Big Brother evicted Jeremy McGuire and determined its fourth Head of Household during Thursday night's broadcast of the fifteenth season's third live eviction show.
"I knew not to come in guns hot, but you know, I am who I am and my mom and my brother and everybody told me, 'Calm down. Don't win everything right off the bat,' but I'm a winner and it's in my blood to win and I don't lose. It is what it is. I walked out with my head high. I won everything; I didn't throw anything. I played to the fullest and I think it showed, [but] yeah, I do think I need to humble down a little bit obviously," Jeremy told host Julie Chen following his eviction.
"[Kaitlin Barnaby] kind of slowed me down and made me realize some things, so I'm walking in one guy and I'm walking out a different man... I'm very stern but I'm not a bully. It just comes off like that because of how big I am... There's a lot I need to work on inside and I think I'm learning slowly but a few more weeks [in the house] and I'd be even better. But I'm going to take it all in and be humble about it."
Helen initially nominated Kaitlin, a 23-year-old bartender from Vadnais Heights, MN who currently resides in Minneapolis, MN, and Aaryn Gries, a 22-year-old college student from San Angelo, TX who currently resides in San Marcos, TX, in attempt to backdoor Jeremy.
Kaitlin -- who had a showmance with Jeremy -- subsequently won the Power of Veto competition and reluctantly took herself off the block, allowing Helen to choose her replacement nominee in Jeremy, the obvious choice to everyone at the time.
Helen wanted Jeremy gone because she considered him the biggest threat and biggest bully in the house, however, she originally nominated Aaryn because she was the most hated person in the house and Kaitlin because she was Aaryn's closest ally.
For the third time in a row, America voted Elissa Slater, a 27-year-old nutritionist from Concord, NC who currently resides in Kannapolis, NC and is the sister of former Big Brother winner Rachel Reilly, as the week's "Big Brother MVP."
Although several houseguests knew about her reign, Elissa secretly put Spencer Clawson, a 31-year-old conductor from Conway, AR, on the block despite a campaign for her to nominate Howard Overby, a 29-year-old youth counselor from Hattiesburg, MS.
Elissa wanted to nominate Spencer over Howard because she refused to buckle under the pressure of her houseguests McCrae Olson, a 23-year-old pizza delivery person from Zimmerman, MN who currently resides in Oak Grove, MN, and Amanda Zuckerman, a 28-year-old real estate agent from Long Island, NY who currently resides in Boynton Beach, FL.
Amanda and McCrae wanted to take out Howard, a mental and physical threat to their game, but Elissa didn't want to be controlled nor did she want a lot of blood on her hands. But the choice came down to Howard or Spencer in her mind because they both hadn't been honest at first about their previous involvement with "The Moving Company" all-male alliance.
Jeremy received nine votes for eviction, while Spencer earned one vote. Kaitlin was the only person who cast a vote for someone other than Jeremy.
Following Jeremy's eviction, the remaining houseguests -- minus Helen, who as the outgoing HoH, was ineligible to participate -- competed in the season's fourth HoH competition.

Dubbed "Big Brother Royalty," the competition required the houseguests to individually pick which one of them best fit each royal title read aloud by Julie Chen. For each title, Julie offered up two houseguests' names and they had to determine which of the two was more deserving of the title. If a person answered incorrectly, he or she would be out of the game. The last person standing would be crowned the next HoH.
In the end, Judd Daugherty, a 26-year-old property appraiser from Englewood, TN who currently resides in Etowah, TN, won and received the title of the season's fourth HoH.
Next week, America will serve as the "Big Brother MVP" and choose one of the three nominees for eviction. The houseguest with the most votes will be nominated but the new HoH cannot be nominated. If the HoH or their nominees get the most votes, the person with the next highest vote total will become the nominee.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski