The Bachelorette star Desiree Hartsock cut Michael Garofola during last night's broadcast of the ninth season of the ABC reality dating series.
"I feel like my heart just exploded in my chest. I put everything out there on the line. I really did. I'm tired of having my heart broken and being rejected by women that I'm falling in love with. It sucks, it sucks. God. Oh man. I just wish she wanted to come meet my family. To take this wonderful girl home would've made my mom's life, really," Michael said following his ouster in tears. "Maybe I'm just not meant to get married and have a family. I don't know."
The Bachelorette's seventh ninth-season episode began with the five remaining bachelors traveling to Madeira Island off the coast of Northern Africa for the week of dates with Desiree.
There were three one-on-one dates and a two-on-one date over the course of the week in which only one rose was up for grabs during the two-on-one. However, the person who fails to receive the rose on the two-on-one date would not necessarily be going home, as that person would learn his fate during the Rose Ceremony alongside everyone else.
Before Desiree's first date with Brooks Forester, a 28-year-old marketing consultant from Salt Lake City, UT, The Bachelorette star visited with Catherine Giudici, Lesley Murphy and Jackie Parr from Sean Lowe's The Bachelor season. During their "girl talk" conversation, Des dubbed Drew Kenney, a 27-year-old digital marketing analyst from Scottsdale, AZ, the quietest guy in the house but the best kisser with the best body.
Des shared that Michael was the most successful; Chris Siegfried, a 27-year-old mortgage broker from Seattle, WA, was the most athletic; Brooks had the best eyes; and Zak Waddell, a 31-year-old drilling fluid engineer from Mico, TX, was the most adventurous.
Brooks then got his second one-on-one date of the season with Des. The couple drove up to the top of a cliff, and Brooks said he was pensive about his relationship with Des but still felt a spark. The problem was that he hadn't gotten much alone time to spend with Des.
The pair then drove higher up the cliff to the top of a mountain where they sat above the clouds. Des admitted she was falling in love with him and could picture him as her husband, and hoped he was feeling the same way. Brooks noted he was feeling something past "like" but below "love," and Des explained they didn't just break through the clouds -- they had a breakthrough in their relationship. Des felt the moment was straight out of a fairytale.
Meanwhile, the next date card arrived and Chris learned he'd be accompanying Des on the next one-on-one date.
Back on Des' date, Brooks told Des it would be a big deal for his family to embrace her because they were very close and important to him. She then told the suitor that her path to love was stepping, skipping, jogging, running, and then finally making it to the finish line -- which would signify being in love. With Brooks, Des said she was basically running.
Brooks then told the cameras he was "behind in the emotional process" although Des had a lot of qualities he was looking for in a partner. However, he confirmed to Des he'd love her to meet his family, and she said she was really looking forward to it.
The next day, Des embarked on a yacht with Chris for the day. She said they definitely had the physical attraction down and she loved being affectionate with him. Chris agreed their chemistry was "hot and passionate," and he could always feel that spark when they kissed.
Meanwhile, Michael discovered he'd finally get his one-on-one date with Des -- the last one-on-one date of the week -- which left Zak and Drew with the uncomfortable, awkward two-on-one. Drew and Zak both wanted to introduce Des to his family more than anything else.

On Chris and Des' date, they shared a picnic in the grass and Chris came up with an idea for the two of them to write a poem together with the intention of sending it out into the ocean via a message in a bottle for someone to eventually find. They had an easy time writing together, and Chris told the cameras he went into the process a skeptic but felt Des was the one he could spend the rest of his life with. Chris was almost ready to tell her that he was in love with her.
"Hopefully I'll have the courage to tell her that I am in love with her," Chris said.
That night at dinner, Des told Chris she wanted three or four kids, a tight-knit family, and he agreed. When discussing their families, Des said her clan had only met her high school boyfriend. All the while, Chris was nervous and fidgety because he wanted to express his feelings for Des but was scared to.
However, Chris ended up gathering the nerve and read Des another poem he wrote. He ended the poem with telling her that he was in love with her, and Des cried, thinking the gesture was romantic and beautiful. Chris melted her heart and Des appreciated how open he was. She then realized she was falling for Chris and he had all the qualities she was looking for in a man. Afterward, they kissed in a park and Chris said it was probably the best day of her life.
The next day, Des went on her date with Michael. They walked the town and took in the culture of the island. She thought he'd make a loyal, trustworthy, fun husband, and Michael told the cameras Des had 48 of the 47 qualities he was looking for in the perfect woman. The pair then sat on a little bench by the water and kissed. Michael said he felt a "flood of emotions" and loved treating Des like she was his girlfriend.
The couple rode a toboggan down a steep hill and had a blast. Des felt she could trust Michael with his heart. That night, at dinner, Des was looking to see if Michael could become more vulnerable with her, while Michael had every intention of showing her that expressive, communicative side. During their conversation, Michael told Des he was no longer in contact with his father and he owed everything to his mother, whom he believed would absolutely love Des.
Meanwhile, Zak and Drew got the two-on-one date card.
Back on Des' date, Michael told Des his ex-girlfriend had cheated on him and broken his heart. He previously wondered if he'd ever have those feelings and would be open again. However, he insisted he was feeling those things for Des and felt he could love again. Michael told the cameras he was falling in love with Des and wanted to take her home to meet his family.
The threesome went to a go-cart track. Des wanted Drew to let loose and Zak to not shy away from getting her attention. The two guys ended up racing each other, and Des planned to give the winner the first alone time with her at the picnic afterwards. Zak was thrilled to claim victory.
"In order to get the rose today, I'll have to go above and beyond... I want that rose, but more importantly, I was her to know where I'm at. I want her to know where my heart is and that she has it. Today is the day that I tell Desiree how much I love her," Drew explained.
During his time with Des, Zak expressed how he wanted her to meet his family terribly. He then shared paintings he had created for her to document their journey and experiences together. Des laughed and loved the gift.
Afterward, Des went off for a bit with Drew, who told her how he was ready to let her in when he had typically been a very guarded person. Drew said his family would love Des and it would mean a lot to him if Des would be willing to pick up his mentally-handicapped sister with him. Des said she'd be honored to meet his sister, and Drew admitted he never had feelings like he had with Des before.
Drew came onto the show knowing he'd like Des and be attracted to her, and while the attraction was "impossible to deny," he said his feelings grew into something more than he could have ever imagined.
"I've fallen in love with you and I've never had that before. I've never had those feelings," Drew told Des while kissing her. "I've fallen for you."
Although Drew didn't flat out say, "I love you," he explained there would be plenty of time to get those words out. However, he feared in the back of his mind his feelings wouldn't be reciprocated. Meanwhile, Zak said he'd be shocked to not get a rose based upon their amazing connection, but unfortunately for Zak, Des offered the week's single rose to Drew.
"I know that I want to meet your family and I'm confident in that, so Drew, will you accept this rose?" Des asked.
Zak was very disappointed because he felt their time together warranted a rose. He was nervous and anxious going into the Rose Ceremony, saying he was "a dreamer" and loved her. According to Zak, going home would be "a killer."
The next night, Des sat down with Chris Harrison for a quick interview about her journey thus far on the show. When determining which guy to eliminate of the five, Des said she didn't want to hurt or break anyone's heart but knew it was about the relationships and growth rather than just on the qualities.
Going into next week's hometown dates, Des explained she was awaiting the moment when she'd be sitting with a man's family and simply feel like, "I belong here." Des then noted Drew was the best looking guy she had ever met, but he was also sincere and kind and definitely husband-material.
Des explained she had to discern her feelings each day for every guy. However, Des began gushing about Brooks, saying he "just gets" her and she was confident to say she had made it to the finish line with him -- which she called "crazy and cool."
But Chris Harrison chimed in with a little buzz-kill, asking Des if Brooks had told her that he loved her. Desiree said he hadn't brought it up yet but she knew his feelings for her were strong.
As a result, Chris Harrison asked The Bachelorette star if her journey was over, but she still said, "No." Des told the host she was also falling in love with Chris, as she could envision a full, lasting life with him because he was a wonderful guy.
Despite her confusion, Des told Chris Harrison she didn't want to over-analyze the situation.
"Welcome to The Bachelorette," Des joked in tears about how she was falling in love with multiple people.
The Bachelorette's seventh Rose Ceremony of the ninth season then commenced.
Besides Drew, Des gave roses to Brooks, Chris and Zak in that exact order.
Michael was clearly devastated, however, he told Des that she had to do what was best for her and he wanted what was best for her. Michael insisted he was ready to commit to her and make her happy, but Des expressed how her other relationships were progressing faster and differently. The pair exchanged the fact they both thought the world of one another.
"I picture the ultimate future and I feel like you and I do have such a great foundation and friendship, and you're so passionate and you're so loving and caring, and that is why it's so hard for me, because you have everything. It just comes down to, ugh I don't even know," Des said.
"I was so excited to show you the house that I grew up in and meet my family, and I know that you would've fit right in with my family and they would've loved you. But I guess maybe in a way, it's a blessing that you're honest with me now rather than after you meet them," Michael explained to Des.
"Because my mom would've loved you and then it would've been my heart breaking and hers... It's just going to be really hard for me to date after meeting you because you're -- no girl is going to be able to match up to you quite frankly."
On his way out to the limo, Michael repeatedly wished Des the best of luck and said she had four great guys to choose from. While inside the limo, Michael called his mother and informed her that he had gotten sent home. When she asked if he was alright, he replied, "No," in tears.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski