Alex Coladonato, a 24-year-old DJ company owner from Staten Island, NY, and Amanda Hansen, a 23-year-old paralegal from Fridley, MN, became the third "perfect-match" pair evicted from Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part during last night's live broadcast of the CBS reality show's third eviction.
James, a 21-year-old from Sarasota, FL, and Chelsia, a 21-year-old college student from Cedar Falls, IA, had nominated Alex and Amanda for eviction as part of "Operation Condor."
"Operation Condor" seemed to be motivated by James and Chelsia's desire to get revenge on Amanda, who had previously upset the pair by telling Natalie Cunial that, should James' team win the next HoH competition, he had already decided to nominate Alex and Amanda and Natalie and partner Matt McDonald for eviction. Amanda's comments had resulted in a heated argument between Amanda and Chelsia, who had denied that she and James had ever discussed nominating Alex and Amanda for eviction.
Amanda and Chelsia's argument eventually spread into a much larger confrontation in which several other houseguests -- including Alex, her own partner -- also began arguing with Amanda, resulting in what Big Brother host Julie Chen billed as possibly "the biggest fight in Big Brother history."
Whether it was ultimately just a self-fulfilling prophecy remains unclear, however Amanda's gossip did end up coming to fruition. Once they won the season's second HoH competition, James and Chelsia did nominate both Alex and Amanda and Natalie and Matt for eviction.
Although the nominations appeared to surprise Matt and Natalie -- after becoming the week's co-HoH, James had told Matt he would not nominate Matt and Natalie for eviction -- the nomination had come as little surprise to Amanda.
"As soon as James and Chelsia won, I think I threw up in my mouth," Amanda had said in a Diary Room interview following James and Chelsia's HoH victory. "I know I'm going to be on the [nomination] block, for real. No way no."
Joshuah Welch, a 25-year-old advertising media buyer from Dallas, TX. and Sharon Obermueller, a 23-year-old realtor from Olathe, KS, won the subsequent Power of Veto competition but declined to use their nomination veto right, resulting in James and Chelsia's nominations remaining unchanged.
Alex and Amanda were evicted in an unanimous 3-0 vote in which all three of the house's eligible voting pairs voted to keep Matt and Natalie.
After Alex and Amanda's eviction, the four eligible couples -- as the house's outgoing HoH's, James and Chelsia were ineligible to compete -- competed in the season's third Head of Household competition.
Dubbed "Words of Love," the multiple-choice answer competition required the houseguests to buzz in and correctly answer which author had written various "love quotes" plastered on the Big Brother house's interior walls. If they answered a question correctly, the houseguest would get to eliminate another houseguest from the competition. However if they answered incorrectly, they would be the one eliminated from the competition.
The four men and four women competed in separate rounds, after which the male and female winners were set to face-off in a final round that would determine which houseguest's "perfect-match" pair would get to become the next Head of Household couple. However the final round became a moot point when "perfect pair" partners Joshuah and Sharon each won their rounds, automatically making their team the season's third Head of Household couple.
After the HoH competition was over, Julie revealed that with only five couples left and another one set to be evicted next week, Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part's current eviction format may be coming to an end.

"You won't want to miss this, the evicted couple will get a surprise that no one will see coming and a new chapter will begin for this season of Big Brother," Julie teased about next Wednesday's live broadcast of Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part's fourth eviction.
Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part's next episode will air Sunday, March 3 at 8PM ET/PT.
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this report incorrectly stated that Allison Nichols and Ryan Quicksall had won the season's third Head of Household competition. About The Author: Steven Rogers