HOME > Reality TV Episode Summaries - May 2004

Reality TV Episode Summaries - May 2004

  • American Idol - Gay Idol Journal, "Live From The Red Carpet"

    May 30, 2004
    Thought Larry Johnson's Gay Idol Journal commentary was over just because American Idol's season was over? Think again -- Reality TV World arranged for Larry to attend American Idol's live season finale, where he wrote his own unique commentary on that greatest of showbiz spectacles -- the classic red carpet arrivals!
  • American Idol - Gay Idol Journal, "Week 11"

    May 29, 2004
    Larry Johnson, a comedy writer currently working for Disney TV, has posted the eleventh and final installment of his weekly American Idol Gay Idol Journal diva rant, an exclusive to the RealityTVWorld American Idol message boards.
  • The Bachelor 5 - Finale Episode summary

    May 25, 2004
    "Jesse's Girls," our episode summary for the two-hour season finale episode of ABC's fifth edition of its The Bachelor series, written by MTW1961, is now available.
  • American Idol - Gay Idol Journal, "Week 10"

    May 25, 2004
    Larry Johnson, a comedy writer currently working for Disney TV, has posted the tenth installment of his weekly American Idol Gay Idol Journal diva rant, an exclusive to the RealityTVWorld American Idol message boards.
  • The Bachelor 5 - Episode 6 summary

    May 17, 2004
    "The One With A Stalker," our episode summary for the sixth episode of ABC's fifth edition of its The Bachelor series, written by Breezy, is now available.
  • The Bachelor 5 - The Women Tell All summary

    May 17, 2004
    "Taking Out The Trash," our episode summary for The Women Tell All episode of ABC's fifth edition of its The Bachelor series, written by sassycowgirl, is now available.
  • Survivor: All-Stars - Finale and Reunion summary

    May 14, 2004
    "In An Alternate Universe, Jenna Won and That Sucked Too," our episode summary for the grand finale and reunion show broadcast of CBS' Survivor: All-Stars, written by landruajm, is now available.
  • American Idol - Gay Idol Journal, "Week 9"

    May 13, 2004
    Larry Johnson, a comedy writer currently working for Disney TV, has posted the ninth installment of his weekly American Idol Gay Idol Journal diva rant, an exclusive to the RealityTVWorld American Idol message boards.
  • The Bachelor 5 - Episode 5 summary

    May 12, 2004
    "Trish's Diary," our episode summary for the fifth episode of ABC's fifth edition of its The Bachelor series, written by buckeyegirl, is now available.
  • American Idol - Gay Idol Journal, "Week 8"

    May 10, 2004
    Larry Johnson, a comedy writer currently working for Disney TV, has posted the eighth installment of his weekly American Idol Gay Idol Journal diva rant, an exclusive to the RealityTVWorld American Idol message boards.
  • Survivor: All-Stars - Episode 13 summary

    May 4, 2004
    "A Chapera Surprise," our episode summary for the thirteenth episode of CBS' Survivor: All-Stars, written by anotherkim, is now available.
  • The Bachelor 5 - Episode 4 summary

    May 4, 2004
    "A Tale Of Four Fateful Trips," our episode summary for the fourth episode of ABC's fifth edition of its The Bachelor series, written by SilverStar, is now available.
  • Mad Mad House - Finale Episode summary

    May 1, 2004
    "It's a Mad Mad World And We're Just Living In It," our episode summary for the two-hour season finale episode of the Scifi Channel's Mad Mad House, written by Swami, is now available.
  • American Idol - Gay Idol Journal, "Week 7"

    May 1, 2004
    Larry Johnson, a comedy writer currently working for Disney TV, has posted the seventh installment of his weekly American Idol Gay Idol Journal diva rant, an exclusive to the RealityTVWorld American Idol message boards.


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