Lydia Tavera became the seventh houseguest evicted from Big Brother's eleventh season during last night's live broadcast of the CBS reality show.
Jordan won HoH during a special Saturday evening competition after Chima Simone was expelled from the Big Brother house for multiple rules violations, and she subsequently nominated Lydia and Natalie Martinez, a 24-year-old Tae Kwon Do champion from Gilbert, AZ, for eviction.
Since Lydia and Natalie were in an alliance with Kevin Campbell, a 29-year-old graphic designer from Chula Vista, CA, the three quickly realized that they needed to shift the focus and break up the house's other alliance of Jordan; Jeff Schroeder, a 30-year-old advertising salesman from Norridge, IL; Michele Noonan, a 27-year-old neuroscientist from Pasadena, CA; and Russell Kairouz, a 24-year-old mixed martial arts fighter from Walnut Creek, CA.
Kevin, Lydia and Natalie fabricated a story about how Kevin had overheard Russell telling Michele that he was gunning for Jeff.
"Because both of my allies are on the block, one of them will go home unless we come up with this lie to convince Jeff and Jordan that Russell's out to get them, and they would put Russell up if one of us wins the veto," explained Kevin in a Diary Room confessional.
Jeff seemed to take the bait and confided in Jordan about what Kevin had told him.
"If somebody wins the PoV, there's a chance we might backdoor Russell this week," Jeff told Jordan in the HoH room.
However Jordan subsequently won the PoV competition that aired live during last night's broadcast and decided to keep her original nominees on the block.
The houseguests then voted live -- with Jeff, Russell and Michele voting to evict Lydia and Kevin voting to oust Natalie.
Upon exiting the Big Brother house, host Julie Chen asked Lydia why she said goodbye to Kevin and snubbed everyone else.
"Kevin is my true sugar bear. He's my best friend in the house, and he's the only person I want to see win this game," answered Lydia. "Everyone else can kick rocks."
Julie then asked Lydia about her bonding with Natalie -- whom she had previously disliked since both were fighting for the affection of previously evicted houseguest Jessie Godderz.

"Yeah, that was tough," said Lydia about befriending Natalie. "I got a kid sister I really didn't want. It's kind of like that playful puppy dog and I'm like this old wolf being like, 'Leave me alone. I want to sleep, I want to do my hair and makeup. I don't want to play badminton with you.'"
Based on Lydia's final plea to stay in the house -- which wasn't much of a plea at all -- Julie asked if Lydia had basically quit the competition before being evicted.
"Did you see me flip a table? My hair's pink now. I'm in a unitard. I don't want to sit in the house," she replied. "I got a best friend out of it and I got the experience of a lifetime, so what else could I ask for?"
Julie then asked about Chima, who was one of Lydia's allies in the house.
"I do feel like Chima did kind of give us the short end of the stick," answered Lydia.
"Her leaving meant the game changed in a way we've never known or seen, so we couldn't assess what would happen. And I do feel like having that strong female in the house just gone weakened me and made me want to kind of give up in a way. So I feel like Chima kind of gave us a slap in the face. I'm disappointed because I think she could have toughed it out."
Although she had initially spent several days mourning Jessie's departure and asking her fellow houseguests to vote her out next so that she could reunite with him, Lydia also told Julie that she recently changed her opinion of him after learning the details of Natalie's own relationship with him. Lydia will now be alone with Jessie in the Jury House until next week's eviction.
"He's going to need ice packs," Lydia warned Jessie. "He played Natalie and myself like a fiddle. It's time to pay the big piper."
Following Lydia's eviction, the six remaining houseguests -- minus Jordan, who as the outgoing HoH, was deemed ineligible to compete -- competed in the season's next HoH competition.
Dubbed "Can Do," each houseguest would have to deposit empty soda cans into their individual recycling tubes below a platform they were standing on. The first houseguest to stack 24 cans into their tubes -- or the houseguest with the most cans in their tubes at the end of the hour -- would win HoH.
While the results of the challenge are already known to the show's 24/7 live Internet feed viewers, CBS will reveal the winner during Sunday night's Big Brother 11 broadcast. (If you don't want to wait until then to find out what happened, highlight the area below.)
Jeff won the challenge and became the eighth HoH.
Big Brother 11's next episode will air Sunday, August 30 at 8PM ET/PT on CBS.
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio