Big Brother's Head of Household Paul Abrahamian won the Power of Veto and then Corey Brooks was evicted from the house during Wednesday night's CBS broadcast.
James' decision left himself, Paul and Nicole in the Final 3 heading into the final HoH competition of the summer.
The Big Brother broadcast began with Paul, newly crowned HoH, crying because he was so happy all of his hard work this season -- and being on the chopping block a total of six times -- was finally paying off. Paul said he won that competition for his best buddy Victor Arroyo.
Corey then vented to the cameras about how he and Nicole went from "hero to zero" really fast. Nicole acknowledged Paul would be crazy not to put herself on the chopping block next to Corey, so her life in this game pretty much depended on the next Power of Veto competition.
On Night 90, there was a flashback of James explaining to Paul that Nicole and Corey had jumped ship from his alliance with Natalie Negrotti. Paul also felt the couple had betrayed himself and Victor, so it was clear in this moment Paul and James were working together.
Paul told James that they needed to stick together or else they'd have no chance of making it to the end or the Final 2. The two guys agreed one of them needed to win the upcoming PoV.
At the Nomination Ceremony, Paul announced he had decided to nominate Nicole and Corey for eviction.
Paul explained it would be really tough beating both of them, so the move simply made sense strategically. James still felt like he was on the chopping block, because if either Nicole or Corey won the PoV, he'd go up as the replacement nominee and could be sent packing.
Meanwhile, at the Big Brother jury house, Paulie Calafiore and Da.Vonne Rogers got into an explosive fight. Zakiyah Everette apparently forgave Paulie for screwing her over in the game and sparked a romantic relationship again, which infuriated her best friend Da'Vonne.
Paulie called Da'Vonne and Bridgette out for ignoring Zakiyah and being bad friends for no good reason, and Da'Vonne got all up in his face and began yelling at him. She called him an arrogant "assh-le," while Paulie made snippy remarks about her having no class.
Once Paulie told Da'Vonne that she's not setting a good example for her daughter at home, Da'Vonne lost all composure and seemed like she was about to hit him. Security had to intervene, and it appears Zakiyah and Da'Vonne's friendship is over because both girls felt betrayed by one another.
Back in the Big Brother house, it became time for the Power of Veto competition.

In a game called "Cover Your Bases," the players were required to determine on what day a certain event happened. They had to run around the bases and press 1-4 buttons in order to up the count to a certain day, like Day 64, for example. First base was worth one day, second base was worth two days, and so on and so forth.
If a houseguest answered incorrectly, his or her counter would be set back to zero. The last person to answer correctly in each round would receive one "out." Upon earning three outs, a person would be elimination from the competition.
The challenge ultimately came down to Paul and Corey, who each had accumulated two "outs." In the end, Paul won the final PoV of the summer. Paul therefore got to select who goes to the Final 3 with him.
At the Veto Meeting, Paul chose to keep nominations the same and take James further into the game.
While on the chopping block, Corey made a couple of jokes, but Nicole sweetly told him in her speech that he's "genuine, kind, handsome" and "beautiful on the inside." Nicole didn't think a man like him even existed.
James had earned Nicole and Corey's respect in that they knew he'd make a decision that was best for his game. When James was asked to cast the sole vote to evict, he chose to send Corey to the jury house.
In his post-eviction interview, Corey wasn't sure why James evicted him because he thought they were boys. Corey was surprised and said he had James' back throughout the game, but at the same time, he was happy for Nicole and had no regrets.
Corey told Big Brother host Julie Chen that he'll be best friends with Nicole for a long time and they could "possibly" continue their romance outside of the house.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski