The Bachelorette star Rachel Lindsay has shed some tears so far in her journey to find love, but the Dallas attorney teases that viewers have seen nothing yet.
"Copenhagen was a beautiful and difficult week where I sent men home on three consecutive nights," Rachel wrote in her People blog.
"So you better believe I'm ready to hit the next location and shake things up! Next week as I hand out roses they will not just be any roses -- these roses will take me to these men's hometowns!"
Rachel currently has six men still in the running for her heart: Dean Unglert, Eric Bigger, Bryan Abasolo, Peter Kraus, Adam Gottschalk, and Matthew "Matt" Munson.
"With six men left, that means there will be two gut-wrenching goodbyes," Rachel revealed of the upcoming episode. (The Monday, July 3 episode is a repeat due to the holiday).
"My emotions reach an all time high, so prepare yourselves to see me breakdown like I never have before," Rachel teased.
Rachel will have to eliminate two bachelors in order to determine the four men whose hometowns she would like to visit.
[Spoiler Warning: Please stop reading now if you don't wish to learn details about Rachel's next set of dates].
According to ABC, Rachel and her group of six remaining guys will travel to Geneva, Switzerland for the next week of dates. Rachel will embark on three one-on-one dates and a group date with a rose up for grabs on each date, so there will not be a Rose Ceremony in Geneva.
The first one-on-one date in Switzerland will go to Bryan. ABC has revealed the couple will take a ride to a famous watch shop, where Rachel will gift Bryan with a time piece. Later, at the beautiful Victoria Concert Hall, Bryan will open up about a troubled past relationship and then the pair will dance to music of a string quartet.
Dean and Peter will also receive special one-on-one dates with Rachel. The network teases Dean is "hiding behind his sense of humor and masking his concerns about introducing the Bachelorette to his dysfunctional family."
Rachel and Peter will fly over the Swiss Alps in a helicopter and enjoy a dog sled ride. Peter, however, will be struggling with anxiety since his two solo dates with Rachel were spread far apart.

ABC therefore disclosed that Eric, Matt and Adam will share Rachel on a group date, but only one of the three guys will earn a rose.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski