Big Brother's twelfth-season houseguests evicted Kathy Hillis during Thursday night's live broadcast of the CBS reality competition.
Matt. a 32-year-old web designer from Elgin, IL, nominated Kathy for eviction when he chose to use the secret Diamond Power of Veto he had received when he opted to open Pandora's Box during his reign as the season's fifth Head of Household last week.
Matt had been nominated for eviction Brendon Villegas, the season's sixth Head of Household.
Brendon, a 30-year-old high school swim coach from Riverside, CA, had originally nominated Lane Elenburg and Ragan Fox for eviction.
However Ragan, a 34-year-old college professor from Los Angeles, CA, won the week's subsequent Power of Veto competition and removed himself from the chopping block, resulting in Brendon nominating Matt -- who had been responsible for the eviction of Brendon's "showmance" girlfriend Rachel Reilly last week -- in his place.
Although the rest of the houseguests are somehow still unaware of it, Lane and Matt's nominations had meant that "the Brigade" -- the secret alliance Lane, Matt, Enzo Palumbo, and Hayden Moss had formed in the game's opening days -- would have finally lost one of its members.
Matt revealed the Diamond Power of Veto's existence and his intention to use it to the rest of the houseguests when Big Brother host Julie Chen gave him a chance to make a final plea statement prior to Thursday's live eviction vote.
"Brendon... here I sit on the block like a chump, ready to go home. I'm sure you're beaming with delight, as you well should be. For that Brendon, I say congratulations -- congratulations on coming so close to achieving your goal, but better luck next time you big dummy, because I'm going to use the Diamond Power of Veto tonight to save myself from the block!" he said, stunning the other houseguests.
"And unlike the regular Veto, it also gives him the power to name the replacement nominee," Julie then added.
During her post-eviction interview, Kathy -- who had then used her own sudden final plea statement to tell Matt she was "okay" with his decision to nominate her -- told Julie she was frustrated to not have had a chance to prevent her eviction.
"It's messed up. I mean, I feel I didn't have a chance to fight," she said. "That's the way the game is, [but] it's just hurtful."
"The 5-0 vote doesn't hurt me because the house sticks together... what hurt is I hadn't had time to say bye to anybody, and that hurts because I love everybody in the home."

After Kathy's interview, Big Brother's seven remaining houseguests -- minus Brendon, who as the outgoing HoH, was ineligible to compete -- competed in the season's seventh HoH competition.
Dubbed "Big Brother Says," the challenge required the houseguests to answer true or false to questions about a series of Simon Says-like commands the show had given the houseguests on Wednesday. An incorrect answer would eliminate a houseguest from the challenge and the last remaining houseguest would become the seventh Head of Household.
Hayden and Ragan were eliminated on the first question and followed by Matt -- who appeared to answer the question incorrectly intentionally -- and Lane, which left only Enzo and Britney Haynes (the season's only remaining woman) in the running.
Both then answered the next two questions correctly before Britney won the competition when she was the only one to correctly answer the following question.
Once the challenge ended, Julie also announced that -- unbeknownst to the houseguests -- next Thursday's live Big Brother broadcast will be a special double-eviction episode in which the houseguests will evict one of Britney's nominees and then conduct an additional HoH competition, PoV competition, and eviction live.
About The Author: Steven Rogers