Renny Martyn became the ninth houseguest evicted from Big Brother's tenth season during last night's live broadcast of the CBS reality show.
Renny was placed on the chopping block as a replacement nominee by the competition's eighth Head of Household Jerry MacDonald, a married 75-year-old former Marine and retired marketing executive from Magnolia, TX.
After last Thursday night's live double eviction saw Jerry's two remaining allies -- Michelle Costa and Bryan Ollie -- get the boot, he was facing an obviously tough task heading into the subsequent HoH competition.
However he was able to defeat Renny; Dan Gheesling, a single 24-year-old Catholic high school teacher from Dearborn, MI; and Robert "Memphis" Garrett, a single 25-year-old mixologist and party planner from Los Angeles, CA during the HoH competition that aired during Sunday night's episode.
Jerry then nominated Dan and Keesha Smith, a single 29-year-old Hooters waitress from Burbank, CA, for eviction -- but he made it clear that Dan was his target and Keesha was simply a pawn.
Memphis took the opportunity to strengthen his "Renegades" alliance with Dan while also sealing a separate alliance with Keesha and forming a new one with Jerry -- all of which envisioned Memphis going to the Final 2 with each.
"All my deals are good to go," Memphis said after getting his ducks lined up in a row. "Only time will tell who I take to the Final 2."
Since Renny was the only remaining houseguest Memphis didn't strike a deal with, he quickly began to consider her a threat and knew she would have to be Jerry's replacement nominee if he won the upcoming Power of Veto competition and took Dan off the block.
"If I could get rid of Renny this week, I would be sitting pretty," said Memphis.
Memphis then claimed PoV during Tuesday night's broadcast and ultimately decided to use it on Dan, keeping his "Renegades" alliance intact and forcing Jerry to nominate Renny. Memphis also made it known where his true allegiances were.
"I don't trust anybody any more than I do Dan," said Memphis. "Me and Dan have a deal to the end."
"The veto meeting sucked today. Memphis can kiss my ass," said Renny. "He wanted to split up Keesha and I. I'm on the block with a friend. I'm not going to campaign against Keesha."
Despite their Final 2 pact, Jerry felt betrayed by Memphis' use of the PoV and brought Keesha up to the HoH room. He told her that Memphis' use of the PoV should show them that his true loyalties lay with Dan.

"It's obvious they're playing to the end," Jerry told Keesha. "I just want you to stay in the game... If we don't break them up, I don't see a chance. It's that simple. I think you're going to find that Memphis has an agreement with everybody."
Renny only watered the seed Jerry had planted in Keesha's mind by confirming she also felt Dan and Memphis were in it together until the Final 2.
Meanwhile Jerry asked Dan for a spot in the Final 3 since he was his best shot at the $500,000 prize -- pointing out neither Memphis or Dan could beat Renny or Keesha. Dan immediately went to Keesha and told her about his conversation with Jerry.
Keesha then told Memphis what Jerry had said about Memphis having a deal with everybody in the house, and Memphis could only hope she didn't buy it.
"If Keesha believed Jerry, it's a bad thing for me and Dan," he said.
Prior to the broadcast's live voting, Keesha and Renny were each given one last chance to state their case for remaining in the house.
"Well guys it's been a long journey. I never thought I'd make it this far. But I'm going to tell you I am a fighter -- I'm a survivor of unimaginable grief that you don't know," said Renny. "I'm very proud to come this far... If I wouldn't be a fighter and fight for myself right now, I'd be doing my kids an injustice. So this is a journey. It will change your life... You have to take with you the person that you feel you can win against."
Both Memphis and Dan voted to evict Renny, who gathered her belongings and exited the house before being met by host Julie Chen and a live studio audience.
"I thought earlier in the game Keesha and I would be put up on the block together because we were friends. But we came a long way."
Prior to the live portion of last night's Big Brother 10 broadcast commencing, Big Brother also aired its first footage of the tenth-season jury house.
The highlights included April Downing arriving two weeks ago and being met by Libra Thompson before Michelle and Ollie joined them last week. Michelle immediately told April and Libra that she was "backdoored" and Ollie confirmed his romantic feelings for April were real.
Following Renny's eviction, the four remaining houseguests -- minus Jerry, who as the outgoing HoH, was deemed ineligible to compete -- competed in the next HoH competition.
Dubbed "Freeze Frame," the houseguests had to answer seven true/false questions based on previous challenges. The houseguest who answered the most would win HoH.
Dan answered all seven questions correctly and claimed HoH.
Big Brother 10's next episode will air Sunday, September 7 at 8PM ET/PT on CBS.
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio