Paul Abrahamian would win Big Brother if pre-jury evictees Ramses Soto, Jessica Graf, and Cameron Heard were voting in the live finale of Season 19.
This group will vote to determine whether Paul, Christmas Abbott or Josh Martinez should be crowned champion depending on which two players make it to the end, but according to a few early evictees, Paul is the houseguest most likely -- or the most deserving -- to take home the $500,000 grand prize on September 20.
"Paul has it in the bag... I don't think the jury will be bitter towards Paul," Ramses told The Hollywood Reporter of the returning player who arguably orchestrated most of the blindsides and betrayals this season, such as Jason Dent and Alex Ow's departures.
"I see them being extremely bitter towards Josh."
Josh, on the other hand, rubbed many of his fellow houseguests the wrong way, especially Jessica, Cody and Mark.
Josh became known for banging pots and pans in people's faces while yelling insults at them. Some viewers at home went as far as to call Josh a bully, but Paul also received heat for treating some of the players poorly in the game.
"It's looking like Josh and Paul are going to be Final 2. I would give Paul my vote. Paul played the best game," Jessica explained to The Reporter.
Paul finished as the runner-up behind Nicole Franzel on Big Brother's eighteenth edition last summer.
"But I don't think [Paul]'s strategy would have worked if he was in a house with any different cast," Jessica added.
"If he wasn't surrounded by people who were star-struck by him, he wouldn't have been as great as he was. He got really lucky. Comparing him to people like [Dr. Will Kirby] and [Janelle Pierzina] is just horse crap."
Jessica apparently hopes Paul and Josh make it to the Final 2 together because she "can't stand" Christmas and wants to forget that she even exists, along with Alex Ow and Raven Walton.
"It would be such good television if Josh cut Paul at the end. Paul getting third place would be insane. Because everyone is such a beta this season, they need to follow somebody and Cody is the alpha [in the jury house]," Jessica explained.

"So when everyone goes to jury, they're going to look for another leader, and Cody has the ability to swing the votes whichever way he wants. But I don't foresee Cody ever voting for Josh to win it. Paul's going to win. Nobody else deserves it. I'm rolling my eyes having to say it."
And Cameron, the first player evicted from the game this season, agrees with Jessica's sentiments.
"I would vote on who played the best game. The only person that would get my vote is Paul," Cameron revealed to The Reporter.
"He has been playing hard ever since he walked into the game... I don't see a way that Paul is in the Final 3 and doesn't win. I don't think this year will be a bitter jury. He has played a hell of a game being the only vet with a massive target and made it all the way to the end."
Cameron said he couldn't believe how many floaters, or followers, there were on Season 19.
"I'm surprised by the lack of gameplay this season! Everyone's game plan was to see what Paul wanted to do and fall in line. I thought $500,000 would be motivation for everyone to try and be the last person standing in the game, but everyone was fine with coming in second," Cameron said.
Fellow evicted houseguest, Jillian Parker, also told The Reporter that she hopes Josh or Christmas doesn't throw his or her jury speech to Paul as well.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski