Jameka Cameron, a 28-year-old school counselor from Waldorf, MD, became the eleventh houseguest evicted from Big Brother's eighth season during last night's live broadcast of the long-running CBS reality show.
Following last Thursday night's live double eviction of Jessica Hughbanks and America's Player Eric Stein, Zach won Head of Household for the second time, assuring himself a spot in the Final 3. While Zach had a deal in place with Danielle and Dick that they would take him to the Final 3, it was obviously no longer necessary due to his position as HoH, and he began to question if either member of the formerly estranged father/daughter team would really ever consider taking him to the Final 2.
So instead of nominating Jameka for eviction for the third week in a row, Zach decided to put Dick and Danielle on the chopping block.
"This is the final nomination ceremony. I hate having to be in this position," said Zach during the eviction nomination ceremony, which aired during Sunday night's broadcast. "To really pick two of the closest friends that I have in this house (Dick and Danielle) as well as someone (Jameka) who has restored my faith with God, which is huge to me."
"I nominated you Dick and you Danielle for evicition. Dick, your tactics are awful; I don't like them... But they work, and they were incredible. Danielle, you have won six things in this competition (2 HoH, 4 PoV). It's impossible to win against you. I would rather at least give [Jameka] a fighting chance in this game and level the playing field because you two dominated this game. And that is so unfair. Nobody had the stones to truly try to muscle you out... Well I'm the muscle, and I'm going to try and muscle you out."
Zach's nominations of the Donatos made the following day's PoV competition all the more important, with Jameka describing it as "crucial." If Jameka or Zach were to win, the nominations would stay the same and Jameka would cast the only vote to evict, with Zach "guaranteeing" Danielle would get the boot. However if Dick or Danielle won the PoV, they would have the opportunity to replace one of Zach's nominations with Jameka and thus oust her from the house.
Prior to the PoV competition, Zach and Jameka prayed with one another in the HoH room while Dick reminded Danielle she had previously won four PoV competitions, encouraging her to do it again. The PoV competition was called "Big Brother Decoder," a puzzle game that included questions about the former Big Brother 8 houseguests. Jameka and Danielle focused on accuracy instead of quickness, while Dick tried to solve the puzzle as quickly as possible. Zach was totally confused at the beginning until he eventually figured out the trick.
However Danielle's strategy was apparently the correct course of action, as she won her fifth PoV competition of Big Brother 8 -- tying the record held by former Big Brother 6 and All-Stars houseguest Janelle Pierzina. Danielle screamed at the top of her lungs and leapt into her father's arms after the victory.
"Well, well, well... This is amazing. Number five," said Danielle. "I'm so excited. Not only was this the last Veto competition, it was the most important Veto competition. I'm so happy... it's absolutely amazing."
Dick didn't waste any time in throwing Danielle's victory in Zach's face, verbally assaulting and taunting him.
"Too f**king bad man... Too f**king bad!," shouted Dick at Zach. "You turn on us... You lost this game bitch. It ain't even over and you lost! It doesn't matter if you're in the Final 2, one of us won this game. You are out!" In the Diary Room, Dick reiterated his thoughts on who was winning Big Brother 8.
"The game is over. We've won the game... [Zach] has no chance in hell, none!," he said. "This is the season of the Donatos..."

Once the live portion of last night's Big Brother 8 broadcast began, Danielle decided to repay her father and use the PoV to take him off the chopping block.
"Me and my dad discussed this," began Danielle. "We have been up here numerous times, he did [use the PoV] on me. I have about three times as much as he does to pack, and we didn't want to pack together... You know consistency, every time we've been on the block he's stayed on and I've come off. Honestly, this week it doesn't matter who comes off and who stays on. We have the opposite vote... As much as it's not worth much for face value, I can't just sit here and not return the favor. I thought about it a lot... I do decide to use the Veto, and I want to replace the favor, and I'm taking my dad off the block."
"Ah, very surprised," said Dick.
Jameka then replaced Dick on the chopping block and both she and Danielle were given the chance to defend themselves, however Jameka was resigned to the fact she'd be leaving.
"I have been here for 74 days and I have enjoyed my experience with all of you all," she said. "I understand that everybody has played this game on their own agenda, so that should not stop tonight. [Dick], you do whatever you need to do and I'm sure that's not going to be a hard decision. But nonetheless, I thank you all for this opportunity and experience."
Dick was the only houseguest voting, and said it "wasn't a hard decision" in voting to evict Jameka.
Once she was outside the Big Brother 8 house, host Julie Chen asked Jameka if she recognized Dick's numerous attacks on her faith as a strategy or took them personally.
"I do accept that in terms of how he played this game. That's not surprising. It's not shocking. It's to be expected," she answered. "It did cut really down into my soul and the core of my heart, but you know, it's his strategy. He has to do what he has to do to advance himself in the game."
Once Jameka's exit interview was over, Danielle, Dick and Zach began the first challenge in the three-part final HoH competition that will occur over the course of the next couple of days. The winner of the first round automatically advances to the third round, leaving the remaining two houseguests to compete against each other in the second round.
The winners of the first two rounds will then face-off in the third round to determine who will be the final Big Brother 8 HoH -- guaranteeing them a spot in the Final 2 and also giving them the opportunity to decide who will join them there.
The first round of the three part challenge began at the conclusion of last night's live broadcast. Dubbed "The Bunny Hop," each of the Final 3 houseguests had to stand on a platform and jump over a moving beam as it swung in their direction, while at the same time never letting go of a key hanging above their head.
While the results of the challenge are already known to the show's 24/7 live Internet feed viewers, CBS will reveal the winner of the first round during Thursday night's live Big Brother 8 broadcast. (If you don't want to wait until then to find out what happened, highlight the area below.)
Zach won the challenge and automatically advances to the third round.
On Thursday, September 13 at 8PM ET, Big Brother 8's final HoH will be crowned during the live broadcast and he or she will also single-handedly evict one of the Final 3, determining who they want to sit next to in the Final 2. On Sunday, September 16 at 8PM ET/PT, CBS will air a special Best of Big Brother 8, which includes clips and highlights from throughout the season.
Big Brother 8's finale will then air live on Tuesday, September 18 at 9PM ET on CBS.
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio