90 Day Fiance: The Other Way featured Ariela Weinberg and Biniyam Shibre revealing they're currently living in the United States, Steven admitting he talked to nine women behind Alina's back and wants to have a threesome, and Evelin Villegas and Kenny Niedermeier breaking down into tears over marriage hurdles during the Season 3 Tell-All event Sunday night on TLC.
The series also starred Jenny Slatten, a 63-year-old from Palm Springs, CA, and Sumit Singh, a 33-year-old from New Delhi, India; Steven, a 25-year-old from Salt Lake City, UT, and Alina, a 20-year-old from Russia; and Armando Rubio, a 32-year-old from Mexico, and Kenny, a 58-year-old from St. Petersburg, FL.
The Tell-All event, hosted by Shaun Robinson, featured the couples providing updates on their relationships after a season filled with drama, arguments and weddings.
Corey, Evelin, Alina, Armando, Jenny and Sumit all participated via videochat from different countries while everyone else gathered in a studio.
Below is what was shown on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way's third-season Tell All.
Ariela and Biniyam attended the Tell-All together in-person, and Ariela revealed good things had happened to her relationship.
When Biniyam traveled from Kenya to Ethiopia for his K-1 visa interview, Ariela decided to stay back in Kenya in order to not face people from their past, including Biniyam's family.
But Ariela shared how she's always there for Biniyam and always wants to help him.
"I couldn't stay away, so in the end, I did go back for the K-1 visa appointment," Ariela said.
Shaun asked, "Did you get the K-1?"
"What do you think?" Biniyam teased.

"Yes!" Ariela replied. "He did!"
Biniyam is now living with Ariela in the United States.
Ariela said her relationship with Biniyam is stronger now that Biniyam has seen her life in America and can understand her better.
Ariela's ex-husband Leandro then joined the conversation in-studio.
While Ariela was married to Leandro, she had met Biniyam and gotten pregnant with his baby. Ariela was scared to be pregnant at the time and had called Leandro for advice while hurting him simultaneously.
Biniyam said it was clear Ariela loved Leandro and she and Leandro would sometimes talk on the phone for two hours in Spanish, a language which Biniyam doesn't speak.
Biniyam had an issue with Leandro being Ariela's ex, and Kenny noted that type of dynamic in his marriage wouldn't work. And Ellie accused Ariela of "stepping over the line" with her Leandro friendship.
Leandro said Biniyam clearly had insecurities, but most of the 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way cast agreed Leandro should back off. Leandro said Ariela must be the one to tell him to back off.
Biniyam's sisters Wish and Mimi were then welcomed into the conversation from Ethiopia.
Wish had apparently been the one to tell Ariela that a lot of women were sleeping at Biniyam's house while she was in America for her son Aviel's surgery. Wish explained how it was just a party, but Ariela pointed out how there was a lot more to unpack.
"Are you trying to blame me for your feelings?" Wish asked.
"No, that's ridiculous," Ariela said.
Biniyam insisted that he didn't sleep with another woman, but Ariela wasn't so certain that was the case.
Mimi then said how Avi's nanny was giving Ariela some bad advice, and Wish agreed that Ariela always let other people mettle in her relationship.
Ariela said Mimi and Wish were jealous of her and jealous of her bond with Biniyam and the women allegedly tried to "poison" her mind against her brother.
"You never wanted this relationship to work out!" Ariela yelled.
As Mimi and Wish called Ariela a liar, Ariela shouted, "I never want to speak to you guys again! You guys are pathetic. You are not my family, and I do not want you in my life. You are just jealous."
"With your personality, no one can be jealous," Wish countered. "Jealous b-tch."
Biniyam wished Ariela and his siblings could get along, but Ariela said it was "disgusting" how the women had tried to bash the nanny, whom Ariela says is an amazing person.
Wish told Biniyam that she also didn't want to talk to Ariela again, adding, "I cannot watch Ari destroy her own marriage."
"Their actions are just so heinous," Ariela noted, later adding, "They are not my sisters."
Biniyam, however, held out hope they could fix what was happening and Ariela would talk to his sisters again once she calmed down.
Ariela later revealed Biniyam had opened his first bank account in the United States.
Victor hadn't watched a single episode of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way's third season, so he wasn't sure whom he was going to meet and what the other cast members were going to say about him.
Given Victor was in the United States, Ellie revealed she had started the K-1 visa process for Victor before she decided to move to Providencia -- and then COVID-19 happened, which delayed the visa.
"That's why I was just like, 'I'm going to move down there,' so we can start a life together," Ellie recalled. "And then the hurricane happened."
Ellie said her living situation at the moment was tough because they couldn't go back to Providencia due to Victor's visa situation, and Victor admitted he wanted to take Ellie back to his island and not live permanently in America.
Ellie's friend Hiromi then joined the couple onstage at the Tell-All and said her red flags with Victor had to do with his cheating.
"I'm not the first person that cheats in the world. I admit that I did it, but it wasn't for love," Victor announced.
Victor asked the cast who's never cheated, and Kenny raised his hand.
Hiromi asked Ellie if she trusts Victor, and Ellie hesitated. Ellie said while she trusts Victor to a certain extent, he has an anger issue that he takes out on her sometimes but he's going to therapy for it.
Money had been a trigger for arguments in the couple's relationship, and Ellie said she didn't like it when Victor called her "cheap."
Victor said it made him feel bad he couldn't contribute to their relationship economically.
Ellie recalled giving Victor $5,000 and wanted some respect for the gesture. She confirmed, however, that Victor does not have access to her credit cards.
"I am not interested in her credit cards," Victor noted.
"Oh I bet!" Hiromi snapped, adding that she's not sure their relationship will work out long term.
Kenny announced how a lot of couples need to learn "how to fight right" and "in a good way."
Alina attended the tell all through videochat because she couldn't obtain a Tourist Visa to travel to the United States. Steven said his marriage was going great but "trust" was still an issue for Alina.
Steven admitted he's "the worst person" in the room, "except for maybe Corey," and Alina agreed Steven hadn't changed at all even though they wed and she didn't support his "communication with the opposite sex."
Alina said Steven didn't listen to her or understand her point of view, but Steven insisted he loved Alina and her opinion meant so much to him. Steven also said he had given Alina control over his social media and deleted his Facebook.
"What a huge step," Alina sarcastically noted.
"Yes, I have been! Okay?! So that's the deal. I have been talking," Steven responded.
Steven revealed he and Alina had gotten into a big fight recently, and when he was really frustrated the week prior, about nine women had reached out to him and were sending inappropriate messages and pictures of their breasts and such, and he essentially
"encouraged that."
"And then I foolishly started sending pictures of myself and things like that," Steven shared.
"Just a selfie of my face and I was fully clothed, and I was sticking my tongue out. And I have kind of a long tongue. And I was like, 'Wow, I have a really long tongue, too bad I don't know how to use it.' And if they sent me a picture of themselves nude, I'd say, 'Wow, you're so hot.'"
Alina said the women had sent her screenshots of the conversations and so she had seen "everything."
Steven acknowledged it was his fault for responding to those messages but he has "a lot of sexual energy" pent up within himself and it would be easier if he didn't have to repress those feelings and urges.
"For some reason, I really want to have a threesome," Steven announced. "I told Alina about this nearly since the beginning, that it's something I wanted to try."
Alina said she didn't know how to react to that request and so she felt "lost and confused."
Steven explained how he tries to suppress that desire but would have an easier time dealing with temptation if he didn't have to ignore those sexual feelings.
Armando, who grew up Mormon, pointed out how Steven has been doing "the complete opposite" of his Mormon teachings, and Corey -- who had also grown up in the LSD church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- completely agreed.
Steven referred to himself as a sinner who keeps on trying, but Armando repeated how Steven isn't living up to the church's standards.
In a never-before-seen clip, Steven met up with his ex-girlfriend Vanessa for some relationship advice. Vanessa told Steven it was inappropriate when he had messaged her on Instagram to tell her that she looked really good in her picture when he was in a relationship.
Vanessa also recalled how Steven had wanted to be alone with her. Vanessa actually told Steven that she would prefer to never speak with him again.
Vanessa, who had dated Steven for three or four months, then joined the Tell-All in order to support Alina. Vanessa said she and Steven had broken up because during a trip to Russia when they were still boyfriend and girlfriend -- but Steven was allowed to go on dates -- he had sex with three girls.
Vanessa thought it was ridiculous for Steven to be asking Alina for a threesome, and she urged Vanessa to file for a divorce from Steven.
"I don't think he's going to change. If anything, I would say he's gotten worse," Vanessa announced.
Alina thanked Vanessa for being respectful of her feelings but admitted, "I can't just walk away. I have a hope that [Steven] loves me enough to be able to change."
Ariela declared that Steven probably wasn't going to change and it wasn't okay for him to have one foot in the door and one foot out the door.
"That's kind of funny coming from someone who just abandoned their husband," Steven clapped back.
"I didn't abandon my husband," Ariela countered. "I went to get my son's surgery in the U.S."
"Please, I can't take the bullsh-t!" Ariela said.
Steven said he and Alina had set up a meeting with a psychologist because he needs help.
Vanessa then cried and told Alina it wouldn't be a bad thing to leave Steven because this wasn't what she had expected when moving to Turkey. Vanessa said Alina deserves a man who will love her and put her first.
"Thank you for taking care of me, everyone. But I just already decided that I'm going to give him another chance, and that's going to be the last time," Alina said.
"Thank you, baby," Steven replied.
Steven hoped feeling like a terrible person might help him change into a better person, but Ariela suggested he's not ready to be in a committed relationship and should maybe let Alina go.
Corey said his wedding was one of the best days of his life, but since then, life has been "really bad" and "very difficult" for Evelin, who had told her husband that he's on "very thin ice."
Evelin said Corey promised when they got married that she knew everything there was to be known but she kept finding new things out. Evelin hoped she wouldn't have to face any more surprises at the Tell-All.
Evelin recalled being "upset" while watching this season back because her emotions were "so real." Evelin said she was in "shock" watching herself cry and be so emotional.
Corey said he found Evelin a therapist to help her through their struggles, and Ariela admitted she didn't think she'd be able to handle the situation had she been in Evelin's shoes.
Evelin's sisters Lesley and Lipsy then joined the conversation via videochat, and Corey's brother Matt and sister-in-law Taelor were welcomed onstage in the studio.
"I know I love him, and I wish I didn't. And sometimes that's the hardest," Evelin said.
Evelin wondered if she and Corey were just "used to each other" because they've been together for so long.
When asked how they feel about Evelin being their new sister-in-law, Matt said his time with Evelin wasn't the greatest and Corey is "trapped" in a relationship where he doesn't have much of a say in things.
Taelor also admitted she doesn't have a good relationship with Evelin, who simply didn't like her.
Evelin said Taelor and Matt only talked to her when their parents were around in Washington, and Taelor also expressed disappointment in Corey not sticking up for them.
Corey told his brother and sister-in-law that they had treated Evelin poorly, which the couple disagreed with.
Regardless of who was right or wrong, Corey said he's upset to have lost his close relationship with his family members.
Lipsy and Lesley said Matt should have attended Corey's wedding no matter what, but Matt yelled at the women not to speak on his relationship.
"Corey is not all alone, he does have Jenny," Steven announced, trying to stir the pot.
A clip then aired of Corey telling Jenny that he had feelings for her and telling producers that he wasn't sure his feelings for Jenny were gone yet.
"I want to throw up," Evelin said.
"Him saying that he had feelings, it puts me in a confusion state because he swore on his dad, who passed away... It's so disrespectful and it makes me doubts, 'Who is this person?.... This is not the guy I married... or dated for all these years.'"
Corey confessed to having made huge mistakes in his past, and both families were disappointed in him.
"Evelin, is this something you can get past?" Shaun asked.
"I don't know," Evelin said in tears. "I just feel like I can't trust him, not even a little bit. I don't want to be in a relationship like that. I don't deserve that. There is no trust. There is nothing."
Evelin called her relationship with Corey "way too toxic," but Corey apologized once again and hoped they could move forward from it.
Evelin said it's a "viscous cycle" how she and Corey make up and break up and maybe they should hire a therapist to help them break up in a healthy way.
Jenny and Sumit were beaming and smiling as a pair of newlyweds, but Sumit's parents still don't know the couple had married behind their back.
Sumit was preparing to tell his parents about his marriage during the Tell-All, and he admitted he was quite scared to do so.
Sumit's parents, his father Anil and mother Sadhna, then participated via videochat as well as Sumit's brother Amit and sister-in-law Shree.
Sadhna said she never stopped Jenny and Sumit from living together but she "wouldn't like it at all" or accept it if the couple gets married.
"[Sumit]'s mom and dad have thrown everything at the relationship to break it up. And after 10 years, it has not done that. He's even gotten married to someone else," Kenny said, announcing the news prematurely.
Jenny appeared to be in shock and disbelief, and Evelin's jaw dropped open; however, Sumit's parents didn't seem to pick up on the marriage part of his comment.
Kenny proceeded to say the way Sumit's family had been treating Jenny and the couple's relationship was "cruel."
"You've given them 10 years of trying to stop it. That's the definition of 'cruel,'" Kenny declared.
Anil said Jenny and Sumit are happily living together and they shouldn't be so anxious to get married, but Jenny reminded Sumit's parents how she loves Sumit and they just want to get married.
Amit then confessed he wouldn't have married his wife if his parents disapproved of their union.
"Sumit, is there anything you'd like to say to your parents?" Shaun asked.
"I would like to say I know it's hard for you guys. If somebody is talking bad about us getting married, it is not going to make a difference," Sumit said. "Only difference [that] will [be made is] if you can accept us."
Shaun asked Sumit if there was anything else he'd like to say to his parents, but Sumit was done speaking and said, "No, I cannot. No."
Once Sumit's parents ended their videochat, Sumit explained how he believes the conversation should be in-person and face to face. Corey and Evelin called that the right decision.
Kenny and Armando said they are still in the honeymoon stage of their relationship.
Kenny's daughter Cassidy was due to have her baby any day, Kenny's second grandchild. Kenny said it's an issue for him and he's constantly conflicted to be in Mexico away from his adult children and their grandchildren.
"I know I'm missing out on a lot of things. And I have a new family too that I'm trying to blend together," Kenny expressed through tears.
Armando admitted he was a little concerned Kenny may want to stay in America after spending a few weeks with his kids and new grandbaby. With that being said, Kenny cried and admitted that Armando was not wrong in a lot of ways.
"But I would not stay here because [Armando] is the best thing that's ever happened to me," Kenny shared.
Kenny's children Taylor, Madison, Cassidy, and Bricen then joined the Tell-All in studio as well as Armando's sister Debbie and mother Virginia through videochat.
Virginia recalled how her son's wedding was really beautiful, and Armando got choked up after watching footage of his father being supportive of his decision to marry Kenny.
Debbie and Virginia said they'd like Armando to have another baby but not an adopted child, and Armando explained how adoption isn't a big thing in their Mexican culture.
"I think I share that same thought with my mom," Armando said.
But Kenny's children agreed more with adoption, and Cassidy explained it would be weird for Armando and Kenny to have a baby who is younger than Kenny's grandchildren.
Taylor said she didn't like the thought of it either, and Armando struggled to hear how Kenny's kids were not onboard. Taylor said she just didn't want to see Kenny start over with a new baby, and Madison cried about how her father is almost 60 and he'd be "so consumed" with his new baby.
Kenny and Armando later revealed they have a joint bank account but Kenny is "the budgeter."
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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski