Big Brother determined the week's four nominations only to subsequently dethrone one of the two Head of Households, leaving two houseguests on the chopping block during Sunday night's sixth broadcast of the show's sixteenth season on CBS.
Cody Calafiore worried Devin might go "power crazy," while Frankie Grande didn't really trust Devin even though they're Bomb Squad alliance members.
The Bomb Squad is comprised of Amber, Devin, Frankie, Cody, Caleb Reynolds, Christine Brecht, Derrick Levasseur, and Zach Rance.
Caleb's romantic feelings for Amber were growing stronger every day because she continued to amaze him more and more. Strangely enough, Frankie and Zach were also developing a showmance although Zach claims he's not gay and only dates women. The pair spent all their time together and often cuddled in bed.
Meanwhile, Devin was upset because he believed he had misjudged Donny Thompson in thinking he was lying about his groundskeeper profession back at home. The guys had been in an alliance together but Devin had turned on him and pitched the idea to get him evicted.
Devin, who was obsessed with playing an honest and loyal game for his daughter, apologized to Donny for the betrayal. Donny was surprised Devin had viewed him as a dangerous threat, and although they worked things out, Donny no longer trusted Devin completely.
Devin then announced his mistake to the entire house, telling everyone that Donny was a sincere, wonderful guy despite his suspicions. When Devin explained how he had played a major role in putting Donny up on the block, Brittany Martinez realized Frankie and Caleb had lied about the prior week's nominations.
Frankie and Caleb, the two previous HoH's, had told the house they nominated the first four people eliminated in the prior HoH competition as to not get any blood on their hands. Devin's confession proved the decisions were more personal and strategic than implied.
Caleb felt Devin had thrown him under the bus, and Devin grew frustrated Brittany had "misconstrued his words." Devin decided right then and there Brittany would become his next target.
Afterward, Hayden Voss told the cameras he had a crush on Nicole Franzel. Nicole and Christine then asked Hayden to be in their "weirdos" alliance, and he agreed. Christine thought she was in a good position, as she's also a member of the Bomb Squad.
Devin then announced his nominations first. The HoH nominated Paola "Pow Pow" Shea and Brittany for eviction because he believed the girls were the body of Joey's snake. Joey had previously attempted to start up an all-female alliance, which is why she got the boot from the house.
Caleb and Derrick thought it was a good idea to nominate floaters, so Amber decided to put Hayden and Nicole on the chopping block. Amber explained they're strong players with a lot of options.

Following the week's nominations, Devin promised Nicole and Hayden they wouldn't be evicted. Devin asked the pair to trust him and not talk strategy with anyone because his main goal was to evict Brittany. Nicole and Hayden were a bit wary of Devin's plan but opted to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Devin then asked Paola to throw the upcoming "Battle of the Block" competition so Brittany would remain on the chopping block. Devin told Paola that he would absolutely keep her safe for the next couple weeks if she went along with it.
Nicole and Hayden ended up winning the "Battle of the Block" competition dubbed "We Did What?" They were no longer nominated for eviction thanks to Paola throwing the competition at the request of Devin.
Brittany, assuming she was the No. 1 target going forward, insisted she wouldn't go down without a big fight.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski