Bachelor in Paradise host Chris Harrison has teased next week's finale and reflected on everything that just went down this week, especially between Joe Bailey and Samantha Steffen.
"Just when you think things can't get any crazier in Paradise, they always seem to. What would a Bachelor show be without a little appearance from Chris Bukowski? Every season he tells us that he's really ready to find love, and to be honest, I still really believe him, but for some reason he just can't stop himself from making mistakes."
Harrison suggested Bukowski might've sabotaged his own chances of finding love or is simply incapable of pulling off a relationship.
"There's something in him that won't let him succeed. Well, Chris Bukowski is out of Paradise and claims to be retiring from reality TV, but who knows? Life is long and Chris is an exciting guy to know," Harrison explained.
"Speaking of departures, there was the final dismissal -- and some would say, finally betrayal -- of Joe. He looked like he was hit by a train when Sam called [Dan Cox]'s name. He was so paranoid for so long that Sam would dump him for someone else, and it was Dan that finally made the strong play and convinced Sam that her life was about to fall apart if she continued dating Joe."
Harrison said watching Bailey leave "put an end to an era."
"But that doesn't mean that the drama is anywhere near done," Harrison insisted. "[Mackenzie Deonigi] was one of our favorites on last season of The Bachelor and having her here was great. Off the bat, having her marry [Justin Reich] was pretty quick, but watching them try to find out what was happening during that date was absolutely worth it."
Jaclyn Swartz was another favorite of the host. She entered the scene during Bachelor in Paradise's Monday night episode.
"She was so hilarious and outspoken on Bachelor Pad, we knew she would be a great addition to our family out in Paradise, and she really didn't disappoint. She came there to make waves and have a good time and right off the bat, she delivered. You'll love seeing what she does next week," Harrison said.
Swartz attempted to ask Jared Haibon on a date, but Iaconetti put the kibosh on that plan when she asked Harrison for a date card that would lead to a fantasy suite.
"The phrase, 'I can't even,' doesn't cover it. But this was what she wanted, and next week we're going to find out exactly how everything went down. There is no question that her virginity has been a big topic of discussion, and how people react to her asking for a fantasy suite is another interesting conversation that will continue, I'm quite sure," the show host wrote.
"Next week is the dramatic season finale of Bachelor in Paradise. You truly won't want to miss it. There's heartbreak and devastation, but at the end of the day, there is a whole lot of love."

Bachelor in Paradise's finale airs next week on ABC.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski