Michael Fortunato, a cast member of the reality series "Catfish," has died from a pulmonary embolism due to deep vein thrombosis in Hartford, Conn., MTV said.
Fortunato died while driving himself to the hospital. His car swerved off the road and hit a fence, MTV said.
He enjoyed brief celebrity in the second season of the show when he was seen meeting his girlfriend Ashley Sawyer for the first time face-to-face after having a seven-year relationship online, People.com said.
"I didn't know him well, but feel lucky to have known him at all. A great guy & even better friend. He will be missed," "Catfish" host Nev Schulman tweeted Tuesday.
"We are deeply saddened by the loss of Michael Fortunato," MTV said in a statement. "Our condolences, thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time."