Tony couldn't break out of his shy shell soon enough and as a result, the 26-year-old medical student from Fort Smith, AR as well as his partner Amanda, a 25-year-old model from Warren, OH, became the first couple eliminated from Beauty and the Geek's fourth season during last night's broadcast of The CW reality competition series.
"I don't know if I want Sam and Nicole in the house. I feel like it changes everything," said John, a 22-year-old analog circuit design student from Frederick, MD who's partners with Natalie, a 22-year-old waitress and Hooters promotional model from Raleigh, NC.
The 10 couples then picked their rooms and got to know each other a little better. David, a 28-year-old fire department administrator from Paramus, NJ, told his partner Jasmine, a 22-year-old nanny from Norwich, CT, that she was "last" on his "internal list of partners." He explained they have a "very different communication style" but assured her they could "move past this."
"You're sleeping on the floor tonight," Jasmine told David.
That night the couples enjoyed a pool party during which Sam felt the rest of the cast gave his team the cold shoulder. But he wasn't surprised about the "animosity."
The next morning Tony and Amanda dressed alike before heading downstairs with the rest of the couples and receiving their first packet of study material from host Mike Richards. The beauties would be studying politics and current events in order to participate in a debate, while the geeks would have to study hip-hop and then write their own autobiographical rap lyrics before performing in-front of an audience.
Most of the couples helped each other while studying throughout the day, however a problem arose between Amanda and Tony.
"I feel like I've been putting a wall up between me and Amanda a little bit," explained Tony. "It's just to protect myself... I am definitely really nervous about this challenge tomorrow."
![]() Tony and Amanda perform Tony's rap during Beauty and the Geek 4's second episode (Photo credit Michael Desmond/The CW) |
"The die is cast. The Rubicon is crossed. There's nothing else I can do at this point. Let me go back, calm down and we'll see what happens," said Will following his performance. His partner Rebecca, a 24-year-old student from Crown Point, IN, said she had "total faith" in him.
While most of the other geeks flubbed their lyrics, they were at least able to perform their way through the rap they had written. But Tony couldn't rap or perform, and realized when his turn was over that it was "pretty bad." He said he felt "really nervous like a deer in headlights."
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"Tony's performance was the biggest disappointment of the night," opined Amanda. "I just couldn't get him to break down that shyness barrier, just go out there and give it all for the team."
John was the last geek to rap, and he used foul language and juggled during his performance, giving him an edge over the competition. Three 6 Mafia revealed their two favorite acts were Will and John, but said they ultimately decided to award victory to Will. For winning the challenge, Will and Rebecca were safe from elimination and also had the responsibility of nominating one of the other couples for the elimination round.
That night it was time for the beauties to compete in their debate, with one representing the pro side of an argument and the other representing the con. Their arguments would be judged by lawyer and television commentator Susan Estridge as well as political consultant Jack Berkman.
Topics ranged from the decriminalization of marijuana to The World Bank repaying third-world debt. In the final debate, Sam squared off against Shalandra, a 26-year-old bartender from Little Rock, AR, and the two argued if the drinking age should be lowered from 21. Sam started off poorly, but said his memory was "re-jogged" by Shay's argument and his rebuttal was much better.
"I thought his rebuttal was amazing," said Nicole. "Shay brought up some evidence, and then he knew exactly how to counteract it. I was very thrilled with his performance."
In a "unanimous decision," the judges decided Sam won the debate, meaning he and Nicole would be safe from elimination and have the responsibility of nominating the other couple for the elimination round.
The eight couples who Sam and Nicole or Will and Rebecca might nominate then spent the entire next day studying for the elimination round. As Rebecca, Will, Sam and Nicole met outside on the balcony to discuss their nomination options, Jasmine and Natalie thought it would be "fun" to eavesdrop despite a warning from John.
"Choosing someone to go to elimination is a very, very hard decision," he said. "You don't want to give them any reason to make it easier." Sure enough, Will caught Jasmine and Natalie in the act of spying.
That night, the two couples who won the challenges revealed their decisions for the elimination round. Sam said he and Nicole picked John and Natalie because they did "really, really well" and are perceived as a "threat." Will said he and Rebecca chose to nominate Tony and Amanda because he's been "overly passive" since the competition started. Tony and Amanda talked while they packed in preparation for the elimination round.
![]() Tony and Amanda exchange signals prior to Beauty and the Geek 4's first elimination round (Photo credit Michael Desmond/The CW) |
"I feel like he doesn't want to be shy but I feel like he doesn't know how not to be," said Amanda. "He's uncomfortable learning to come out of his shell."
Heading into the elimination round, Tony said he was "doing this for Amanda." He and John would have to answer questions about hip-hop, while Amanda and Natalie would answer questions about politics and current events. Amanda failed to answer either of her questions correctly but Natalie did recognize the preamble to the United States Constitution. When John knew 50 Cent had been shot nine times he sealed the victory for himself and Natalie, sending Amanda and Tony packing.
"I kind of wanted to prove there was more to me than just what I look like," said Amanda following her elimination. "I learned that a lot of people view me as a smart person... I think maybe I need to not second guess myself as much and not doubt myself and trust myself more."
"I will definitely remember Amanda," said Tony. "She helped me get out of my shell and just believe in myself. I really do feel like I did grow... it really is hard for me to open up like that."
Beauty and the Geek 4's next episode will air Tuesday, October 2 at 8PM ET/PT on The CW.
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio