Big Brother evictee Kaitlin Barnaby opened up to host Julie Chen about her controversial behavior in the house following her eviction during Thursday night's live eviction show.
"Ooh. Ooh, you guys!" a displeased and surprised Barnaby said.
While much of the focus has been on the highly-offensive comments Gries and Zimmerman have made about certain houseguests this season, according to Zap2it, Barnaby was shown saying the word "n---a" in a general sense and talking about how blacks stick together and they're the "tokens" in the house during the Big Brother live feeds.
"What do you make of that?" Chen asked her.
"I mean, that kind of hurts. I'm from Minnesota. I think I was nice to everybody in that house, but I will admit I aligned with some catty girls -- some serious catty girls," Barnaby replied.
"Did you find that behavior contagious?" Chen asked.
"A little bit," Barnaby admitted.
Chen then brought to light the moment when Gries and Candice Stewart got into a huge argument over sleeping in a certain bed this season. Gries mocked Stewart's voice and made derogatory comments, pushing Stewart to the point where fellow houseguest Howard Overby had to carry her out of the room and calm her down.
"You should also know that most people see Aaryn as kind of the leader of the group, especially with the night that she flipped over Candice's mattress," Chen began.
"Yes," Barnaby interjected with a laugh.
"Things escalated quickly and it got really ugly, but you were part of it. Why participate in ugly behavior?" Chen asked.
"I think it definitely rubbed off on me. It showed some characteristics that aren't necessarily mine and it happened," Barnaby explained.

As a follow-up, Chen asked Barnaby whether she had any regrets at all from her time on the show.
"A little bit," Barnaby replied. "I think I definitely picked the wrong side of the house, but what can you do? I had a lot of fun. It was a great experience. I couldn't ask for anything more."
On a more light-hearted note, Chen subsequently asked Barnaby what the future holds for herself and McGuire, whom she had a showmance with.
"Oh, I have no clue. I have no clue. I'm going to Vegas, so we'll see how that goes!" Barnaby said with a laugh.
"And is he invited to come with you?" Chen asked.
"I mean, he can do what he wants," Barnaby replied.
"Ooh, it doesn't seem so serious on your side!" Chen suggested.
On McGuire's side of things, he told Chen last week he certainly hopes to pursue a relationship with Barnaby outside of the house because he liked her a lot and felt she had made him a better person with each passing day.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski