Jordan Rodgers' former longtime girlfriend Brittany Farrar is angry and resentful over her ex-boyfriend's "lies," and now, she has provided some alleged proof that he was a cheater.
"Instagram took down the first copy because of the song used. Here it is, with no music. The Original Rose: The receipt for a giant bouquet of roses Jordan bought for the girl he cheated on me with in Louisiana. (The first of many I would later find out about)," Farrar captioned the video.
The video showed a redacted receipt for an expensive $229 bouquet of flowers Rodgers allegedly sent a girl -- whose first name is clearly visible as beginning with a "K," despite the redaction -- to a Baton Rouge, LA address on June 27, 2014.
In addition to instructions that the arrangement be "mix[ed] with roses" and be "big, beautiful and colorful in a nice vase!", the receipt also allegedly shows Rodgers included the following message: "Happy Birthday to my Favorite Bella. Miss you. Can't Wait to To See That Beautiful Smile Again. From, Your Favorite Football Player Wanna Be Actor."
"He met her while shooting Pitch Perfect 2 (he was deep in the background pretending to be one of the Green Bay Packers - the closest he's ever been to making an NFL team)," Farrar revealed, without clarifying whether Rodgers' "Bella" reference meant the girl was an actress who played a member of Pitch Perfect's Barden Bellas a capella group or just his affectionate term for her.
The video also shows an exchange of text messages between Farrar and Rodgers on the morning of June 26 -- the day before the flowers delivery -- in which Rodgers seems to be boarding a flight home and blames "shooting until almost 1 [am]" as the reason why he didn't text Farrar the prior night.
After allegedly saying it was "my bad" and ending the exchange with a "yup" when Farrar points out his "long night" was "by choice," Rodgers then appears to text Farrar -- who says she dated The Bachelorette bachelor for three-and-a-half years -- about three hours later asking if she can pick him up at the airport.
"And for the devil's advocate I've included screenshots of texts with dates to show we were a couple when he bought his favorite Bella some very special roses. And also one of the many, many texts he sent after we broke up," Farrar continued in the Instagram caption.
The alleged post-split texts are dated a few weeks after the flower delivery receipt and suggest Rodgers had been blowing up Farrar's phone without any response from her.
"How do you not respond to any of that all day?? You really have no feelings for me anymore do you? I don't get it Britt. I can't sleep I can't eat, I'm losing a shot load of weight I'm depressed. I'm beating myself up enough about this already. Please just talk to me," Rodgers allegedly wrote the night of July 20.
"Good morning love of my life. Just letting you know I'm not giving up," he allegedly texted Farrar the following morning after she didn't reply to his prior night's message.
Rodgers competed on the twelfth season of The Bachelorette starring JoJo Fletcher and the season ended with the pair getting engaged. In response to Farrar's first set of accusations in May, Rodgers insisted to Reality TV World after the finale aired earlier this month Farrar was lying and he never cheated on her.

"Jordan, you dragged our relationship into the spotlight, and then challenged my honesty and character. If you weren't ready to be truthful about your life then you shouldn't have gone on a reality show," Farrar wrote.
"And if you don't like having your integrity questioned, you shouldn't have lied about someone who's parents always taught her to stand up for herself."
Also in the Instagram caption, Farrar included numerous hashtags to suggest Rodgers was a freeloader and insist she has plenty of additional proof of her claims.
"#FromYourFavoriteFootballPlayer('s brother) #ExpensiveBouquet #NowIKnowWhyYouNeverHelpedWithRent #NotHisFaultCutFromPracticeSquads #DrivingHisBrothersTruck #GoodThingTheRingWasFree #NeilLane #TheBachelorette #FameGoalsAcheived #YourChoiceIfThisIsMyLastPost #IveGotLotsMoreProof #DontCoverMyPeepholeAgain," Farrar vented.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski