Ousted The Bachelorette bachelor David Good is standing by his belief that it was wrong for any of the show's bachelors to tell Jillian Harris they believed some of the men competing for her heart might secretly still have girlfriends back home.
"And when I watched the show and saw it was Tanner P., that blew me away, I had no clue. I really like Tanner, I really respect him, and he just doesn't seem like the guy that would go out and, I'll say this, 'break man code' and do something like that. And as far as I'm concerned that is definitely, definitely breaking man code. You don't say that to a girl, especially if you're not 100% sure that they do or not."
"You don't go tell Jillian that there are some guys on the show that might have girlfriends, you know what I mean?" he added later in the call. "You don't do that. And you especially don't hint about one [guy] in particular. You just don't do something like that."
"Man code" is simply part of his blue-collar upbringing, David, a 27-year-old trucking contractor from Dayton, OH, insisted.
"It's funny because I've never thought anything about it but it seems to be kind of a big issue. Man code is like I said, I grew in the country and I'm a country boy at heart. I'm as blue collar as they come... and there's just a certain mentality about blue collar people like us," David told reporters.
"It's funny, I don't know how to explain it, there's just certain things you do and you don't do. And there were some guys on the show -- I won't name any names -- who were obviously raised differently, which is fine, but it's just something I'm not used to it and people were saying certain things that blew my mind that you just don't say about other guys."
However David isn't standing by much of the rest of his unflattering The Bachelorette portrayal, which he blamed largely on the show's editing.
"That was 1% of me as a person and that was the 1% that is the bad part of David Good and they decided to take that 1% and run with it," he told reporters. "It was kind of upsetting because I'm a very outgoing and funny and comical person and for America to only see that one side was really a loss for -- as far as I'm concerned -- the show and definitely for me as a person. There's a lot more to me than that part that they showed."
"You know there was a reason why I got the first impression rose... [and] why the Harlem Globetrotters picked me," he added.
According to David, he wasn't as aggressive as Monday night's The Bachelorette broadcast suggested during his group date with Jillian.
"I think it was a little bit more behind the scenes that people didn't get to see as far as aggressive goes," he told reporters. "I was the last guy I think on whole show to even go in for a kiss with Jillian. I'd never tried and as far as I knew pretty much everyone had kissed her."
"We were talking about actually kissing and stuff. Our conversation before they showed that was actually about that. We actually laughed about it and stuff but you didn't get to see that part for some reason. I wasn't as aggressive as it might of looked," David said. "I laughed, it wasn't a big deal to me. Like I said, it's never happened to be before, I didn't know what to do but to laugh, it was funny. She jiggled too but for some reason they didn't show any of that. I don't think I'm very aggressive at all, as a matter of a fact I was the last guy to go in for a kiss, if that tells you anything."

Nor did he attempt to grope Jillian's breasts.
"I never grabbed for her boobs. That was the third time I had to pull her shirt up, I was trying to help her out," David said. "That's what I'm saying, nobody saw that was the third time I'd warned her that 'Hey, I'm sorry your shirt is falling down and your bra is sticking out.' I was trying to help her, I never reached for her boobs or anything like that for crying out loud."
His feud with fellow bachelor Juan Barbieri -- which finally came to a head with a confrontation at during the cocktail party that proceeded the season's third Rose Ceremony -- was also overblown, according to David.
"That was kind of blown up as well. I would not hang out with Juan if we were to see other outside [the show] if I didn't have to," David told reporters. "I wasn't the only guy that didn't get along with Juan, obviously, but I seemed to be the guy that they showed the most because I think I was the most outspoken about it but I'm a pretty outspoken person."
"That all happened really late in the night after some alcohol and it all came to a head. You know we'd been in the house for almost a month together and it all came up at that point. The things I said -- I said I wanted to kill Juan, that doesn't mean I want to kill Juan [literally]. Everyone kind of blew that out of context."
Although viewers didn't see it, the pair "hugged it out" -- at least as much as "man code" rules permit, presumably -- after the cocktail party incident, according to David.
"Juan and I, we settled it. We hugged it out after all of that went down They didn't show any of that," he said. "We didn't like each other necessarily, but it wasn't something that was a big issue. I have no problem with the guy, he's just not someone I would usually hang out with."
According to David, the show also misrepresented his level of frustration about Juan's decision to only pretend to drink his shot when several of the bachelors had a round of shots, as well as when the incident -- which actually happened before the men left for their evening group date with Jillian and not while they were on it -- occurred.
"Then [he'd] fill up a beer when he hasn't been drinking all day long and sit down with us and act like he's part of the conversation and cutting up and drinking with the guys when he [actually] never did that."
"Everybody saw it, everybody just tired of it and I was the one -- everybody kind of came to me in the house for some reason, I was like the big brother or something -- so I finally said something about it. And the finally straw was when you pour out eight shots for guys and you're about to go down and meet up with Jillian and you see him dump it out and fake it right in front of you it's just... I mean, I dunno. He was really separating himself from the group and as far as I was concerned it wasn't for any good reason, really. There was no reason to do it."
Excess alcohol was a big factor in much of his behavior, according to David.
"When you lock 20 guys in a house and take away the phones, the TV, and everything and you put them in there and stock a full liquor bar and there's really nothing else to do, personalities are going to come out," David told reporters. "Those Rose Ceremonies are very long, they're not a short process -- it's not a couple of hours. They're very long and there's drinks provided the whole time and it definitely has something to do with the way everybody acted but that's not an excuse. I'm not making any excuse for the way I acted."
"I actually had to call my grandparents and apologize to them after they watched that show. I didn't know what they were going to show because to be honest, I don't remember some of the stuff that I said because it's a month's worth of stuff, I don't remember every single part of the show that happened. But I was very upset with the way I behaved as far as my cussing -- not towards Juan, I was still upset with Juan, I just didn't like the way I acted in some of it and I had to call my close family members and say 'You know, I apologize for my language, that was embarrassing.' But everyone who knows who I am knows I'm not like that."
"Unfortunately... everyone makes mistakes and mine was in front of 15 million people so they decided to take that and try and make TV with it," he said. "They really ran with it, put it that way. They really took that and made it into a way bigger deal than it really was. But at the same time it was there so they took it advantage of it."
"For me to be like that on national television when all their friends are watching and all my friends are watching and my grandparents friends are watching it, I was completely embarrassed and I really regretted what happened and how I was portrayed on the show at that point and so I thought I should call them."
However, David says his less than flattering portrayal has not impacted his dating.
"Believe it or now, I don't know why, but it definitely has not hindered my dating," he told reporters. "I've been out a couple of times... and girls come up and I say 'Yeah, that's me' and I start talking to them a little bit and they say 'Wow, you're nothing like what you seemed like on the show' and I say 'Well, that just goes to show you don't believe everything you see on TV.' And all of them after that are 'I'm totally blown away, I was thinking you were such a jerk... and you're nothing like that.'"
But his The Bachelorette experience has affected his dating life in one way.
"I'm not looking for a wife, no. No, I'm definitely going to sit back for a little while," David told reporters. "Let things reign in and just take it easy for a little while, that was an experience."
Similar to fellow eliminated bachelor Sasha Petrovic, David views Kiptyn as one of the favorites to win Jillian's heart.
About The Author: Steven Rogers