Bachelor in Paradise featured Rodney Mathews breaking Lace Morris' heart, Victoria Fuller calling Alex Bordyukov "every girl's dream," Kate Gallivan and Logan Palmer making a "groundbreaking" connection, Shanae Ankney getting boxed out of her own love triangle, and Brandon Jones spiraling during the Season 8 episode that aired Monday night on ABC.
Lace shared with Rodney how she had been "miserable" without him because of "The Split" twist and she really liked him and wanted to pursue a relationship with only him.
"Lace is a very, very emotional person. I think as soon as Rodney has this conversation, Lace is going to turn into 'Laceifer.' Just don't give this girl gasoline or a match, please, because she's going to light this boy up," Brandon told the cameras.
Rodney told Lace how he had "a really nice time" with Eliza on their date and he just wanted to be upfront and honest with her about where he stood. Rodney said he didn't want to waste her time or hurt her and the situation was really "tough" for him.
"Lace, I'm sorry. I could've never seen any of this playing out like this," Rodney said.
Lace broke down into tears and said she understood, but she became more upset as time passed.
"I trusted your words and now I just feel -- you left me with be secure in what we have and not to worry. And now, I had to come back because it was eating me alive... I'm going home. This all sucks so bad," Lace cried. "I'm just exhausted."
Rodney apologized again and told Lace that he didn't want to lie to her or lead her on, but Lace clearly felt betrayed.
Rodney told Lace that he hoped she would find what she was looking for, and Lace decided to leave Paradise. But right before she left, Michael -- who said Lace is such a good person -- told the cameras how Rodney and Eliza were "supposed to be," even though Rodney had an initial connection with Lace.
"I should've saw this coming. I should've expected it," Lace said in her final words.
"This is why I hate it. I can't find love and I'm sick of it; it's so hard. I'm so humiliated. I've worked so hard just to put myself out there, only to get hurt again. I don't know what to do at this point. I don't get it."

Rodney planned to focus his time and energy on Eliza going forward, but he clearly felt awful for breaking Lace's heart.
Rodney assured Eliza that he had an amazing night with her before the drama, and Eliza gushed about how she had made the right decision in going after Rodney and he's "a caring and great man."
While Lace was on the Paradise beach, she had told the men how their love interests were getting to know five other men and connections were being formed. Brandon and Johnny appeared particularly worried.
Serene Russell told the cameras how she missed Brandon so much and just wanted to get back to him, but Brandon began to spiral.
Brandon didn't want his relationship with Serene to be stripped away from him, and he feared going through another situation like The Bachelorette 18, when Michelle Young had dumped him at the end for her winner Nayte Olukoya.
"I am mentally losing my sh-t, and I have been for a couple of days," Brandon vented to Rodney. "I have absolutely no power to see Serene, and who's going to be the guy over there comforting her? I want to quit, because what it going to happen next?... I'm on edge every day."
The guys begged Brandon to stay and stick it out with them, but Brandon teared up and revealed, "I'm no longer falling in love with Serene; I am in love with that girl. If I'm acting like this, I'm in love with that girl, and I know it. It's just scary as f-ck."
Meanwhile, Jill said she was only interested in Jacob and the men at her hotel were "hot garbage" and not funny, and Genevieve Parisi pointed out how she also missed Aaron and only wanted him.
The Bachelorette host Jesse Palmer then met the women in their hotel suite to check in with them. Jill said he hated "The Split" so much, and both Genevieve and Serene said they didn't want to go on dates with other men.
Jesse then revealed Lace had left Paradise due to Rodney's new romance with someone new. The girls seemed so upset to learn Rodney had broken up with Lace, and it confirmed the women's worst fears that their men may be interested in other people and leave them.
Serene started "shaking," and Genevieve admitted she felt "stressed." Shanae also started crying.
Shanae Ankney and Brittany Galvin, however, were open to dating Tyler Norris, and Victoria Fuller revealed that she was actually interested in getting to know Alex, even though she had been closed off from other men due to her strong connection with Johnny.
The women also agreed they wanted Adam Todd to stay because he was such a nice guy and hot guy who deserved to find love.
But the women were not vibing with Rick Leach or Olumide Onajide, and so Jesse later broke the news to the two men that the women didn't want them to stay and so they'd be going home. Rick and Olu were disappointed and had to pack their bags.
Victoria then told the women how she had been avoiding Alex only because she knew she would like him. Alex was apparently her type, but she cried in a confessional how it felt like she was already cheating on Johnny.
For Shanae's part, she thought Tyler was hot and sexy, but she was still thinking about Logan. Victoria told Shanae that she couldn't picture Logan flipping on her and finding another woman. Shanae even said she'd "cut his d-ck off" if he betrayed her.
Over at the Paradise beach, Sarah gushed about following her heart and how much she liked Logan.
Johnny told Logan how Sarah was great and seemed to be the opposite of Shanae. But Kate had told Logan the night prior that she could feel something between them. Kate and Sarah were also friends, and so were Logan and Jacob.
"I came here to feel something groundbreaking, and I feel that for Kate. The whole beach is going to turn upside down, but I can't not act on it, and I think Kate feels the same way," Logan told the cameras.
"Kate is special. She's somebody I can possibly see myself with long-term, so I don't think I can continue my relations with Jill. Because I feel like Kate and I have a real, authentic, romantic connection," Jacob shared in a confessional.
"We really hit it off from the get-go. I felt some butterflies, so I think I want to continue to pursue her at this point."
But then a Date Card arrived for Kate, and she shocked the whole beach, especially Sarah, when she asked Logan out.
Before going on the date, Kate explained to Jacob how she thought he was great and she loved his energy and good soul. However, she said she felt a stronger connection with Logan and needed to see that through.
Jacob admitted the situation sucked but he still had so much love for Logan. Jacob handled the news well and just told Kate to do her thing.
Logan also pulled Sarah aside for a chat and opened up about how he wanted to explore his feelings for Kate, which he had never expected or planned on. Logan insisted to Sarah their date was great and meant a lot to him, and he asked Sarah to continue leaning on him and confiding in him.
Sarah seemed upset and walked away, and Eliza confirmed that she was "pissed."
Sarah told Jacob that she felt insulted, and she cried to him about how she felt like an idiot. Sarah believed she shouldn't have to convince a man to be with her, and Jacob agreed.
"You don't get to just literally walk all over me, because karma is real," Sarah said in a confessional.
After Shanae and Genevieve were shown drinking heavily together and basically becoming best friends, Logan and Kate embarked on their date much to Sarah's dismay.
"Maybe just because that's my best option here," Sarah noted.
For Kate and Logan's date, they enjoyed a spa day and many laughs. Kate gave Logan a massage, and Logan said he finally met a girl who "hit" him "like a hurricane."
The couple agreed how their dynamic felt so easy and comfortable, and Logan told Kate that he felt very "sure" about them.
"I am too... I am buckled in and ready to take the rocket ship," Kate responded.
Logan and Kate passionately made out, and Kate said she couldn't envision themselves slowing down.
"It's so clear to me now that I want to give myself to Kate moving forward. It's such a deep connection for something that's so fresh. It's amazing," Logan gushed to the cameras.
"There's no wishy-washy on this one. There's no shrugging my shoulders about this one. I can now sit still, be at peace, and be with Kate. Right now, the potential is through the roof; there is no telling where it can end up."
Meanwhile, Johnny expressed how he really missed Victoria and cared about her. He felt confident in their romance and called it "real," and so he had no desire to "budge" and even look at another woman in Paradise.
But Victoria started talking to Alex at her hotel suite. The pair quickly realized they had a lot in common, and Victoria called the bachelor "really hot." He's apparently someone Victoria would date in the real world.
Victoria's love language is also physical touch, and Alex had impressed her by scratching her head -- not on command -- the previous night.
Victoria also pointed out how Johnny is 25 and Alex is 33, and so she thought Alex was on the same trajectory of life as she.
That night, Victoria had a lot on her mind because she explained to Alex how she's a very loyal girl. Alex, however, had set out to break down Victoria's walls, and the pair spoke about how they'd both like to have kids and give them unconditional love.
Alex said he believed this process can work and he wasn't just chasing a rose. He also apparently hated it when women compared him to "d--chebag" ex-boyfriends.
Alex told Victoria that he'd continue to pursue her as long as she didn't push him away, and she told the cameras how he's sweet, kind and wants the same things out of life.
"I want to give Alex a chance because he deserves it, and I deserve it. He's somebody whom I could actually see myself ending up with. I just don't know what that looks like with Johnny in the picture," Victoria explained, adding how she was used to living daily life with Johnny.
"I don't want to hurt his feelings, but it's so hard because Alex is literally every girl's dream. He's every girl's f-cking dream."
Over at the Paradise beach, Johnny revealed to Brandon how he was definitely falling in love with Victoria and he'd be open to the idea of an engagement because he owed it to Victoria to commit given her age and what she wants out of life.
Johnny said he wanted to find his person, and he suggested how he'd be ready and willing to take the next step in their relationship.
"I had one serious relationship in my entire life, and it did not feel like this," Johnny said. "Something about Victoria, like, makes me want to be a better person. We discussed how we don't want to go out with other people... If she came back and said, 'I did,' it's going to be weird."
Meanwhile, Brittany -- who had developed a connection with Andrew Spencer -- decided to "go for" Tyler, because that's what her heart was telling her to do.
Tyler told Brittany that he thought she's beautiful, sweet and genuine, and Brittany told the bachelor that she liked him a lot.
The pair chatted at the pool and ended up making out, and Tyler said he felt "the wow factor" with Brittany, which is something he had been missing on his fun date with Shanae.
Suddenly, Shanae noticed Tyler and Brittany had disappeared, presumably together, and she called Tyler "a liar" and was upset with both of them.
When Shanae told Genevieve how she was feeling paranoid and frustrated, Genevieve went looking for Brittany and found her making out with Tyler by the pool outside. Genevieve hoped Logan was still interested in Shanae or else their return to Paradise was "going to be a sh-tshow."
"I'm really excited to get back to the beach and see Logan. There are some disconnects, but he always made sure I felt comfortable, secure, loved and seen. I know Logan likes me, so there's no question there. He just seemed so 'in.'"
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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski