ESPN Reality Shows News
- March 29, 2004
In the final episode of ESPN's Dream Job, Mike Hall, a 22-year-old journalism student at the University of Missouri, won a one-year contract as an anchor on ESPN's Sports Center. When the result of the final nationwide vote was announced, Mike defeated Adam Levine, a 21-year-old senior at Stanford, by approximately 60% to 40%.
- February 4, 2004
ESPN has announced the twelve finalists for its new reality series, Dream Job, in which contestants will compete for a one-year, contract to be a SportsCenter anchor. Hosted by ESPN anchor Stuart Scott, Dream Job will debut from New York Sunday, February 22 at 10 PM ET on ESPN. Shot live in front of a studio audience, the hour-long program will be aired six consecutive Sundays at 10 PM with the two-hour finale on March 28 at 9 PM.
- September 9, 2003
ESPN has announced the full open audition casting call tour for its new upcoming "Dream Job" sportscaster reality show. "Dream Job," billed as "The Search For The Next SportsCenter Anchor!" will be an "American Idol"-style competition show in which the contestants which they will be brought to Bristol, Connecticut ESPN headquarters, to complete in a number of sportscaster-related activities.
- August 24, 2003
"Twisters," our episode summary for episode 7 of ESPN's "Beg, Borrow, & Deal 2," authored by realitybites, has been posted.
- August 14, 2003
"I Don't Want to be the Whore Anymore," our episode summary for episode 6 of ESPN's "Beg, Borrow, & Deal 2," authored by realitybites, has been posted.
- August 14, 2003
"I Don't Want To Be The Whore Anymore," our episode summary for Episode 6 of ESPN's Beg, Borrow, & Deal 2, authored by realitybites, has been posted. Check it out by clicking here
- August 6, 2003
"Bears, Boots, and Beers," our episode summary for episode 5 of ESPN's "Beg, Borrow, & Deal 2," authored by Jims02, has been posted.
- July 30, 2003
"Swap, Pop, and Chomp," our episode summary for episode 4 of ESPN's "Beg, Borrow, & Deal 2," authored by realitybites, has been posted. Check it out by clicking HERE
- July 29, 2003
Another update just in from "Beg, Borrow & Deal 2" producer Neil Mandt -- according to Neil, ESPN has once again changed the timeslot of the show.
- July 24, 2003
"Is There a McDonald's on Loser Island?," our episode summary for episode 3 of ESPN's "Beg, Borrow, & Deal 2," authored by realitybites, has been posted.