After being nominated for eviction by Rachel Plencner, Big Brother 6's first Head of Household, Ashlea Evans became the first houseguest to be evicted from CBS's new Big Brother house.
Ashlea, a fashion design student from Plantation, Florida, learned her fate during last night's live Big Brother 6 broadcast. After leaving the house, Ashlea was interviewed by Julie Chen about her experience.
In addition to Ashlea's eviction, Thursday's Big Brother 6 broadcast also featured CBS's official unveiling of each of the fourteen houseguests' secret partner pairings.
The seven secret partner pairs are:
• Ivette Corredero and Beau Beasley, former co-workers
• Michael Donnellan and Kaysar Ridha, neighbors
• Howie Gordon and Rachel Plencner, best friends
• Eric Littmann and Maggie Ausburn, friends
• Janelle Pierzina and Ashlea Evans, ex-roommates
• Jennifer Vasquez and April Lewis, former sorority sisters
• James Rhine and Sarah Hrejsa, a couple that has been dating four months
As part of the twist that will play out during the summer broadcasts, each of the fourteen houseguests that entered the house were told that they are the only houseguest playing the game with a secret partner.

Each twosome knows that if they can keep their pairing intact and end up being the last two people in the house, the winner will collect $1,000,000, the biggest cash prize in Big Brother history, with the second place finisher winning $250,000. If a twosome does not make it to the final two, the winner will win the competition's normal $500,000 prize.