Monet Stunson became the second houseguest evicted from Big Brother's twelfth season during last night's live broadcast of the CBS reality show.
Rachel, a 26-year-old chemistry graduate student and VIP cocktail waitress from Las Vegas, NV, had originally nominated Monet for eviction alongside Britney Haynes, Monet's only ally in the house. However Britney, a 22-year-old hotel sales manager from Huntington, AR, won the subsequent Power of Veto competition and took herself off the block, resulting in Rachel nominating Matt Hoffman in her place.
Matt, a 32-year-old web designer from Elgin, IL, secretly volunteered to be nominated after Rachel and her "showmance" ally Brendon Villegas told him that they were considering nominating Andrew Gordon in Britney's place but were worried Andrew's outsider status might result in Monet -- Rachel's true target -- somehow managing to survive eviction.
"I get the trust of Brendon and Rachel and on the other hand, I am the hero of the Brigade," Matt boasted afterwards, referring to his secret alliance with fellow houseguests Lane Elenburg, Hayden Moss, and Enzo Palumbo.
However Rachel was immediately suspicious of Matt's motives and the pair ended up clashing after Rachel learned Matt was telling the other houseguests he was surprised by his nomination and would be seeking revenge and Rachel decided that -- even though he had previously told her that's what he was going to do -- Matt wasn't just feigning his anger.
"I was pissed... so I decided that the best thing to do was to call a house meeting and get some answers," Rachel explained.
Rachel revealed that Matt had actually offered himself up as a pawn to ensure Monet's eviction during the meeting, however it didn't seem to have much impact on the other houseguests' opinions of him -- or get Rachel her answers.
"I don't think those were my exact words," Matt insisted. "I felt strong-armed by the two of you."
"We did not bully anyone... every time you've come and said, 'Put me up, put me up.' I felt like you were pressuring me," Rachel replied, effectively turning the meeting into a he-said, she-said argument.
In the end, both sides claimed victory.
"You can say what you want man, you got busted -- it's open!" Brendon replied. "You were trying to play both sides."
"What side am I playing? Does anyone here have an alliance with me? Does anyone here have an alliance with me?" Matt asked as his "Brigade" allies and the rest of the houseguests all sat silent.

After her eviction, Monet said she had expected to be evicted even after Matt's argument with Rachel.
"I said my goodbyes last night to the people that I knew 100% that I had their vote," she told Big Brother host Julie Chen. "So I told [Kathy Hillis] and Britney goodbye last night and this morning."
In addition, Monet acknowledged her decision to go for a $10,000 cash prize -- which she ended up getting -- during the season's initial challenge probably played a role in the houseguests' decision to vote her out.
"I think that's part of it, because I said coming into the game I never wanted to win a prize, and not that early on," she said. "And I think for a lot of the houseguests, it was kind of a cop-out, it was an easy out."
"But when I look at it, ten grand -- that's more than what three other people are going to walk away with and I have the rest of my summer ahead of me!" she gushed, apparently still unaware that CBS will be sequestering her following her eviction.
Following Monet's interview, the 11 remaining houseguests -- minus Rachel, who as the outgoing HoH, was ineligible to compete -- competed in the season's third HoH competition.
Dubbed "Hang 10," the endurance challenge required the houseguests to each continue standing on mounted surfboards as the boards moved and water poured down on them. The last remaining houseguest would become the third Head of Household while the four closest runner-ups would become the "Have Nots" and be forced to eat slop, take cold showers, and sleep in the sparsely furnished "Have Nots" bedroom during the upcoming week.
While the results of the challenge are already known to the show's 24/7 live Internet feed viewers, CBS will reveal the winner during Sunday night's Big Brother broadcast. (If you don't want to wait until then to find out what happened, highlight the area below.)
Big Brother's next episode will air Sunday, July 25 at 8PM ET/PT on CBS.
About The Author: Steven Rogers