Former The Bachelorette star Ali Fedotowsky has finally gotten what she's wanted for so long -- to hold her own baby in her arms for the first time.
Molly was born at 8:22AM on Wednesday and weighed seven pounds and six ounces. She also measured 22 inches.
"This little angel is not even a day old and is already our entire world," Fedotowsky told Us in a statement.
"Molly Sullivan is named after two very important women in our lives. My late-grandmother, Molly Fedotowsky, and Kevin's late-grandmother, Eva Sullivan, will both live on in our little girl."
On July 5, Fedotowsky wrote on her Ali Luvs blog that doctors said she would most likely deliver her daughter ahead of her July 14 due date.
"My belly has certainly dropped and my doctor feels confident that we won't make it until 40 weeks," she wrote. "Eeppp! I am so excited. I can't imagine what it will feel like to see her and hold her for the first time."
The couple announced Fedotowsky was pregnant in early January and then revealed the baby's sex two months later.
"We couldn't wait to find out the gender, so we got the results at 11 weeks via a blood test," Fedotowsky said at the time. "We seriously admire people who wait until the baby is born. We could not do it!"
Fedotowsky is thrilled to be a new mom, but she had to persevere through months of morning sickness and pregnancy complications.
In the first trimester, Fedotowsky blogged that she could only eat clementines and dry toast for about a month. She explained it to Manno as a constant hangover without the fun night of partying beforehand.
Deeper into the pregnancy, Fedotowsky was reportedly placed on modified bed rest.
"I have this thing called uterine irritability where I have contractions all day. So, like, every two minutes I get contractions," she told the magazine in late May.

Fedotowsky and Manno, a radio host, announced their engagement via Instagram in early September 2015 after dating for a little over two years. However, they unfortunately felt the need to cancel their wedding plans in Mexico due to the outbreak of Zika virus.
"It was such a huge disappointment," Fedotowsky told The Knot late last month. "Even though we won't be pregnant when we get married, we just didn't think it was fair to ask our guests to travel to a location with active Zika virus transmissions... Most of our friends are in 'baby mode,' and that just wasn't a fair ask."
Fedotowsky was previously engaged to Roberto Martinez, who had proposed during the finale of The Bachelorette's sixth season, which aired in August 2010. However, the couple split in November 2011.
Manno has been married once before. He wed his ex-wife in 2011 but they called it quits a year later.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski