HOME > Reality TV Airdate Schedule News - August 2001

Reality TV Airdate Schedule News - August 2001

  • "Let The Games Begin" - NBC Throws Final 'Fear' Episode Against 'Race' Premiere

    August 26, 2001
    NBC is looking to strike a little 'Fear' into the premiere of CBS' highly-touted action reality series 'The Amazing Race.' The network will use an original episode of hot shock reality series 'Fear Factor' to combat 'Race's' Sept. 5 debut.
  • The Amazing Race To Premiere Wednesday September 5th

    August 26, 2001
    CBS has announced that two shows will jumpstart the fall season for CBS -- starting with the Jerry Bruckheimer-produced reality show 'The Amazing Race,' which will debut on Wednesday Sept. 5 at 9 p.m., followed a week later by the supernatural thriller 'Wolf Lake' at 10 p.m. 'Race' will debut the same night as NBC's 'Lost,' which CBS President and CEO Leslie Moonves calls a coincidence.
  • 'Big Brother' Gets Later Curfew

    August 2, 2001
    The action on "Big Brother 2" has become a little too racy for the 8 p.m. hour for the Tiffany network.


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