Big Brother evicted Mark Jansen from the house during Thursday night's live eviction episode of Season 19 on CBS.
Fans on social media are saying that Mark had one of the classiest exits from the Big Brother house of all time. In his final speech before votes were cast on Day 65, Mark said it was a blessing to play the game and he loved each and every person in the house, including Josh Martinez, whom he fought with many times this season.
Mark also hugged every single houseguest goodbye before walking out and speaking with host Julie Chen onstage.
The Big Brother broadcast began with a flashback to Day 62 after the Veto Meeting in which Jason saved himself from the chopping block and the Head of Household, Christmas Abbott, had named Mark the replacement nominee.
Jason was so glad he won the veto because he figured there would be a good chance of him going home otherwise. As for Mark, he wasn't rolling over and dying just yet.
Afterward, Paul Abrahamian -- still pulling strings as the puppetmaster -- told Raven Walton and Matt that Alex and Jason were a strong duo and Jason should go home before Alex.
Although Paul made each of the three power couples in the house believe he was working with them, his loyalty truly lies with Christmas and Josh since he's convinced he can beat them both in the end -- both in subsequent competitions and jury votes.
Paul had a secret alliance with Alex all season long, but he told cameras in the Diary Room she had proven herself to be one of the strongest competitors in the house. Paul was worried that if he went to the Final 2 with her, he may get stuck with second place again. (Paul finished Season 18 as the runner-up behind winner Nicole Franzel).
Alex, however, was perfectly fine and content with going to the Final 3 with Jason and Paul. In the meantime, Paul told Christmas and Josh to lay low so that "Maven" and Alex and Jason could go after each other.
Mark then spoke to Jason and Alex about how Matt and Raven would probably team up with Christmas and Josh to go after them following his eviction.
Kevin Schlehuber told Mark that he didn't want to get rid of him and he'd vote for Matt as long as Mark could get Alex and Jason onboard with the idea. Kevin flat out said he didn't like Matt and Raven because they were annoying and didn't talk to him.
Mark therefore told Alex and Jason the vote would be in his favor if Paul got onboard to vote out Matt. Mark pointed out that if Matt or Raven won Head of Household, they'd go after Jason and Alex next since they're so strong -- not Christmas or Josh.

Also, Mark insisted that if they kept him around, he'd remain the big target in the house instead, especially if Christmas or Josh won.
Mark then talked to Paul, telling the veteran that he's "untouchable." Paul even considered voting Matt out instead since he was going to be their target the following week anyways.
Once it became time for the live eviction, Matt announced that if the house decided to save him, he'd continue to be "an expert loser." Matt tried to convince the house that he's not a threat because he only won a Power of Veto competition that no one else wanted.
Matt added that he'd continue to eat cereal and shower excessively if he stayed in the house.
After Mark gave his sweet speech, saying that he hoped to make his mother in heaven proud this summer, Mark got the boot from the Big Brother house.
In his post-eviction interview with Julie, Mark explained that he entered the house wanting a showmance as well as to play with a power alliance, not floaters who were afraid to stir the pot.
Mark, however, noted that Cody Nickson "left and right ripped apart my game." Mark knew that aligning himself with Cody and Jessica Graf was the demise of his game, as well as flip-flopping so many times based on which houseguest was in power week to week.
Mark also said that Dominique Cooper's ouster led to his downfall since she always kept him level-headed in the house.
After his interview, Mark got to join his crush, Elena Davies, in the jury house. Mark became the third member of Season 19's jury.
The episode concluded with the next Head of Household competition dubbed "Everyone's a Weiner."
Each player -- minus Christmas, who as the outgoing HoH was deemed ineligible to compete -- was required to stay inside a giant hot dog bun for as long as possible when his or her feet only had tiny ledges to stand on. The houseguests were also sprayed with water, ketchup and mustard.
If a person fell at any point, he or she would be out of the competition. The last person standing would become the next HoH.
To find out which houseguest won the Head of Household competition, highlight the area below.
Alex and Jason were the last two players standing, and Alex dropped by choice. Jason, as a result, is the new HoH.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski