Bachelor in Paradise unleashed a new twist that enraged the women, several of whom nearly quit, and also featured Michael Allio making a connection with Danielle Maltby and the elimination of four bachelors during the Season 8 episode that aired Monday night on ABC.
The Bachelor in Paradise broadcast began with seven women and 12 men left in Paradise. The cast agreed the next Rose Ceremony was going to be "a bloodbath" and "massacre" because five men would be going home.
Michael, Casey, Justin and Peter definitely felt in jeopardy of going home, and Michael said this was the first time on the show he truly felt alone.
Michael said that when he asked Sierra to be friends, he was surprised she up and left the show. It seemed he had envisioned the pair exchanging roses while waiting for more bachelors and bachelorettes to arrive.
Bachelor in Paradise bartender Wells Adams asked Michael what he's looking for in a partner, and he said he'd like to find a woman who understands his past experiences and what his life is like as a widower. Michael said he wanted to stick around, but he acknowledged how he needed a miracle.
Meanwhile, Genevieve Parisi said it felt great to be in a good place with Aaron Clancy and she was no longer in her head, and Shanae Ankney said Logan Palmer was stepping it up but she had a hard decision to make between him and James.
During the cocktail party, Logan told Shanae that he was excited about her, and the couple held hands and kissed with James watching from a distance. But James proceeded to show Shanae how much he liked her by doing a shrimp taste test with varieties of flavors and toppings.
Shanae thought it was great, and she noted how the little things go a long way with her. Shanae and James then kissed.
Andrew Spencer and Brittany Galvin were also bonding on the beach, but her rose was the only one up for grabs. Casey therefore had a plan to try to steal it. Casey decided to be Brittany's knight in shining armor by telling her what Peter had said behind her back.
Casey, who thought Peter was an idiot and "d-ucheb-g," warned Brittany how Peter had called her "a clout chaser" and accused her of only wanting to date men on the show with a lot of Instagram followers.
Brittany was shocked and thought that was so disrespectful, so she confronted Peter and wanted some answers. Peter told Brittany that their conversations were one-sided, but Brittany said it was hard for her to move past Peter's constant fishing for compliments.

Brittany said Peter hit her with "sob stories" within minutes of meeting him, before even learning his favorite color, which Peter thought was ridiculous. Brittany said he came to the show "so prepared," which Peter didn't deny.
"I had been planning for this and you were just an honest waste of time. The biggest regret I have was taking you on the date," Peter said.
"Well no one else wanted to go with you, I'll tell you that," Brittany snapped in reply. "It's really funny how men act when they don't get their way."
Peter called Brittany's behavior "embarrassing" and starting mocking her and yelling on the beach about "favorite color."
Peter told the guys how Brittany had just been interested in talking about TikTok and Instagram, and he claimed in a confessional how Brittany had nothing going for herself and her posts will eventually "dry up."
When Brittany relayed the details of her conversation with Peter to the other women, Jill Chin was especially furious. The two women therefore bombarded Peter on the beach and told him that he wasn't going to receive a rose and so it would be best for him to leave.
Jill shouted at him for just trying to promote his pizza business and calling her friend a waste of time, and Genevieve also joined in on the tense exchange. Casey had clearly created drama that escalated.
"I just feel so much stress right now... Everyone is pissed off. I didn't think my actions would have that much of an effect. It's just eating me up inside," Casey told the cameras.
Casey then passed out and medics rushed over to check on him. Casey assumed his episode was more circumstantial rather than physical, and he landed on the floor pretty hard and hurt his ankle.
Casey therefore left Paradise in an ambulance, and Michael assured Casey that he had done the right thing by letting Brittany know someone was trying to ruin her reputation and slander her name.
Peter was pissed Casey had thrown him under the bus, but Jacob Rapini said Peter needed to learn about humility and respect.
"I got used and I got played out," Peter vented.
Jacob, Rodney, Logan and James then approached Peter about having disrespected the women, and Peter stopped them in their tracks and announced how he'd be leaving on his own terms.
Peter said he was being true to himself because he didn't feel a physical attraction towards any of the women left on the beach, and he screamed the name of his pizza business before departing.
"That's a big deal for me. If I'm not physically attracted to you, then like, I can't even look at you. Honestly, it sucked here anyways," Peter said in his final words.
Brittany and Andrew then continued to build on their connection, and she hoped Andrew was invested in her so they could work towards something. Brittany and Andrew proceeded to have a makeout session.
After the drama subsided, Genevieve said she wished she could give Michael her rose because she wanted him to stay.
Michael assumed he was going home because the numbers just didn't work and he wasn't about to disrupt or interfere in any of the other relationships on the beach. Michael admitted he was sad about his journey coming to an end and having to say goodbye to a lot of friends.
But then suddenly, Danielle Maltby from Nick Viall's The Bachelor season and Bachelor in Paradise 4 entered the scene in a beautiful blue dress.
Danielle called herself "a cautiously optimistic romantic," and Michael couldn't believe his eyes. Michael was so excited to see Danielle, a face he had seen before. Michael greeted "Dani" and gave her a huge hug.
"I can't believe you're here!" Michael gushed, before hugging Danielle again and confirming they had spoken before but just as friends.
Michael said he felt defeated and Danielle's entrance gave him some hope. Wells explained how Danielle is "the sweetest, nicest and funniest" woman he knows and she's also a neonatal nurse who would seemingly be perfect for Michael.
"They're the same person with different genitalia! They should be together!" Wells joked.
Danielle and Michael grabbed a drink at the bar, and Michael expressed how he was definitely interested in getting to know her better.
This marked the first time they had ever met in person, and Michael said he definitely felt something between them and couldn't wait to see if this could be something bigger. He confirmed that he was "definitely interested" in her and he's rarely that interested in a woman.
Danielle also seemed excited about meeting Michael and told him that he looked so cute in person.
The Rose Ceremony then began with Serene Russell giving her rose to Brandon Jones. She thanked him for being intentional and making her feel special.
Jill gave her rose to Jacob, and Lace Morris offered her rose to Rodney, whom she called "the apple of my eye." Genevieve gave her rose to Aaron, and Shanae decided to pursue a romance with Logan by giving him a rose.
Shanae said she loved how gentle and sweet Logan was with her, and she went with her gut in the moment. Shanae told Logan how she felt safe with him and that meant the world to her.
Victoria Fuller gave her rose to Johnny DePhillipo, Brittany pinned a rose on Andrew, and then Danielle gave her rose to Michael.
"Leaving today, it sucks. I'm just looking for that one person that can make me feel like this could be it, and I haven't found the spark. But I have a lot of love to give, so I'm hoping maybe they'll show up soon," Justin said in his final words.
The next day, everyone was feeling pretty good and everyone had a solid bond forming. Relationships that had developed were getting stronger, and new relationships were also starting.
Danielle and Michael then shared with the group how they had talked before going on the show through DMs given they have a similar history.
Danielle had lost her fiance 11 years ago, and so when Michael uploaded a post about his anniversary with his late wife Laura, Danielle reached out and offered to chat if Michael needed someone to talk to.
Danielle apparently understood what Michael was going through, and so he no longer felt alone.
Danielle then received a Date Card and asked Michael out. It was Danielle's first date in Paradise, and the couple sailed on a yacht and popped champagne.
Danielle gushed about how she couldn't hide the excitement on her face about being with Michael, and the pair laughed together on the boat and had a good time.
Michael told Danielle how he needed someone to elevate him and make him a better person. While he was excited to be on a date, he was also still dealing with grief and worried about pushing another woman away.
Michael told the cameras how he and Danielle were a perfect match on paper.
But the single dad admitted in a confessional, "I've been in love before and I know what that feels like. I know what it felt like the first time I met Laura, and it's not the same feeling that I have with Danielle. I think I may be comparing the first time we met and that spark, and I'm not sure if that's fair or not."
Michael wanted companionship in life, but he was afraid he was becoming an impossible person to love due to his walls being up.
Michael shared with Danielle how he was scared of hurting people and sometimes self-sabotaged once things get serious. Michael said he had dated two people after Laura's passing and he wasn't sure if he was running or they just weren't the right person.
Michael said he wanted to be with a battle tested woman and welcome love again, and Danielle shared, "There's a song by Grace Potter called 'Stars.' The main line in it was, 'I lit a fire with the love you left behind.'"
Michael found the quote so pertinent and thought it was really sweet, and Danielle actually brought him to tears. Michael realized a piece of Laura still exists within the love he could possibly share with Danielle, and then the pair kissed at the table.
Michael concluded how he was hopeful and the day had been the greatest day ever.
"Maybe it's the last first date of my life," Michael noted.
Meanwhile, everyone seemed happy and content in Paradise, and Lace said she was ready to take her relationship with Rodney to the next level.
But then Bachelor in Paradise host Jesse Palmer stopped by to deliver some news. Jesse said every relationship must handle adversity and the Paradise relationships were about to be tested.
Jesse asked the ladies to pack their bags because they'd be leaving Paradise. The ladies would spend the next week living at a different property while the men would remain at the Paradise resort.
Jesse told the cast if they were confident in their partners and relationships, then they had nothing to worry about.
Jesse announced how Paradise will never be the same, and then he welcomed five new beautiful women into the Paradise resort: Sarah Hamrick, Kate Gallivan and Eliza Isichei from Clayton Echard's The Bachelor season as well as Jessenia Cruz from Matt James' The Bachelor season and Florence Moerenhout from Bachelor in Paradise: Australia's first two seasons.
Victoria pointed out how the women had beautifully styled hair, adding, "Today Johnny asked me why I looked different, and I told him it's because I'm not wearing makeup. So, it was the wrong day to do that -- for sure."
"Some of you may find love, and some of you may find that you miss the connection you already had," Jesse told the men.
Lace called the twist "f-cked up" because she had "found one of the best guys possible" in Rodney. Lace couldn't believe Rodney was going to be stripped away from her, and Jill and Genevieve felt the exact same way.
"This is the most messed up situation to put us in. Why do we have to leave? What are we going to do next? I don't know what I'm supposed to do here -- cry?" Lace vented in a confessional, adding how the new women looked refreshed and "hot as f-ck."
The women said goodbye to their guys, who then greeted the newcomers at the Paradise resort.
Andrew felt it was a restart in Paradise, but Logan felt confused. While Logan was really invested in Shanae, she had been in a love triangle up to that point.
The ladies headed to a hotel, and Genevieve complained about being "pissed off."
Genevieve, Serene and Jill all threatened to quit the show and leave, and they also considered asking their partners to leave with them.
"We're ready to burn Paradise down!" Serene said.
Jill broke down into tears and eventually found herself sobbing because she finally felt chosen by Jacob, and that feeling was taken away from her. Jill wasn't sure her mental health could handle this.
"This is so stupid! Book me a flight home! I'm really not kidding. I think I'm going to go!" Jill shouted.
Brittany and Shanae also cried about having to leave Andrew and Logan, respectively.
And Rodney and Eliza sat down for a chat. Rodney acknowledged how he had been hoping to meet Eliza on the show. She was apparently at the top of his short list of women he wanted to see.
Brandon said Johnny felt pretty solid with Victoria, and he clearly had no intention to stray from Serene -- but the other men were "battling demons," according to Brandon.
Jacob told the cameras how this twist was going to tell him how strong his relationship with Jill really was.
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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski