There was no twist to save James Zinkand this time.
James was revealed to be evicted from the Big Brother house on Day 63 by a unanimous 3-0 vote after he was previously evicted on Day 35 only to immediately return to the house as part of a ninth-season twist.
Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part's fifth individual Head of Household Adam Jasinski, a 29-year-old public relations manager from Del Ray Beach, FL, had originally nominated Sharon Obermueller, a 23-year-old realtor from Olathe, KS, and his former "perfect-match" partner Sheila Kennedy, a 45-year-old single mom and former Penthouse model from Reseda, CA, for eviction during Sunday night's broadcast.
However Adam's "Team Christ" alliance -- Sheila; Ryan Quicksall, a 27-year-old college student from Columbus, OH; and Natalie Cunial, a 28-year-old bikini barista from Salem, OR -- expressed their displeasure with Adam for not nominating James for eviction since they rightfully saw him as such a huge threat.
While James had won the Power of Veto for three straight weeks, he wasn't as lucky this week and Ryan instead won PoV during Tuesday night's broadcast. He used it to remove Sheila from the block and -- looking to atone with "Team Christ," Adam chose James as her replacement nominee.
James realized the only possibility he'd have to remain in the competition was if he was able to widen the target on Natalie, so he approached Adam, Ryan and Sheila and explained how she's the strongest female houseguest left.
James proposed Sheila and Ryan vote to evict Sharon so he could stay in the house and help evict Natalie, reasoning that she'd be so stunned that he was still there she'd be unable to pull herself together in time to win the upcoming HoH competition.
"It's definitely something to think about," commented Sheila while talking with James, Adam and Ryan. "I think we need some more action in this game and I'm going to do something crazy for my 46th birthday."
While James made a valid point about Natalie, he had previously burned to many bridges with the other remaining houseguests to prove trustworthy. He seemed to anticipate his ouster prior to the live vote.
"I could say a million things right now and it won't mean anything. People are going to vote the way they vote," said James. "I came in as the homeless kid with no money, and I'll leave with a girl I fell for on national television and friends I'll have forever. It's just a game and I'm still James."
Natalie, Ryan and Sheila all voted to evict James and he was ousted for the second time.
"I did not like my houseguests. I've been wanting to leave since I got back in the house," James told Big Brother host Julie Chen once outside. "It was a great opportunity to go back in the house, but it's part of the game. You just learn to hate these people."

Julie questioned James' decision to make a deal with Natalie during the HoH competition that proceeded his return to the house -- a deal that he eventually broke and directly led to Matt McDonald's eviction.
"A lot of the houseguests said that was the reason that they couldn't keep you around -- because they couldn't trust you," said Julie. "Do you regret going back on your word?"
"I do in a way, and in a way I don't," answered James. "The reason I don't regret going back on my word is because Matt was lying to me that whole week. So I had to take care of business."
Prior to James' eviction, CBS aired footage from the Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part jury house for the first time during the ninth season. The video package showed Matt entering the jury house three weeks ago; Chelsia Hart entering two weeks ago; and Joshuah Welch entering last week before all three were shown watching the footage of Joshuah's eviction.
Following James' eviction, the five remaining houseguests -- minus Adam, who as the outgoing HoH, was deemed ineligible to compete -- competed in the ninth season's sixth individual HoH competition.
Dubbed "Glass House," Ryan, Sheila, Sharon and Natalie had to grab onto either the bar or rope hanging inside their box. The box was then lifted into the air and if a houseguest fell out of their box, they'd be eliminated. The last remaining houseguest in the box would win HoH.
While the results of the challenge are already known to the show's 24/7 live Internet feed viewers, CBS will reveal the winner during Sunday night's Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part broadcast. (If you don't want to wait until then to find out what happened, highlight the area below.)
Sheila won the challenge and became the sixth individual HoH.
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio