America's Got Talent 3

America's Got Talent 3 (Courtesy Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The third season of America's Got Talent, an American television reality show talent competition, premiered on MediaCorp Channel 5 on September 3, 2008. Opera singer Neal E. Boyd was named the winner on January 28, 2009.

Preliminary auditions were held in New York, Dallas, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, and MySpace from January to April. Sharon Osbourne, Piers Morgan and David Hasselhoff returned as judges. Jerry Springer also returned as host.

It premiered in the United Kingdom 7 months after the US on ITV2,in Singapore by Channel 5 and debuted in September 2008,and on Hong Kong TVB Pearl on May 23, 2009.

This season, the audition stage became different. This season, the X on the stages (above) and (judges table) matched the ones from Britain's Got Talent or has been borrowed for this season.

Selection Process

Season three is similar to Season two in the audition process, except that the auditions were held in large theaters, there were three more audition episodes, and two more audition sites. The season also carried over the Las Vegas boot camp, but acts were divided into more groups, such as ventriloquists, male singers, female singers, opera, instrumental music, bands, and other variety acts. There were forty acts that passed through, instead of twenty. The semi-final process consisted of shows on Wednesdays. Ten of the top forty acts performed each of the shows for four weeks. Five were eliminated each show by public vote during the "Top 40" episodes. However, the contestants that come in fifth and sixth place faced the judges' decision. The panel was able to eliminate the act they wished not to put through. Afterward, the Top 40 was narrowed down to a Top 20.

Following the Top 20, the American viewing audience was given the chance to eliminate ten acts from this group, creating a Top 10. The Top 10 then trimmed to a Top 5 after the American viewing audience voted. Afterward, The Top Five performed in a two-part, two-week finale, that concluded the season.

In Season 3, when all three judges pressed their X's to terminate a performance in the semi-finals, the act was allowed to continue, but must end early.

Preliminary Auditions

Week 1

Aired on September 3, 2008, 2 hours. Auditions from New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles were shown.

Acts that were eliminated include:

  • Serious Mysterious Bill Curlee sang and danced to "It's Not Unusual" by Tom Jones.
  • Nick Afanasiev, a teenager with a flexible tongue
  • Lady "J" Huston, a dancer/trumpeter
  • The Quiddlers, a puppet act with puppets that look like dwarfs or little people
  • Ed Jacques, a guy who hummed on his hand
  • Adam Ace, a comedian who put a shower cap over his face.
  • Mary Bly, 80 year old tap dancer
  • Chay Vang, Siamese electric guitar player
  • Terry Christiansen, songwriter
  • Singing Santa Claus, a Santa-singer
  • Stumblebum Brass, a jazz/punk street trio
  • Dallas Dance Company, group of dance teachers
  • The Renegades, dance group performed to Michael Jackson's "Thriller"
  • Daniel Burton, a hip hop dancer
  • The M&M Twinz, a pair of twin dancers
  • Daisy Taste, an elderly woman on roller skates

Week 2

Aired on September 10, 2008, 2 hours. Auditions from New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles were shown.

Acts that were eliminated include:

  • Victoria, the Singing Fairy sang "When You Wish Upon a Star"
  • Daniel Avila - singer/songwriter
  • Ken Butler - one man band
  • Polina Nikiforova - played cymbals and trombone while in a Groucho mask.
  • Michael Droll, the "Ozzman", Ozzy Osbourne impersonator sang "Crazy Train"
  • Drumtasia - cacophonous drum act
  • Johnny Olshavsky - magician
  • Dan "the Magic Man" Stapleton - magician
  • Dorian - magician
  • Dennis Keith - self "levitating" magician
  • Becky Blaney - magician
  • Bizarro - flame throwing magician
  • Rob Caudill - Rod Stewart impersonator
  • CJ King - Cyndi Lauper impersonator
  • John Morgan - George W. Bush impersonator
  • Steve Richards - Elton John impersonator
  • Tasha Long - Dionne Warwick impersonator

Week 3

Aired on September 17, 2008, 2 Hours. Auditions from Dallas, Chicago and Atlanta.

Acts that were eliminated include:

  • Corky Duke - line dancer danced to "Cotton-Eyed Joe"
  • The Rodeo Rhythm Kings - bluegrass trio, Morgan commented that the violinist "Should be charged with possession of an offensive weapon"
  • Nolan Leach - trick roping on a horse
  • Juli Blue - singer and banjo player
  • Jacque Kendall - hoop dancing
  • Smithfield - painting pot-bellied pig
  • Diana Ross and Twinkle - dancing lady and dog
  • Sean Paul & Julianne - trained monkey act
  • The Busy Bee Dogs - trained dog act, left a dog on-stage after being X'd out
  • Zane & Stephanie - married singers, sang "Unchained Melody" by the Righteous Brothers
  • Alistair McQueen - male burlesque dancer
  • Coburn Hartsell - stripper
  • Gravity Plays Favorites - pole dancers
  • Scandalesque - burlesque fire dance
  • The Hollywood Men - strippers
  • Busty Heart - crushed things with her breasts

Week 4

Aired on September 24, 2008, 1 hour. Auditions from Atlanta, and New York.

Acts that were eliminated include:

  • Billy Dodson - countertenor that was told to "sing like a man"
  • Polka Today - polka dancers that performed a number set to "Walking on Sunshine", which was described by Hasselhoff as "dancing in a blender", Sharon saying it was silly dancing, and Piers noting that "there was nothing today about what you were doing. It was like polka 50 years ago."
  • Philip Weiner - singer
  • Peter McIntosh - ventriloquist who did not close his mouth.
  • Ursula Knudson - singer
  • Rachel Star - read poetry while standing barefoot on broken glass
  • Debra Weiner - singer. She did not stop singing when X'ed by all three judges, and had to be escorted off the stage by Hasselhoff.

Week 5

Aired on September 24, 2008, 1 hour. Auditions from Atlanta, and Dallas.

Acts that were eliminated include:

  • Michelle Wallace - sang "All by Myself" by Celine Dion.
  • Barry Collier - barnyard animal noises
  • Nance Upchurch - singer
  • The Freak Show - dance troupe
  • Music Makes the World Go Round - accordion duo. Morgan commented that the only thing worse than one accordion is two accordions.
  • Mac Jay - dancer
  • Fancy Ray McCloney - Little Richard impersonator

Week 6

Aired on October 8, 2008, 1 hour. Auditions from New York, and Los Angeles.

Acts that were eliminated include:

  • Perry Zanett - Read Shakespeare; insulted Hasselhoff off stage after his audition
  • The Inflatable Theater - stunts in an inflatable costume
  • Sweet-Lou Fusco - sang "Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough" by Michael Jackson
  • The Power Team' - fire and ice stunts
  • Seed & Feed Marching Abominable - huge, cacophonous group
  • Anita Aloha - twirler
  • The Snake Kissers - Robert & Daryl Ackerman, snake charmers, performed the "Kiss of Death"

Week 7

Aired on October 8, 2008, 1 hour. Auditions from Myspace And Facebook .

Acts that were eliminated include:

  • Michael Trixx - rock and roll magician performed to "You've Got Another Thing Comin'" by Judas Priest.
  • Diva Boy and the Sexplosion Dancers - glam-rock dancers
  • Eloy Rendon - motivational speaker.
  • Del Hampton - nine-time "cluck-off" champion. Chicken impersonator. Morgan told him to "cluck-off".
  • David Deeble - Said he would set off fireworks in his pants. He was X'ed out before he even began.
  • Suzy Trunquist - rock singer
  • Cary Trivanovich - funny faces
  • Sweetones - mother/daughter whistling duo.

Second round

Las Vegas Callbacks

Part 1 of the Las Vegas callbacks was broadcast on October 15, 2008 as a 2 hour episode.

Part 2 of the Las Vegas callbacks was broadcast on October 22, 2008 as a 90 minute episode.

A total of 113 acts made it to the Las Vegas callbacks. 19 of these acts were eliminated without even being given a chance to perform. The remaining 94 acts were trimmed down to a short list of 60 acts in the first of the two callback episodes, and the remaining acts were further trimmed to a Top 40 group in the second episode.

First Cut

Acts that were eliminated without being given a second performance:

  • Chellena Black-Harris
    • Preliminaries, Week 2: singer, sang "A Change Is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke.
  • Tropidanza
    • Preliminaries, Week 5: salsa dance troupe

Second Cut

Acts that did not make it to the top 60:

  • Lynn Ruth Miller
    • Preliminaries: Passed Through. Comedian. Was one of the top 4 comedians who auditioned, only shown briefly in a montage.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Did 90 seconds of one-liners about the senior condition, her message was that "truth is often funnier than fiction."
  • David Martin
    • Preliminaries, Week 1: an illusionist
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performed the Shadow Vision illusion. Martin appeared to make several mistakes during his performance. He claimed they were intentional, and that he was playing mind games with the judges, but the judges did not appear to be convinced.
  • Cafidia Stuart
    • Preliminaries, Week 1: 15 year old sang Whitney Houston's "I Have Nothing"
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown, but was shown being eliminated.
  • Kevin "Big K" Taylor
    • Preliminaries, Week 2: martial arts brick breaking act.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Broke more bricks, including breaking several stacks with his head.
  • Holly Hardin
    • Preliminaries, Week 3: sang "These Boots Are Made for Walkin'" by Jessica Simpson
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Sang "When God-Fearin' Women Get the Blues" by Martina McBride.
  • Shakes
    • Preliminaries, Week 6: 10 year old dancer
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Danced to "U Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer.
  • Mia Boostrom(Also seen in season 4)
    • Preliminaries, Shown in clip form: Sang "Let's Stay Together" by Al Green Passed Through
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Sang "If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keys while playing the piano.
  • Cat Williams
    • Preliminaries, Not Shown: Passed Through
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Sang "Let The Good Times Roll" by Ray Charles.
  • Randy Hanson
    • Preliminaries, Week 7: Ozzy Osbourne impersonator. Sharon commented that the only way she could tell him from her husband was if he "dropped his trousers so she could take a look at the goods." Sang "Paranoid".
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Only shown briefly in a montage.

Third Cut

Acts that made it to the top 60, but not the top 40:

  • Sheila-Sheila of The Jungle, Salsa Singer (Sheila Korsi)
    • Preliminaries, Week 1: sang "Cucala" by Celia Cruz, only shown briefly in a montage.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): sang "I Will Survive," Salsa style, by Gloria Gaynor.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Eliminated after making it to the top 60. Piers Morgan told her that "she was a lot of fun."
  • David Militello
    • Preliminaries, Week 3: 9 year old sang "Ben" by Michael Jackson
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): sang "If We Hold On Together" by Diana Ross Passed through.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Eliminated
  • The Southern Belles
    • Preliminaries, Week 3: cloggersPerformed to "Are you gonna be my girl" by Jet.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown. Only shown briefly in a montage.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Eliminated
  • Holly Stone
    • Preliminaries, Week 7: sang "A Broken Wing" by Martina McBride.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown. Passed through.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Eliminated
  • Sterling Silver
    • Preliminaries, Week 1: clog dancing troupe
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Eliminated.
  • Russian Bar Trio
    • Preliminaries, Week 2: acrobatic act, with a lady performing aerial acrobatics on a Russian Bar held by the other two members.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Only shown briefly in a montage. Passed through.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Passed through to the Top 40, but were forced to resign from the competition due to injury. This opened up a Wild Card slot in the Top 40.

Unknown Cut

Acts that were eliminated at an unknown stage of the Las Vegas Callbacks:

  • Scott Land
    • Preliminaries, Week 1: a puppeteer that created an unusual marionette, an uncooked chicken, that danced, laid an egg and picked up a flag. The act is named "The Amazing Sal Monella"
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Jazmin
    • Preliminaries, Week 1: quartet of female singers
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Polina Volchek(Also seen in Season 5)
    • Preliminaries, Week 1: woman hula-hooper
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Next II None (N2N)
    • Preliminaries, Week 2: family boy band performed "Bye Bye Bye" by 'N Sync
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • The Pendragons
    • Preliminaries, Week 2: 54 year old husband and wife magicians. Performed their Guinness world record holding version of the metamorphosis illusion.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Duo Genesis
    • Preliminaries, Week 3: hand balancers
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Shaolin Warriors of Chinatown
    • Preliminaries, Week 3: martial arts performers
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Paul West and Tucker
    • Preliminaries, Week 3: Frisbee catching dog act
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Nichole
    • Preliminaries, Week 4: Pole dancer
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Giwayen Mata
    • Preliminaries, Week 4: African dancers
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • SQ Entertainment (Also in the season 4)
    • Preliminaries, Week 4: family hip-hop dance troop
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Fast Wally
    • Preliminaries, Week 5: juggler
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Fun with Hand Shadows
    • Preliminaries, Week 6: hand shadows of various historical figures
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Only shown briefly in a montage. They did not know why they should win, when asked by Morgan.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • XL (Xavier Lewis)
    • Preliminaries, Week 6: 25 year old Xavier Lewis sang "Ordinary People" by John Legend
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • The Awakening
    • Preliminaries, Week 6: dance troupe
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Georgia Force
    • Preliminaries, Week 6: Dance team for the Georgia Force Arena Football team
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Michael Harrison
    • Preliminaries, Week 6: ventriloquist, used an audience member as a human puppet.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • The Lasalle Brothers
    • Preliminaries, Week 7: jugglers
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • Plastic Musik
    • Preliminaries, Week 1: Stomp-like performers with trash cans and colorful batons
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did make it to the top 40.
  • Lewis Warren, Jr.
    • Preliminaries, Week 3: 11 year old pianist
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.
  • By My Side
    • Preliminaries, week 3: Mother and daughter duo singers.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Not shown, but did not make the Top 40, so presumed eliminated by the judges.

Wild Card acts

After the filming of the callbacks, one of the members of the Russian Bar Trio named Kristine was seriously injured. This opened up a slot in the Top 40 group. The judges selected eight acts, all of which had been eliminated during the callbacks. Viewers voted from among the eight, and selected Donald Braswell II to return to the competition, leaving the remaining seven acts eliminated.

  • Miss Pussykatt
    • Preliminaries, Week 2: grinding act, pressed an angle grinder onto metal plates that had been affixed to various parts of her clothing to send sparks flying.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Only shown briefly in a montage. Performed her grinding act while sitting in an aerial hoop. Passed through.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Eliminated (Judges Wild Card)
    • Semifinals (Part 1): Eliminated again, did not get the Wildcard slot.
  • Junior & Emily
    • Preliminaries, Week 3: brother-and-sister salsa dance duo
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown. Passed through.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Eliminated (Judges Wild Card)
    • Semifinals (Part 1): Eliminated again, did not get the Wildcard slot.
  • Dan Meyer
    • Preliminaries, Week 3: sword swallower, swallowed a medium sword, a long sword, 7 swords at once, and threw a sword into the floor.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Swallowed a flaming sword, a curved sword, and juggled 6 clubs while a sword was whipped from his mouth with a whip. Passed through.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Eliminated (Judges Wild Card)
    • Semifinals (Part 1): Eliminated again, did not get the Wildcard slot.
  • Kyle Rifkin
    • Preliminaries, Week 4: R&B singer. Sang "Ain't Too Proud to Beg" by The Temptations
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): sang Boyz II Men's "I'll Make Love To You" Passed through.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Eliminated (Judges Wild Card)
    • Semifinals (Part 1): Eliminated again, did not get the Wildcard slot.
  • Lil Countrie and Page 1ne
    • Preliminaries, Week 2: street dancers/tumblers
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Performance was not shown.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Eliminated (Judges Wild Card)
    • Semifinals (Part 1): Eliminated again, did not get the Wildcard slot.
  • Xclusive - Kenneth Parrio
    • Preliminaries, Week 5: robotic miming to a self-mixed sound effect track.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): Danced to the theme of Inspector Gadget. Passed Through.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 2): Eliminated (Judges Wild card)
    • Semifinals (Part 1): Eliminated again, did not get the Wildcard slot.
  • Victoria Jacoby
    • Preliminaries, Week 4: 11 year old contortionist
    • Las Vegas Callbacks (Part 1): More contortionism, this time on a slowly spinning horizontal bar. Eliminated. (Judges Wild Card)
    • Semifinals (Part 1): Eliminated again, did not get the Wildcard slot.

Top 40

The Top 40 acts performed in four episodes over four weeks. In the next episode following each performance episode, the results were revealed. First, the acts were presented in pairs, one from the top four of the previous episode, one from the bottom four. It was then revealed which of the pair had been eliminated, and which of them remained in the contest. After the top four and the bottom four were fully revealed, the acts in fifth and sixth place were all that remained. At this point these remaining two acts were put to the judges to decide which of them would remain, and which would be eliminated.

Top 40, Part 1

The first episode of the Top 40 performance semifinals was broadcast from Los Angeles, California on October 29, 2008, following a break for the 2008 Summer Olympics .

Acts that were eliminated include:

  • Derrick Barry
    • General: Male Britney Spears impersonator
    • Preliminaries, Week 1: Performed to "Toxic".
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Performed to "Gimme More." Passed through
    • Top 40: Performed to "...Baby One More Time", received an X from Morgan for not "wowing" him Eliminated
  • Ronny B
    • General: Ron Belala, singer and dancer
    • Preliminaries, Week 6: Danced and sang to "All Night Long" by Lionel Richie. Hasselhoff disliked his performance, saying "This is a talent show, not a freak show."
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Performance was not shown. Passed through
    • Top 40: Performed "She Bangs" by Ricky Martin. Hasselhoff said in an interview he had "0" talent. Eliminated
  • Shimshi
    • General: magician
    • Preliminaries, Week 7: Performed a clear box version of the classic "Sawing a woman in half" illusion.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Performance was not shown. Passed through
    • Top 40: Performed a card trick that had him find a specific card with his foot out of a deck hanging above him. Hasselhoff and Morgan criticized for not having a more elaborate trick. Eliminated
  • The DC Cowboys
    • General: Cowboy-male dance troupe
    • Preliminaries, Week 2: danced to "Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)" by Big & Rich.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Performance was not shown. Passed through
    • Top 40: Performed to "Footloose" by Kenny Loggins, received an X from Morgan for inability to be a successful dance group. Eliminated
  • Elite
    • General: Alexandra Pyles, a 10 year old martial artist
    • Preliminaries, Week 4: Beat up her dad.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Shown briefly in a montage fighting multiple opponents. Passed through
    • Top 40: Performed a pirate themed martial arts exhibition, including a slow motion flip, a fight versus a pirate sword, and a short set with a spinning staff. Judges Choice, Eliminated in favor of The James Gang.

Elimination Table, Week 1

Italics indicate the act was a wild card. Order indicates when the act performed during the performance episode.

Key Buzzed out Judges' choice   Advanced to the Top 20.   Finished in either fifth or sixth place; Won the judges' vote.   Finished in either fifth or sixth place; Lost the judges' vote.
Order Performer Act Description Buzzes and judges' choices
Hasselhoff Osbourne Morgan
Extreme Dance FX (1866-60-AGT-01)(1866-602-4801) Contemporary Modern Clog Troupe
The James Gang(1866-60-AGT-02)(1866-602-4802) Hip-hop Rap Quartet
3 Derrick Barry (1866-60-AGT-03)(1866-602-4803) Britney Spears Impersonator
4 Elite (1866-60-AGT-04)(1866-602-4804) Martial Artist
5 Ronny B (1866-60-AGT-05)(1866-602-4805) Singer / Dancer
The Cadence (1866-60-AGT-06)(1866-602-4806) Percussion Group
Jessica Price (1866-60-AGT-07)(1866-602-4807) Singer/Musician
8 Shimshi (1866-60-AGT-08)(1866-602-4808) Magician
9 DC Cowboys (1866-60-AGT-09)(1866-602-4809) Dance Troupe
Neal E. Boyd (1866-60-AGT-10)(1866-602-4810) Opera Singer

Top 40, Part 2

The second episode of the Top 40 performance semifinals was broadcast from Los Angeles, California on November 12, 2008.

Acts that were eliminated include:

  • Slippery Kittens
    • General: A burlesque dance group who are mothers.
    • Preliminaries, Week 1: Passed through
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Performance was not shown. Passed through
    • Top 40: Performed to "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" by The Andrews Sisters. Received an X from Morgan for strip teasing and unprofessional tattos. Eliminated.
  • Jonathan Arons
    • General: Trombonist and dancer
    • Preliminaries, Week 1: Performed to "Bad Girls" by Donna Summer.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Performed to "Car Wash" by Rose Royce. Passed through
    • Top 40: Danced and performed to "Let's Groove", "Boogie Wonderland", and "September" by Earth, Wind and Fire. Eliminated.
  • George "the Giant" McArthur
    • General: 7' 3" carnival sideshow style performer.
    • Preliminaries, Week 3: Drank milk through a long bendy straw that went through his nasal passage and around an audience volunteer, and then set off firecrackers on his chest.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Only shown briefly in a montage. Lay on a bed of nails. Passed through
    • Top 40: Human Pinata act. Escaped chains while being held upside down and children were beating him with sticks. At a point in the performance, he dropped candy onto the floor. He received an X from both Morgan and Osbourne. The judges felt this is not an act. Eliminated.
  • Kazual
    • General: A cappella barbershop quartet style group
    • Preliminaries, Week 7: Passed through
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Performance was not shown. Passed through
    • Top 40: Sang "Can You Feel It" by The Jacksons. Received an X from Morgan. They were heavily criticized that, besides the main lead singer, the others did not have solo quality voices and the group should stick to the other three backing up and harmonizing with the lead singer. Eliminated.
  • Beyond Belief Dance Company
    • General: 22 member dance troupe from Mesquite, Texas.
    • Preliminaries, Week 3: Danced to "Fashionista" by Jimmy James. Morgan said that the group's outfits and makeup were horrendous, but loved their performance.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Danced to "Don't Stop the Music" by Rihanna. Passed through
    • Top 40: Performed to "When I Grow Up" by the Pussycat Dolls. Eliminated in favor of the Zooperstars. Morgan voted for BBDC, while Osbourne and Hasselhoff voted for the Zooperstars, with Hasselhoff saying that he had confidence that BBDC would go far.

Elimination Table, Week 2

Italics indicate the act was a wild card. Order indicates when the act performed during the performance episode.

Key Buzzed out Judges' choice   Advanced to the Top 20.   Finished in either fifth or sixth place; Won the judges' vote.   Finished in either fifth or sixth place; Lost the judges' vote.
Order Performer Act Description Buzzes and judges' choices
Hasselhoff Osbourne Morgan
1 Beyond Belief Dance Company Dance Troupe
Paul Salos Frank Sinatra Impersonator
3 Kazual Singing Group
ZOOperstars! Mascot Dance Troupe
The Wright Kids Bluegrass Trio
6 Jonathan Arons Trombonist and Dancer
Daniel Jens Singer/Musician
8 Slippery Kittens Burlesque Dance Group
9 George the Giant Carnival Side Show Performer
Queen Emily Singer

Top 40, Part 3

The third episode of the Top 40 performance semifinals was broadcast from Los Angeles, California on November 19, 2008.

Acts that were eliminated include:

  • Texas State Strutters
    • General: precision dance team from Texas State University.
    • Preliminaries, Week 6: Performed to "September" as made famous by Earth, Wind, and Fire.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Performance was not shown. Passed through
    • Top 40: Performed to "Boogie Wonderland" by Earth, Wind & Fire. They were X'ed by all three judges, and was criticized for being boring, inability and amateur to make it to the Top 20, being out of sync, and for having the dance routine off-balanced. Eliminated
  • Michael Strelo-Smith
    • General: Former professional opera singer who appeared on America's Got Talent, Season 2, however, was not passed through to the live shows for one reason, the judges felt he wasn't ready.
    • Preliminaries, Not Shown: Passed through.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: sang "Somewhere" from the musical West Side Story. Passed through
    • Top 40: Sang "I Am What I Am". Was X'ed by Morgan and Osbourne for being, as Morgan put it, "karaoke" and Sharon put it, "music teacher. Judges' choice, eliminated in favor of Sick Step
  • Bruce Block
    • General: Magician/general performer. Appeared in the previous season of the show as well.
    • Preliminaries, Week 5: Block lay on a bed of nails and held a board on top of himself for his assistant to dance on and sing "Anything Goes". Hasselhoff then asked to stand on Block as well, to establish that the bed of nails was indeed real.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: escaped from a straitjacket. Passed through
    • Top 40: Performed an act where he transformed a divided pantomime horse into a small living pony, with around a half dozen little people around him as various additional characters in the act. He was criticized by Morgan for doing a version of the "oldest trick in the book", and by Hasselhoff for creating confusion with the large number of assistants he used. Eliminated
  • Shequida Hall
    • General: Female impersonator and operatic singer. Able to sing both in a very low bass range and an extremely high tenor range, sounding both male and female in a single performance.
    • Preliminaries, Not Shown: Passed through.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Passed through. Passed through
    • Top 40: Sang "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor, completely in falsetto. Eliminated
  • Matthew Piazzi
    • General: impressionist
    • Preliminaries, Week 7: Passed through
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Performance was not shown. Passed through
    • Top 40: Did impressions of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jack Nicholson, Vince Vaughn, and George Clooney. Using the impressions, played the piano and sang a version of "Great Balls of Fire". He was criticized for having poor material. Eliminated

Elimination Table, Week 3

Italics indicate the act was a wild card. Order indicates when the act performed during the performance episode.

Key Buzzed out Judges' choice   Advanced to the Top 20.   Finished in either fifth or sixth place; Won the judges' vote.   Finished in either fifth or sixth place; Lost the judges' vote.
Order Performer Act Description Buzzes and judges' choices
Hasselhoff Osbourne Morgan
1 Texas State Strutters Precision Dance Team
2 Michael Strelo-Smith Classical Crossover Singer
3 Bruce Block Magician/General Performer
4 Shequida Hall Female Impersonator/Opera Singer
Taubl Family Family Musician Group
Jonathan Burkin Baton Twirler
Sarah Lenore Singer/Musician
SickStep Hip-hop Dance Crew
9 Matthew Piazzi Impressionist
Joseph Hall "Young Elvis" Impersonator

Top 40, Part 4

The fourth episode of the Top 40 performance semifinals was broadcast from Los Angeles, California on November 26, 2008.

Acts that were eliminated include:

  • Dallas Desperados Dancers
    • General: Cheerleading dance team of the Dallas Desperados Arena Football team.
    • Preliminaries, Week 5: Passed through
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Performance was not shown. Passed through
    • Top 40: Performed to "Lose Control" by Missy Elliott. Received X'es from Morgan and Osbourne. Eliminated
  • Bryan Cheatham
    • General: Singer, a former Chippendale dancer and R&B singer
    • Preliminaries, Week 5: Sang "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith.
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Sang "When a Man Loves a Woman" by Percy Sledge. Passed through
    • Top 40: Sang "You're the First, the Last, My Everything" by Barry White. Judges' choice, eliminated in favor of The Tapping Dads.
  • Flambeaux
    • General: Fire breather
    • Preliminaries, Week 4: Passed through
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Only shown briefly in a montage. Passed through
    • Top 40: Received 3 X's from the judges, who complained his act this time was boring, his timing was slow, and that in general his act was too scary. Eliminated
  • Dorae Saunders
    • General: Tina Turner impersonator
    • Preliminaries, Week 5: Lip-synced and danced to "Proud Mary".
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Performed to "The Best". Passed through
    • Top 40: Performed to "Disco Inferno". After being criticized by Morgan for lip-syncing, Saunders responded that she was an actress and a dancer, not a singer. Eliminated
  • Indiggo
    • General: Twin singing sisters Mihaela and Gabriela
    • Preliminaries, Week 1: Sang "New York, New York" by Frank Sinatra
    • Las Vegas Callbacks: Montage shown singing "Viva Las Vegas". Passed through
    • Top 40: Sang an original song titled "I Don't Need No Georgie Clooney". Half of the audience were booing at Indiggo and Morgan called them "the worst dancers and the worst singers in the entire competition." Eliminated

Elimination Table, Week 4

Italics indicate the act was a wild card. Order indicates when the act performed during the performance episode.

Key Buzzed out Judges' choice   Advanced to the Top 20.   Finished in either fifth or sixth place; Won the judges' vote.   Finished in either fifth or sixth place; Lost the judges' vote.
Order Performer Act Description Buzzes and judges' choices
Hasselhoff Osbourne Morgan
1 Dallas Desperados Dancers Cheerleading Dance Team
2 Bryan Cheatham R&B Singer
3 Flambeaux Fire Breather
Kaitlyn Maher Singer
5 Dorae Saunders Tina Turner Impersonato

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