90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? featured Larissa Dos Santos Lima giving her romance with ex-boyfriend Eric Nichols another shot, Syngin Colchester questioning whether to continue his relationship with Tania Maduro, Jess Caroline and Colt Johnson's mother Debbie having a disastrous first meeting, Karine Martins complaining about America, and Elizabeth Potthast getting annoyed with Andrei Castravet's "alpha male" behavior in Moldova during Sunday night's Season 5 episode on TLC.
90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After? documents 90 Day Fiance couples -- engaged, married or divorced -- navigating life, hardships, family, children and unexpected obstacles.
The new season is sure to feature cultural differences, in-law arguments, scandals, confrontations and tears.
Below is the latest on each 90 Day Fiance couple or cast members, according to the fifth episode of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?'s fifth season.
Larissa was asked to go to the immigration building, and so she was afraid to be arrested or potentially deported since the application and process to obtain her Green Card was still ongoing.Larissa said she wanted to stay in America in order to build the life of her dreams.
Two hours later, Larissa existed the building and gushed, "I am alive! I did not get arrested." Larissa said she felt relieved and free, and she thanked God she could return home with her friend Hannah.
Larissa said she had taken a photo and had her fingerprints done. She just hoped her application wouldn't be denied because she wanted to work in the United States and make more money for her children back in Brazil.
Later on, Larissa said she missed being in a relationship and wanted to find a man who could take care of her. She seemed upset Colt had found a new girlfriend. because she really wanted a boyfriend.
Larissa then went on a date with her ex-boyfriend, Eric, and she told him that she was feeling lonely.

"My feeling for Eric is above all my relationships and bigger than I have felt with Colt. I always was in love with Eric when we are dating, but I decide to break up with him because of all the kind of relationship problems, and I thought that he [didn't] admire me anymore," Larissa said in a confessional.
"But I miss being in a relationship with him because Eric isn't perfect but he always tried to help me out when we were together and he doesn't judge me for anything that [I've done] in my life."
Larissa said they had a lot to talk about, and Eric agreed because he claimed Larissa had broken up with him via text "out of nowhere." The pair hadn't communicated or talked in two months, so Eric was curious what Larissa was going to say.
Eric confessed he "felt used" by Larissa, but she told her ex that she had blocked him because she still had feelings for him. Eric, however, said Larissa spread rumors about him and drove him crazy.
Eric alleged Larissa had given his phone number out, and she even filed a police report against him one time.
"After I broke up with Eric, some girls called me, [sent] a message, calling my butt 'cheesy butt.' I thought that was Eric that sent to the girls my phone number. So I had to make a police report against him. So this was just protective for me," Larissa explained.
"Because if Eric [decided] to do something, I am safe."
Larissa apologized for filing the police report but insisted she was just scared at the time. Eric didn't want to go back on the same path and have the same problems, but Larissa reminded her that their sex was "amazing."
Eric told Larissa that he missed a lot of things about her, including their conversations.
"When we were good, we were good. I am glad we met today," Eric said.
"I'd like to see you again. I just feel we should take things a lot more slowly... We need to communicate a lot better and not get so frustrated with each other. I just don't want to fight like we used to."
Eric said he just wanted to make Larissa happy, and she felt the same exact way about him in return. Larissa was thrilled Eric was willing to give her another chance and she could have a partner.
"The heart wants what [it wants], so I am very hopeful that we can work. I hope we can leave all the problems in the past and everything will be happy," Larissa told the cameras.
Tania knew Syngin was disappointed about not getting the bartending job at the Irish pub, but she said she wished Syngin addressed some of the problems he had, like drinking.Tania said Syngin's drinking was a problem early on in their relationship but they were young and liked to party and so she apparently made excuses for him. However, two years later, his habits were still an issue and Tania wasn't sure how to handle the situation.
Tania told her friend Monique at the nail salon she and Syngin needed to learn how to communicate better, and Monique believed her pal had jumped into marriage too soon.
"Sometimes I feel like I am married to two different people, like this person who wants to be an adult and someone who wants to have this big life, but other times I feel like I'm married to someone who just wants to party and doesn't care," Tania complained to her friend.
"That's how he views his freedom, and then he'll be like, 'This is just who I am!'... I want to help you be a better person and be the man you want to be."
Tania's patience was being trusted and she said they needed to get on the same page about their future. Tania felt her marriage had become stagnant, and she said she wanted to be a power couple with Syngin and chase after their dreams.
Things were a little tense between Syngin and Tania ever since Syngin came home from his interview, but Syngin argued he didn't drink every day or crave alcohol. Syngin said he felt "pressure" and "a little suffocated" over the couple's finances and bills building up.
Syngin was also apparently upset he and Tania hadn't traveled much or enjoyed adventures because of Tania's accident and breaking a bone in her foot.
Tania planned to hold Syngin accountable for his behavior, and Syngin apologized to his wife over a nice dinner out, saying he needed to take more responsibility for things.
"But I didn't come here to make my life here," Syngin told his wife, before explaining to the cameras he had been willing to live in South Africa and have Tania move there instead.
He added, "I just don't think America is where I want to raise kids... I don't know why. It's a great country and everything is awesome, but I just don't feel it's going to work here."
Tania grew anxious and worried, asking in a confessional, "What are you doing here with me then? I am confused."
Syngin also said it didn't make sense for Tania to ask him to move to the United States and build a family with her when she didn't even recognize Syngin as her soul mate.
Tania argued that wasn't an issue, and she began crying because she thought Syngin was being a little aggressive. Syngin said it just didn't make sense to him that Tania wanted to make future plans with him when he supposedly wasn't her soul mate.
Tania said she wanted to make a one to three-year plan with Syngin and start a new chapter, but Syngin admitted he wasn't totally ready to be committed and begin that next chapter of their lives together.
"I'm scared of having children and being tied down to certain things and not being able to express my true self," Syngin said, adding that he didn't want to be stuck somewhere or in something.
Syngin called the situation "complicated" and admitted their futures didn't exactly align.
"I sometimes think, like, if we know this now, why are we still continuing with the relationship now?" Syngin asked his wife.
Syngin said he was rushed into marriage because of the K-1 visa and he was feeling homesick. Syngin hoped he and Tania could find a compromise in which they'd both be happy or else "that'll be the end of us."
It was Oliver's birthday weekend in California and Asuelu took off in a bus and was missing action. Kalani didn't want to tell her family what was going on with Asuelu because they already didn't really like him, but Asuelu did return the previous night.Asuelu apparently sent Kalani three false locations to drive to the previous day in order to find him, and once she was ready to give up, he gave his actual location.
Kalani said Asuelu didn't want to talk to her once he got home, and Kalani's dad admitted he was pissed off and didn't appreciate how Asuelu disrespected his wife and daughter.
Kalani's father said Asuelu owed Kalani an apology, and Kalani's sister Kolini worried future holidays were going to be the same way. Kolini thought Asuelu "sucked the life" out of her sister, and she acknowledged it was hard to see.
Kalani agreed with her family that Asuelu was "in the wrong" and had behaved rudely, and so she hoped Asuelu would come around and apologize. But instead, it appeared Asuelu just wanted to play video games alone in their bedroom.
"Whatever, do what you want," Kalani said in frustration.
Once Oliver's party commenced, Asuelu refused to leave their room, and so she didn't even know if her husband was going to attend. Kalani noted it was "typical Asuelu" to make their son's birthday party all about him.
Kalani welcomed many friends to the party, including her pal Izzy, but Asuelu was nowhere to be found. Kalani told Izzy that she and Asuelu had fought in the car ride over and so she wasn't sure whether he'd show up at all.
"It's frustrating. It's like talking to a four year old," Kalani vented to her sister.
Kalani's family felt Asuelu was "acting like a little child," and so her father Low decided to pull Asuelu aside for a chat. Low told Asuelu that he needed to put his problems aside because it was his son's birthday and he needed to spend time with his wife and child.
Asuelu nodded his head and agreed to put on a good face, and so he went outside and told his wife that the decorations looked good. Kolini said Asuelu was just "putting on a show for everyone, which is what he does."
"Asuelu is a fine actor. I know his bullsh-t -- but whatever makes him feel better," Kolini told the cameras.
Asuelu felt good about making the babies happy but he didn't apologize to his wife. Kalani said they had a history of sweeping problems under the rug, and so she didn't really know what was happening between them.
Colt and Debbie were preparing to travel to Brazil, and Debbie admitted she was nervous because she had never left the country before.Debbie told her son that he had made excuses for Larissa before and during his marriage and she didn't want to see that happen again, but Colt said Jess was different and things were going to be different this time.
However, Debbie noted there was still a possibility Jess could be using her son for a Green Card, and so she asked Colt to take the relationship slow and listen to her opinion upon meeting Jess.
Colt could tell Debbie was not traveling to Brazil with an open mind, and he feared Debbie was going to jeopardize his romance with Jess and try to stop them from being with each other.
After 14 hours of traveling, Colt and Debbie arrived in Barra Velha, where Jess' family lives. Colt was going to meet Jess friends and relatives during this trip, and he was excited to see where Jess comes from.
Jess loved Colt, but in the back of her mind, she was upset about what Larissa had told her over the phone about Colt having "many women" and essentially being an alleged liar and manipulator.
When Debbie first met Jess at the airport, Debbie thought she was "a pretty little girl" and "very voluptuous." It didn't take long, however, for Jess to mention sex, and she and Colt were all over each other in the car on the way to Debbie's hotel, which apparently made Debbie sick.
Also during the car ride, Colt and Jess discussed baby names, Dominick for a boy and Katrina for a girl, with Colt saying he'd probably like to have children down the road.
Debbie didn't think Colt ever wanted to have kids, so she was surprised to hear that and began worrying Jess was going to persuade Colt to settle down, get married and have a child just so she could get a Green Card and stay in the United States.
Colt then checked Debbie into a hotel and she was feeling exhausted, and Jess pointed out Debbie was "grumpy."
Colt only got them one hotel room with multiple beds, which shocked both Debbie and Jess. Jess told Debbie that she sleeps in Las Vegas and doesn't work, but Debbie yelled at Jess to let her sleep and leave her alone.
Jess said Debbie was being "rude" to her and it seemed like Debbie didn't like her. Jess said she wanted to have sex but it was awkward with Debbie in a bed right next door.
"Now I understand why Larissa called me and said, 'Jess, be careful,' because Deb is terrible. She's really bad with me. Scream with me. She's rude and she's not good. [I'm scared] about the rest of [our] vacation," Jess told the cameras.
Colt was afraid Debbie was going to scare Jess off because she wasn't being "a team player." Colt called the trip "a disaster" and he had only been there a matter of hours.
Angela was shown packing her suitcase for her trip to Nigeria, where she planned to marry Michael. Angela's friend Amy was going to help Skyla with Angela's mother and grandkids.Angela was feeling "overwhelmed" about her trip because she "never imagined" she would be getting married to Michael in Nigeria -- "ever."
Angela said going to Nigeria was "bittersweet" because her mother wasn't feeling or doing well.
Angela was grateful her friend JoJo was going to witness her wedding, but she apparently wished Skyla was going to be there instead. Angela was unfortunately going to have no family at her wedding, and that was far from her dream.
Angela was very nervous about leaving the country again, and she wondered if Michael was nervous as well.
"Oh my God, I'm going to lose my name!... Oh my God, am I really doing this?!" Angela expressed while at the airport.
Angela noted this trip was going to be very different from the others because she was going to become Michael's wife. While she was "happy," she was also "a nervous wreck."
Angela and Michael then reunited in Nigeria and seemed so happy to see each other. The pair intended to live with each other together during Angela's stay to see how they would work and get along as a married couple.
Angela was looking forward to cooking with Michael and just doing normal everyday things with him at the apartment they'd be staying at. Angela called the apartment "cute" and said she was impressed since Michael had picked it out for them.
Angela, however, didn't think the bed was comfortable; she said it was "as hard as an erection." She also found a rat that had been killed in a trap in the kitchen. Angela screamed at the sight of the rat and Michael just giggled and cleaned up the mess.
"We have bigger fish to fry. We only have three weeks to plan this damn wedding," Angela noted.
During Elizabeth and Andrei's first real day in Moldova, Elizabeth was feeling exhausted while making her daughter breakfast with Andrei's mother in the kitchen. There was a huge language barrier but Elizabeth wanted to get to know her mother-in-law better.Elizabeth asked Andrei's mother if she was tired of putting out food every day, and she replied, "Of course." But when Andrei translated for Elizabeth, he claimed his mother had said there was no room to be tired because this is just how things are in Moldova.
Elizabeth said people were fancier in Moldova, but Andrei argued they're just more energized. Elizabeth then criticized her husband for being "the man of the household" without actually working or having a job, but Andrei countered, "I am [the man of the house."
"But I thought you're a hard worked from Moldova, right?" Elizabeth asked with sarcasm.
"Don't insult me like this in front of my parents. It's good that they don't understand," Andrei said.
Andrei told the cameras that he was just telling Elizabeth "how it is" -- that women cook, clean, work and raise babies in Moldova. Andrei claimed he meant no harm, but Elizabeth was clearly offended and upset.
"I don't know what is going on with Andrei since we arrived," Elizabeth said in a confessional.
"He's acting like this chauvinistic alpha male that talks about Moldovan housewives and traditional roles when he lives in America and he's a stay-at-home dad and I'm the breadwinner. I think it's too early in the trip to be insulting each other."
Andrei took Elizabeth out with his friends, and Elizabeth asked her husband to include her in the conversation since she doesn't speak their language. Elizabeth didn't want to just sit there and listen without being able to offer some commentary.
Elizabeth noticed Andrei was acting more like an alpha male in his home country, but Elizabeth joked to the cameras, "Sorry, you're American now. Times have changed."
Andrei's friend's were shocked to hear Andrei wasn't working in America, and they joked about him being "a housewife" while his wife was the breadwinner. Andrei's friend Marcel complained about how America had made Andrei "too soft" and he didn't like it.
Marcel believed the man should work and the woman should take care of the house, so he couldn't believe what he was hearing and thought America was changing Andrei.
"I already see them getting in trouble with their stupid loud mouths," Andrei said in a confessional. "I'm just hoping for the best but expecting the worst from them."
Paul said the couple's first day in America did not turn out at all like he had expected because Karine didn't like his car and Paul's mother had locked them out of her house.Paul and Karine planned to go to dinner with his mother that night, and Paul hoped the meeting would convince his mother to help them out financially. Karine hoped Paul's mother would help them because she was very disappointed in Paul and what he was bringing to the table thus far.
Paul and Karine argued while getting ready and Karine decided not to go to dinner, so he said he was very disappointed she didn't want to join them. Paul's mother Mary admitted Karine and the baby were the only reasons why she agreed to have dinner to begin with.
Once they reunited at a restaurant, Mary told Paul that he jumped into things too quickly and should have waited, but Paul said he was just trying to give Pierre the best life possible.
Paul then asked Mary for help, something that would help him out "temporarily" just until he got his feet on the ground, but Mary said this was a recurring conversation and they had been through this many times before.
Paul knew how to push Mary's buttons by bringing up Pierre, but Mary declined to help Paul because she wanted him to figure things out on his own and support his family and be man.
Paul was upset Mary had turned him down when she apparently convinced him to move to America to begin with.
"I spent almost all my savings in Brazil, so I don't have a lot of money here to make ends meet, and I don't know if I'm going to be able to convince Karine to stay," Paul said.
Paul then took Karine to a grocery store, and he pointed out how beautiful it was to her. Paul hoped Karine would realize living in America was the best choice for them, but Karine wasn't impressed by the supermarket because she said Brazil has big supermarkets as well.
Since Paul's mother wouldn't help them, Paul said he and Karine had to look at low-cost living options. Karine could tell Paul was trying hard to make her happy and care for them, so she decided to humor him a little bit.
However, Paul took Karine to a trailer that needed a lot of work and was a mess. There was a toilet but no air conditioning, and Karine told Paul, "It's not happening."
The house was falling to pieces and Karine said she would never let her son live there.
The pair then looked at another mobile home and it had plumbing with a regular bathroom. Karine wasn't happy with either of the options and said she preferred her place in Brazil.
The rent was "doable," according to Paul, but Karine wasn't happy. Karine told Paul that he wasn't being a good husband and her ideal home would have two bedrooms, some space, a kitchen and a yard where their baby could run and play.
"If Paul doesn't find a beautiful house, Pierre and I will come back to Brazil without him," Karine said in a confessional.
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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski