FOX & Mark Burnett Productions are seeking "outgoing personalities who love to gamble" for their new upcoming The Casino reality show. Of particular interest to the producers are people who are gambling for a specific purpose or who have a specific and compelling reason for coming to Vegas. If you have a larger than life personality and money to gamble to make your dreams come true in Vegas, they want you. People who are chosen are flown to Vegas for a dream vacation. Airfare & Accommodations at The Golden Nugget are provided by the show.
A) Clearly handwritten or typed application form (below), including Agreement and Release form
B) 3 to 5 minute videotape (as defined below) labeled clearly with your name.
Length of Tape: 3 to 5 minutes, depending on what you want to tell the producers.
Tape Format: Only VHS (no VHS-C, 8mm or mini-DVs). You may transfer the other formats to VHS by connecting your video camera to your VCR and recording.
What to Say: Who you are and why you would want to come to Las Vegas. Do you like gambling? Show the producers; don’t tell them who you are.
Tape Deadline: January 31, 2004, but the earliest submissions will get first priority.
The videotape will become the property of the producers and will not be returned to you, regardless of whether or not you are selected as a guest.
Send your completed application and videotape (with no other enclosed items) to:
The Casino
1661 N Lincoln Blvd #200
Santa Monica, CA 90404