Big Brother's Head of Household Kyland Young nominated Brandon "Frenchie" French and Britini D'Angelo for eviction after Sarah Beth Steagall won "The Wild Card Competition" during the Season 23 broadcast that aired Sunday night on CBS.
Prior to the Nomination Ceremony, Sarah Beth Steagall, a 27-year-old forensic scientist from Boiling Springs, SC who currently resides in Fort Myers, FL, won "The Wild Card Competition" but chose to give up safety for the week in order to not rock the boat.
The Big Brother broadcast began on Day 8, with Kyland expressing joy over having been the new HoH. He said it felt incredible to go from the chopping block to being Head of Household.
Kyland, however, wanted to get to the bottom of the two rogue votes for Alyssa at the first live eviction of the season. Both Derek Frazier, a 29-year-old safety officer from Philadelphia, PA, and Tiffany Mitchell, a 40-year-old phlebotomist from Detroit, MI, had voted for Alyssa Lopez, a 24-year-old swimwear designer from Sarasota, FL, but no one knew that.
Derek F. admitted his vote for Alyssa was actually "a joke" because he knew there wasn't a chance she'd be going home, and Tiffany explained she had cast a vote for Alyssa because Frenchie had pulled her aside and asked her to do a favor for him.
Frenchie wanted it to look like Derek Xiao, a 24-year-old start-up founder from Baltimore, MD who currently resides in New York, NY, had cast the single vote for Alyssa to hopefully set Derek X. up to go home in Week 2 of the game. Tiffany had promised Frenchie to be the rogue vote as long as he would never mention her sneaky move to anyone.
Tiffany told the cameras that if Frenchie was going to blab their secret, she'd throw him -- not under the bus -- but "right in front of it."
Xavier was shown telling Christian Birkenberger, a 23-year-old general contractor assistant from Harwinton, CT, and Alyssa that he thought one of the rogue votes belonged to Derek X., but Alyssa said she didn't think that was the case and that people were trying to pin one of the mysterious votes on him.
Given Tiffany and Claire Rehfuss, a 25-year-old artificial intelligence engineer from Chagrin Falls, OH who currently resides in New York, NY, are both on Kyland's "Queens" team, they are safe for the week, and they said they couldn't be happier since they had just lost a team member in Travis Long.
Xavier Prather, a 27-year-old attorney from Kalamazoo, MI who currently resides in Milwaukee, WI, felt safe since he and Derek F. were aligned and had developed a close relationship.

Frenchie was then shown telling Tiffany; Brent Champagne, a 28-year-old flight attendant from Cranston, RI; and Whitney Williams, a 30-year-old makeup artist and business owner from Portland, OR, how he was well aware of the two people who had voted for Alyssa but wasn't going to reveal their identities because he's "a man of his word."
Tiffany didn't understand why Frenchie would even say that if he's never going to bring her name up, so she advised Kyland to be careful with the "dangerous" Frenchie.
Tiffany didn't want to see Kyland make his HoH reign "a Frenchie HoH Part 2," and Travis had also warned Kyland about Frenchie's lies prior to his eviction. Kyland and Frenchie were tight in the game right away, but it was becoming increasingly more difficult for Kyland to ignore these warnings.
Tiffany also had a close alliance with Azah Awasum, a 30-year-old director of sales operations from Baltimore, MD, but when someone walked in on the girls having a conversation, Tiffany pretended to be crying with homesickness about being away from her son so no one would suspect the women's tight bond.
But Tiffany was really gunning for Frenchie to go home, which made Azah feel a little uneasy since Frenchie is a member of her "Jokers" team.
It then became time for each team to choose one team member to send into the next Wild Card Competition. Hannah Chaddha, a 21-year-old graduate student from Chicago, IL, and Christian were not eligible to play since they had competed in the first Wild Card Competition of the summer.
The "Jokers" agreed Frenchie should be able to play and try to take matters into his own hands as the outgoing HoH, and Sarah Beth volunteered to play for the "Kings" so Frenchie couldn't win and secure safety.
The "Aces" left the decision up to fate, and so a random draw determined Brent would compete. Brent had been hoping to save his turn for when he felt vulnerable or in trouble in the game, but he said he was ready to compete regardless.
Frenchie then spoke to Kyland in private about how to navigate life in the house as HoH when multiple people make promises they probably won't keep, and Kyland was a big quiet and standoffish. Frenchie sensed some "red flags" with Kyland and could tell something was up.
Frenchie therefore stormed into different rooms and declared how he was "out" of the big "Slaughterhouse" alliance in the house. Brent called Frenchie "a loose cannon" and said he was showing his true colors, and Hannah dubbed the player "unpredictable" and "erratic."
The houseguests could feel tension from Frenchie and that he was "all over the place."
Whitney told Frenchie that he needed to relax and show his alliance that he trusted them, but Frenchie countered with, "There are snakes in the grass and I need a lawnmower." Whitney therefore said in the Diary Room she was done with Frenchie and didn't even want to be his friend anymore.
Frenchie also asked Brent to throw the Wild Card Competition so he could win and save himself, but Brent told the cameras he had no interest in doing that since Frenchie had only been making his game more stressful.
Brent noted that Frenchie's behavior actually made him want to win the special competition more than ever before.
For the Wild Card competition, the participating players viewed art in a gallery and had to answer questions about colors shown. The fastest correct answer in each round would earn that player a point (and some paint splattered all over his or her body!), and the first houseguest to receive three points would win the competition.
Brent and Frenchie both won a round, but Sarah Beth went into the final round in the lead with two points. In the end, Sarah Beth was named the winner of the Wild Card Competition.
Brent said he was "so glad" Sarah Beth was able to take that one home instead of Frenchie.
Sarah Beth was then given a huge "Wild Card" decision to make that could greatly impact the game. Sarah Beth could guarantee her safety this week, which means she can't be nominated or evicted, but in order to get the safety, she must trade places with someone on Kyland's team.
If Sarah Beth took the gamble, she would become a permanent member of the "Queens," guaranteeing her safety for the week. She would have to swap places with a player, who would then join her current "Kings" team, making them no longer safe for the week.
Sarah Beth would therefore swap places with Claire or Tiffany, but she ultimately decided to stay with her own team and give up safety as to not ruffle any feathers. Sarah Beth said she felt great with her original team members.
Tiffany, now definitely safe for the week, proceeded to plant seeds in Kyland's mind about how Frenchie should be nominated for eviction.
"If that three-headed monster is gone, all of us have a chance," Tiffany told Kyland of Frenchie.
Kyland heard from pretty much everyone in the house Frenchie should go home, but Britini suggested Christian and Alyssa were blossoming into a dangerous power couple as well as Whitney and Brent.
Kyland thought Britini was holding back information during their chat, and so it became apparent to him that Britini was loyal to her team and its captain.
The episode concluded with the Nomination Ceremony, and Kyland announced he had decided to nominate Frenchie and Britini.
Kyland, who had been Frenchie's pawn last week, said it had been brought to his attention that the only people they could trust are the original four people they were paired up with at the start of the game and Britini seemed loyal and unwilling to take down any of her teammates.
Frenchie was Kyland's target because he had made too many "false promises" and was "too dangerous" to keep around. Kyland hoped to win the Power of Veto so he could keep his nominations the same.
Britini said she was upset to be guilty by association with Frenchie but she can't help that she's a loyal player and that's not something she's about to change.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski