UPN's America's Next Top Model, written by Isabelle Murray, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 7 - Episode 4 summary

    March 28, 2005
    "Bruck Digs Hubris," our episode summary for the fourth episode of CBS's The Amazing Race 7, written by landruajm, is now available.
  • The Contender - Episode 4 summary

    March 25, 2005
    "An American Tragedy," our episode summary for the fourth episode of NBC's The Contender, written by ARnutz, is now available.
  • Survivor: Palau - Episode 5 summary

    March 22, 2005
    "The Old Man and the Freak," our episode summary for the fifth episode of Survivor: Palau, the tenth edition of CBS's Survivor series, written by Devious Weasel, is now available.
  • American Idol 4 - Finals Week 1 summary

    March 20, 2005
    "Let's Do the Time Warp Again," our episode summary for the first week of American Idol 4's finals, written by StarryLuna, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 7 - Episode 3 summary

    March 20, 2005
    "Fafaru is the Meal of the Day on the Quit Boat," our episode summary for the third episode of CBS's The Amazing Race 7, written by Fishercat, is now available.
  • The Contender - Episode 3 summary

    March 17, 2005
    "The Lord of the Ring," our episode summary for the third episode of NBC's The Contender, written by KObrien_fan, is now available.
  • The Apprentice 3 - Episode 8 summary

    March 17, 2005
    "'We Be Talking' Like Fools," our episode summary for the eighth episode of the third edition of NBC's The Apprentice, written by trigirl, is now available.
  • The Contender - Episode 2 summary

    March 15, 2005
    "Shut-up, Put-up, Go Hard or Go Home!," our episode summary for the second episode of NBC's The Contender, written by volsfan, is now available.
  • American Idol 4 - Performance Week 3 summary

    March 14, 2005
    "Let’s Get This Party Started," our episode summary for the third week of American Idol 4's live semifinal performance shows, written by Bebo, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 7 - Episode 2 summary

    March 14, 2005
    "Little Market Of Horrors," our episode summary for the second episode of CBS's The Amazing Race 7, written by Survivorerist, is now available.
  • The Contender - Episode 1 summary

    March 14, 2005
    "Unusual Circumstances," our episode summary for the premiere episode of NBC's The Contender, written by I_AM_HE, is now available.
  • Survivor: Palau - Episode 4 summary

    March 14, 2005
    "If You Build It He Will Come (Maybe)," our episode summary for the fourth episode of Survivor: Palau, the tenth edition of CBS's Survivor series, written by janisella, is now available.
  • The Apprentice 3 - Episode 7 summary

    March 9, 2005
    "A Fictionalized Transcript," our episode summary for the seventh episode of the third edition of NBC's The Apprentice, written by idiotcowboy, is now available.
  • Survivor: Palau - Episode 3 summary

    March 7, 2005
    "Read My Lips: No New Jokes," our episode summary for the third episode of Survivor: Palau, the tenth edition of CBS's Survivor series, written by samiam, is now available.
  • American Idol 4 - Performance Week 2 summary

    March 6, 2005
    "An Interview," our episode summary for the second week of American Idol 4's live performance shows, written by strid333, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 7 - Episode 1 summary

    March 6, 2005
    "Happies, Hillbillies, and Helplessness," our episode summary for the premiere episode of CBS's The Amazing Race 7, written by volsfan, is now available.
  • The Bachelorette 3 - Finale episode summary

    March 5, 2005
    "Vindication for Andrew Firestone," our episode summary for finale episode of ABC's The Bachelorette 3, written by buckeyegirl, is now available.
  • Fear Factor - Episode 113 summary

    March 2, 2005
    "You Always Hurt The Ones Who Really Deserve It," our episode summary for the special Reality Stars episode of NBC's Fear Factor series, written by Estee, is now available.
  • Project Runway - Finale episode summary

    March 2, 2005
    "Sole Power," our episode summary for the season finale episode of Bravo's Project Runway series, written by AyaK, is now available.
  • Wickedly Perfect - Episode 8 summary

    March 1, 2005
    "Revenge of the Not So's," our episode summary for the eighth episode of CBS's Wickedly Perfect, written by KObrien_fan, is now available.
  • Survivor: Palau - Episode 2 summary

    March 1, 2005
    "A Tale Of Two Islands," our episode summary for the second episode of Survivor: Palau, the tenth edition of CBS's Survivor series, written by survivorscott, is now available.
  • The Apprentice 3 - Episode 6 summary

    March 1, 2005
    "Life In The Fast Lane," our episode summary for the sixth episode of the third edition of NBC's The Apprentice, written by greeneyes, is now available.
  • American Idol 4 - Performance Week 1 summary

    March 1, 2005
    "American Idol 4 Live Performances, Week 1," our episode summary for the first week of American Idol 4's live performance shows, written by Devious Weasel, is now available.


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