Celebrity Big Brother featured former N'SYNC member Chris Kirkpatrick winning Head of Household and nominating comedian Chris Kattan and Olympic medalist Mirai Nagasu for eviction during Sunday night's Season 3 broadcast on CBS.
Celebrity Big Brother's fourth episode began following actress and former The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Teddi Mellencamp's eviction in the third episode, which aired during a jam-packed, two-hour episode on Friday night.
On Friday night's episode, singer and rapper Todrick Hall planted seeds in former UFC champion Miesha Tate's mind about Carson, a designer and former Queer Eye star, being a huge threat to win this game due to his social abilities, memory and knowledge of the game.
Carson then won the Power of Veto competition by a landslide, proving Todrick and Miesha -- the season's first Head of Household -- right.
Once Carson used the PoV on himself and removed himself from the chopping block, Miesha named Carson's close ally, Teddi, the replacement nominee, although she had promised Teddi safety earlier in the week.
But at the live eviction ceremony, Celebrity Big Brother host Julie Chen Moonves announced another game-changing twist.
After revealing that the "MON WON" designer hat spelled "NOM NOW" backwards, Julie announced the houseguests would have to pass the hat around and the last person in possession of the hat would become an automatic nomination.
Actor Todd Bridges ended up receiving the hat last, and he was forced to choose between taking Teddi or Mirai Nagasu off the chopping block. Todd chose to replace Mirai as a nominee, and then the house evicted Teddi in a 5-3 vote over Todd.
Carson, model and former The Real Housewives of Atlanta star Cynthia Bailey, and Chris Kattan were the votes for Todd.
The "Formation" alliance had also crumbled when actress and former Miss USA Shanna Moakler threw her allies under the bus and essentially chose to be a spy for the athletes' alliance led by Miesha.

Sunday night's broadcast therefore began on Day 10 right after Teddi's ouster, with Mirai thanking Todd for saving her.
Carson felt his only remaining allies from "Formation" were Shanna and Cynthia -- although he didn't know Shanna had betrayed him -- and his plan was to go after Miesha next with the girls.
But then Carson learned Shanna had decided to go with the house majority and vote out Teddi.
Shanna claimed their alliance just didn't have the numbers and so she didn't want to make waves in the house, which left Carson and Cynthia skeptical and fearing they were a pair against everyone else.
Chris Kirkpatrick said he trusted Shanna and the pair had made a Final 2 deal earlier in the week.
"I got you, bro!" Chris Kirkpatrick said, promising to have Shanna's back going forward.
Todrick then tried to do some damage control with Cynthia, but he worried lines had been drawn and the next Head of Household competition would be more important than ever. And Cynthia did say she wasn't sure she could trust Todrick again.
The HoH competition, dubbed "Rotten Potatoes" -- a spoof on the critics' website Rotten Tomatoes -- required the participating houseguests, one at a time, to roll a ball down a platform in attempt to land it in a high-scoring slot.
The celebrities had two minutes to roll a ball down three different platforms of different shapes and sizes, and if they didn't like their score, they could roll and roll again until satisfied.
If a player wanted to lock in a score, he or she would press a button. However, with each roll, a celebrity would risk a running clock and receiving an even lower score.
Once a player locked in three scores, those numbers would be combined to make a final score -- and the person to rack in the highest number of points would become the new Head of Household.
Miesha, as the outgoing HoH, was deemed ineligible to compete.
Mirai set a high final score of 51 right off the bat, and so she became the person to beat. However, former NBA champion Lamar Odom beat it with a score of 61, and then Chris Kirkpatrick defeated him with a score of 75.
In the end, no one could beat Chris Kirkpatrick's score, and so he won the HoH key and bragged about how he "could die a happy man."
Miesha was pleased the athletes' alliance could maintain control and pick up momentum going into the next week.
But Carson lamented, "I'm so excited for [Chris Kirkpatrick] to have a big win like that because he's such a wonderful person, however, he is basically joined at the hip with Miesha, so that could be problematic. I better start buttering his potato right now."
Chris Kirkpatrick set out to do what's best for his game, even if his decisions wouldn't be popular for the house.
After the former boyband member celebrated with Shanna and Miesha, Chris Kirkpatrick explained how he was also tight with Todrick as well as friendly with Carson and Cynthia. Chris Kirkpatrick admitted that he wanted to take out Mirai, who could clearly win herself some competitions this season.
Miesha didn't want to see Mirai go, but she opted to relax and not dump down her ally's throat. Miesha wanted Carson gone, but she figured she'd play it cool for a while.
Shanna warned Chris Kirkpatrick that Miesha thought she was running the house and would probably try to boss him around, and then he shared how he wanted to nominate Mirai and Todrick upfront.
"Todrick is going to vote whatever Miesha wants to vote," Chris Kirkpatrick told Shanna. "We'd take away his vote, and if we do this, Carson and Cynthia are going to be indebted to us. We have options."
Carson then begged Chris Kirkpatrick not to get rid of him, but the HoH wouldn't make any promises too early. He did state, however, no one would tell him how to play his own game.
"There is a divide in the house. You've got Miesha and Todrick on one side and Carson and Cynthia on the other side," Chris Kirkpatrick said in a confessional.
"If I can leave them both in there, I'll just let them battle it out, and I'll just sit back and look pretty all the way to the end."
Chris Kirkpatrick was certain about Mirai being one of his nominations, but he wasn't sure which celebrity should take the other seat on the block.
Both Lamar and Todd volunteered to help him out, and so Chris Kirkpatrick figured the two men would be votes on his side, which would make more sense than having one of them be a nominee.
Later on, Miesha kept pushing Chris Kirkpatrick to go after Carson, whom Chris said wasn't a threat to his game -- at least not yet.
"If you can't take your No. 1 target out, then let's take out the team's target," Miesha begged. "And that's Carson."
At the second Nomination Ceremony of the season, Chris Kirkpatrick announced he had decided to nominate Mirai and Chris Kattan for eviction for the same reason.
"I haven't really talked any game with you guys since we've been here," Chris Kirkpatrick explained to the group. "It's nothing personal. I really like you guys as people, but we really haven't talked any game."
The former N'SYNC member added, "I wanted to nominate you straight up so you'd have a chance to play in the Veto competition and save yourselves."
The HoH then confirmed Chris Kattan was his pawn and Mirai was his target.
Chris Kattan was surprised about his nomination, and Mirai said in the Diary Room, "Of course I'm going to keep fighting. But let me tell you right now, this is a very discouraging feeling."
Mirai elaborated, "I need to win this Veto competition because the cattiness is coming out and I would love to make some of the people in there feel the same way I am feeling now."
And Miesha acknowledged she and Chris Kirkpatrick weren't "as in sync" as she had thought.
Celebrity Big Brother's next episode will air Monday, February 7 at 9PM ET/PT on CBS.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski