DeAnna Pappas refused to make the same mistake as Brad Womack and thus rejected both of her two-on-one date suitors before sending another home during the impending Rose Ceremony -- as the 26-year-old Neunan, GA real estate agent continued her journey to find true love via last night's The Bachelorette fourth-season episode on ABC.
"When I arrived here and met DeAnna, I was open to finding love, having a family together, nurturing children, and just loving each other and loving our lives together," said Brian after his ouster.
"She's a wonderful girl. She's beautiful, she's thoughtful, she's self-assured. She and I both had a spark together. But I was stuck down with the guys the entire time [in the bunkhouse]. So I bonded with them immediately. That may have been what prevented me from getting a rose today -- she saw me as being here just to have fun and enjoy the experience, not the guy who was here in order to find love. That's too bad because I think it would have behooved DeAnna to get to know me better."
The Bachelorette's fourth fourth-season episode began with the nine remaining suitors meeting host Chris Harrison, who explained that DeAnna would have a rose to present on each of the upcoming dates -- a group date, a one-on-one date and a two-on-one date.
The suitors who received a rose would be safe from elimination at the upcoming Rose Ceremony, however if a bachelor failed to receive a rose on the one-on-one or two-on-one date, he would be immediately eliminated.
Since Robert, Fred and Jason, a 31-year-old account executive from Kirkland, WA, received roses on the previous episode's dates, they'd be shacking up with DeAnna instead of staying in the bachelor-described "outhouse" with the others.
The one-on-one date would be first, and Chris explained that the bachelor who got to accompany DeAnna on it would have to earn the right to do so. Each suitor would write an original song for DeAnna before having to perform it for her. Once all the bachelors performed she would choose her favorite and take him on the one-on-one date.
The suitors quickly got to work with mixed feelings -- as Brian was excited to put his feelings into words while Sean, a 33-year-old martial arts master from Crestwood, KY, commented he'd rather be digging his own grave.
DeAnna eventually arrived at the outhouse and the bachelors all took turns performing their songs. Highlights included Fred singing to a soft clap with a Chicago twang; Jesse, a 25-year-old professional snowboarder from Breckenridge, CO, offering a disclaimer about the quality of his singing ability before getting on bended knee and holding DeAnna's hand while he crooned to her; and Brian singing an emotional ballad titled "The House of My Pain."
DeAnna said it was a "pretty hard" decision. While she enjoyed Robert's singing skills and was "really touched" by Sean's song, she presented the one-on-one date to Jesse.
"I was very touched by his song and I really liked the way he put himself out there," explained DeAnna. "He got down in front of my chair on his knees and held my hand while he was singing his song to me."
Jesse said he was "nervous" for that night's one-on-one date since it required he wear formal attire, something that is "out of the box" for him. As the two rode in the limousine, DeAnna described Jesse as an awesome friend who's a lot of fun but she was also eager to see if he was more than that.

The two eventually arrived at Los Angeles' Wiltern Theatre, where DeAnna had a love note for Jesse written on the marquee. Once inside, DeAnna made Jesse perform his original song once again on the theatre's stage, however she was the only audience member. Jesse said he felt "connected" with DeAnna and knew he needed to step up his game, which he did as they conversed over dinner.
"It's as real as real can be," Jesse told DeAnna about his feelings for her.
DeAnna explained she isn't typically attracted to guys like Jesse but could tell on the first night they met that the two had a connection. With the date winding down, Jesse was blunt and asked if she planned on giving him the rose so he would have the opportunity to spend more time with her. She then presented him the rose.
"I gave Jesse the rose because there's something so comfortable about him, something so easy," explained DeAnna. "I don't feel pressured to try and have a relationship with him."
Singer Natasha Bedingfield then serenaded the couple as they danced.
"I felt swept away," said Jesse about the date.
While the two were gone, Brian; Twilley, a 33-year-old software programmer from Tulsa, OK; Sean; Jeremy, a 30-year-old real estate attorney from Dallas, TX; Graham, a 29-year-old professional basketball player from Raleigh, NC; and Jason learned they'd be accompanying DeAnna on the group date -- meaning Fred and Robert were going on the two-on-one.
"I think he is a good personality like myself, it's a little tough," said Fred on Robert. "But I've got to worry about myself and the impression I can make upon DeAnna. The connection is getting there, so this is a big opportunity. Obviously, bottom line is somebody is going home."
Brian went 140 MPH; Jason traveled 138.77 MPH; Graham topped out at 136.91 MPH; Jeremy went 129.93 MPH; Twilley traveled 140.59 MPH; and Sean went 141.11 MPH -- claiming the challenge victory. Sean was glad he was finally going to have the opportunity to spend some alone time with DeAnna.
"It's a race for her heart," he said. "I'm not in the lead and I'm getting worried."
DeAnna assured Sean she knew what he was going through -- a common theme in the night's episode -- and she added he's still there because she is interested in getting to know him better.
The two then shared some similarities they were unaware of, like DeAnna lived in Kentucky for six years prior to the death of her mom. Sean seemed much more at ease knowing that DeAnna spent time in his home state, and said there was a "redneck connection."
"Are you calling me a redneck?" she jokingly asked, and the two shared a laugh.
After they returned to the racetrack and DeAnna posted a speed of 141.62 MPH -- which bested all of the bachelors -- she spent some alone time with Jeremy. DeAnna said she could sense some "anger" from Jeremy when he was unable to win the previous alone time. He admitted being competitive and said since it was his first week not living with her in the mansion, he felt "disconnected" from her.
As the two conversed, Graham arrived and stole DeAnna for some alone time.
"I have strong feelings for Jeremy. He's made it perfectly clear that he's here for me," said DeAnna. "But I have to be perfectly honest, I'm really attracted to Graham. It's one of the most confusing situations that anyone could possibly be put in."
Graham was about to make it even more confusing. After previously not using their alone time together wisely because he was overly concerned about the other guys, Graham finally seemed to get the idea and was taking full advantage of the short time he had with DeAnna. She appreciated that he was making an effort and asked if she could have a kiss.
"I don't want to be one of the bunch," replied Graham, obviously not what DeAnna wanted to hear. "I want to be different. I don't want it to be the same."
DeAnna said she was "hurt" and looked upset by Graham's reaction.
"I know exactly what you're feeling right now," she said.
"I don't think that Graham is being very fair," said DeAnna. "He came into this situation knowing that he was going to date one girl with 25 guys. I understand that he is scared of getting hurt, but you know what? I'm scared of getting hurt with Graham... I feel a very strong connection with Graham, and he is the one person I do not feel is completely putting himself out there. That breaks my heart."
With the group date coming to its conclusion, DeAnna decided to present the rose to Sean.
"It was the perfect ending to a perfect date," he gushed.
However not everyone was pleased with the date's outcome.
"I felt like today was sort of that day of reckoning," opined Brian. "I feel like I'm on the outside of this house looking in, literally."
The next morning the six guys staying in the outhouse decided to organize an outdoor BBQ for DeAnna where there would be no roses to award and thus no pressure. It seemed like a good idea and DeAnna thought it would be the perfect opportunity to spend some extra time with her suitors.
However it got off to a rocky start for Robert, who was immediately given a chef hat and asked to cook for the guys. If that wasn't bad enough, he was jokingly asked to sit at a kiddie table with the other guys living in the mansion and also had his name spelled "Bobbie" on his table place setting. Visibly upset, Robert sat and sulked.
DeAnna was also feeling a little awkward, complaining that she really didn't fit in with all the guys -- specifically singling out Sean and Brian for basically buddying-up, Graham for ignoring her and Twilley for doing his own thing. But when she noticed that Robert had gone inside she was definitely not pleased and decided to confront him.
Robert explained through his pouting that it had been expressed to him by an unnamed bachelor that she had already selected Jeremy and Graham as the "front runners," so there was really no point in putting in the effort. DeAnna basically told Robert he had been misinformed. She took him back outside and then had an it's-my-part-and-I'll-cry-if-I-want-to moment.
"I'm really, really upset right now. Right now I should be the happiest person in the world and you're all breaking my heart," she said through tears. "This is not a joke. When I say I know exactly what you're all going through, I know exactly what you're all going through. I know how hard this is."
After she finished her verbal assault by telling anybody who thought the competition for her heart was too hard to go home, DeAnna stormed back up to the mansion and left all the guys at the outhouse. With the two-on-one date looming that night, Fred was ecstatic.
That night Robert and Fred met DeAnna for their two-on-one date, which would consist of an intimate dinner in the Hollywood hills. As the three ate, Fred was excited to let his personality show but was having a hard time since Robert was so vocal.
DeAnna eventually took Robert for some alone time and he explained how he's a big believer in passion before asking if he could give her a kiss. She agreed but it was on the cheek -- not exactly what Robert was looking for.
"I had to give Robert the dodge," she explained. "I definitely did not feel like it was a romantic time for him to kiss me."
DeAnna then asked Robert if he has a problem in a relationship how does he deal with it, and he answered via communication. She agreed that was the correct response but was concerned since earlier in the day he moped around and went inside when upset.
"It's one of those situations where I didn't feel like you should have walked away from it," she explained.
Robert said he felt like he was between a rock and a hard place and made the excuse that he didn't think the BBQ was the appropriate time to steal her away for alone time. DeAnna wasn't buying it, although Robert was confident.
"There is a connection there, there's a real connection there. We both feel it," he boasted. "I think if you look in the dictionary, that means that you're supposed to get a rose."
Fred said he saw DeAnna as someone he could spend the rest of his life with and the two had the opportunity to spend some alone time together. He explained to her the importance of letting her know he was there for the right reasons and how he'd continue to fight for her if she were to give him a rose.
"With no one else around and nothing to worry about, I felt the connection just looking in her eyes," said Fred. "I'm definitely starting to feel something for her and it's more than just a little connection. It's a little deeper than that."
DeAnna called Fred "sweet" and thanked him for putting himself out there.
"I don't want to get ahead of myself in anyway, but I think she knows I'm here for her," said Fred. "I'm developing feelings for her and I'm really confident about getting a rose."
"Robert and I just don't seem to have that connection, that chemistry I'm dying to have," explained DeAnna. "I just did not see myself having a successful relationship with Robert."
"I am destroyed -- absolutely destroyed," said Robert after his ouster. "I'm not used to rejection... Tonight I obviously didn't have the recipe for love. I just can't believe I misread the connection. I'm just sad... It will be a while before I let anybody in again. One day I will meet the right girl."
Fred was obviously relieved and gushed about feeling really good about their connection, however DeAnna apparently wasn't done.
"I think that you are an amazing man. You have a great head on your shoulders, you have a big heart, you truly know what it's like to put yourself out there and open your heart and fall in love," she told him. "But I simply do not see forever for you and I. I've been in your position before. I got led on by Brad. I cannot bring myself to lead you on. I think that you are too good for that. I just don't ever see it turning into anything more. This is very hard for me because I think you're one of the best men here. I'm so sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry," said Fred. "I want you to be happy."
DeAnna then escorted Fred to the awaiting limousine and continued to gush about how he'll make a girl happy someday -- it just won't be her.
"I came here obviously because I thought ate brought me here. I just came here to find love," said Fred after his ouster. "I was willing to put my heart out and it was tough. It hurts a little bit when you open up like that. It stings a little bit. If she's not feeling it though, what are you going to do? I don't want to stick around to the end just to stick around."
DeAnna's double ouster of Robert and Fred gave Jason a huge advantage, as she returned to the mansion and he was immediately there to console her. She told him it was a "rough" night and explained it was mostly difficult because Fred was such a "great guy." The two cuddled outside in front of a fire and continued to chat and share feelings.
"It felt great to be able to comfort her because I know she had a long night and an emotional night," boasted Jason. "I can really feel my feelings growing stronger for DeAnna, and I think she was able to learn to trust me more."
DeAnna and Jason then kissed.
"Coming home to Jason, he made me feel really good," she said. "I wouldn't have wanted to be there with anybody else."
He said it was "really tough" to see her get so upset the previous day. She assured him not to worry because she can sense he's putting forth an effort and is one of the guys who is there "for the right reasons."
Brian then spent alone time with DeAnna, and he explained it was much needed.
"It's a big disadvantage for me to have not lived in the big house," he opined. "It's important for me to stay. I want to be here. I want to convey to DeAnna what I'm about and to try and bond with her."
The two talked and Brian held her hand, and he told her the reason why he's 31-years-old and still hasn't married is because he wants it to be a one-time deal that's real.
Twilley then had some alone time with DeAnna and he said despite the fact they haven't spent a lot of quality time together recently, he thinks it would be worth it to keep him around so they could connect more. DeAnna assured Twilley that she does have a connection with him or else he wouldn't still be there.
"I think she's staring to see there's more to me than just this outrageous guy," he said. "If she keeps me around tonight, definitely she's still interested."
Graham then took the opportunity to have some alone time with DeAnna, and she immediately expressed she was "hurt" by the way their alone time at the racetrack ended. Graham admitted he has a problem verbally expressing the way he feels and added he can understand why she's so upset.
However both agreed it was good that he saw how upset she became by the way he acted before DeAnna reiterated the importance of maximizing their alone time.
"I don't know why I'm confused as to why you're here," said DeAnna to Graham.
"I'm here for you," he answered, and they kissed.
After DeAnna and the bachelors went for a swim in the pool and lounged in the hot tub, The Bachelorette's fourth fourth-season Rose Ceremony commenced.
On Monday, June 16 at 8PM ET/PT, ABC will air a one-hour The Bachelorette: DeAnna Tells All special. The Bachelorette's next fourth-season episode will then air at 9PM ET/PT.
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio