Matt McDonald, a 23-year-old roofing foreman from Charlestown, MA, became the third individual houseguest evicted from Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part during last night's live broadcast of the CBS reality show.
Matt was a replacement nominee after James had originally nominated Ryan Quicksall, a 27-year-old college student from Columbus, OH, and Sheila Kennedy, a 45-year-old single mom and former Penthouse model from Reseda, CA, for eviction during Sunday night's broadcast.
However James -- who was evicted during last Wednesday night's live broadcast only to be immediately brought back as part of a ninth-season twist -- also won this week's Power of Veto competition.
When James subsequently learned Matt was against bringing him back into the competition -- he back-doored Matt, taking Sheila off the block.
"Matt is on the block because he lied to my face about being the third vote when I got back into the house," said James. "And he's going to go home because of it."
After initially pouting around the Big Brother house after being back-doored, Matt eventually took the advice of his ally Adam Jasinski, a 29-year-old public relations manager from Del Ray Beach, FL, and began to try to sway the vote in his favor.
It almost worked, as he --not surprisingly -- had the votes of his former "perfect-match" partner Natalie Cunial, a 28-year-old bikini barista from Salem, OR, Sheila and Adam.
Matt also attempted to sway James; Sharon Obermueller, a 23-year-old realtor from Olathe, KS; Chelsia Hart, a 21-year-old college student from Cedar Falls, IA; and Joshuah Welch, a 25-year-old advertising media buyer from Dallas, TX. He pointed out that Ryan had previously done all of them wrong, having back-doored James while also nominating both Chelsea and Sharon for eviction.
During last night's live broadcast, Natalie, Sheila and Adam voted to evict Ryan; while Sharon, Chelsia and Joshuah voted to boot Matt.
The tie-breaker vote went to the HoH James, who opted to finish the back-door move and evict Matt.
"Matt you look devastated," said Big Brother host Julie Chen once Matt had left the house.
"I am. I honestly am devastated," answered Matt. "I thought I pulled through with the votes -- apparently I didn't. James just convicted the wrong man of a crime. I didn't put him on the block and I didn't back-door him last week. I voted to get him out but... wrongfully accused."

Julie wondered why Matt didn't campaign any harder with James, knowing he'd be the deciding vote if there was a tie.
"I tried to campaign to him," replied Matt. "Talking to that kid's like talking to a wall. He was my arch nemesis in the house -- everybody knew it -- I tried to cut a deal with him, and obviously we see where I'm sitting right now."
Following Matt's eviction, the seven remaining houseguests -- minus James, who as the outgoing HoH, was deemed ineligible to compete -- competed in the ninth season's third individual HoH competition.
Dubbed "En Garde," the houseguests would face off two at a time and answer questions about statements evicted houseguests said in the Diary Room. The player who buzzed in first and answered correctly stayed in the game, while their opponent would be eliminated. The person who remained chose the next two houseguests to compete. Last houseguest standing would win HoH.
Adam won the challenge and became HoH for the first time.
"I got to nominate two people -- but other than that -- I'm extremely ecstatic that I won," said Adam.
Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part's next episode will air Sunday, March 23 at 8PM ET/PT on CBS. In addition, Julie revealed Big Brother eighth-season winner Dick "Evel Dick" Donato will also appear during the Tuesday, March 25 broadcast to "give the houseguests a wake up call they won't soon forget."
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio