90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Tell-All Part 5 featured Manuel Velez admitting he wants to leave Ashley Michelle, Jasmine Pineda taking a lie-detector test, Liz Woods acting "scandalous" with Ed Brown, and Michael Ilesanmi explaining why he disappeared on Angela Deem after the Tell All during the Season 8 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.


90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?'s eighth season starred Kobe Blaise and Emily Bieberly, Alexei Brovarnik and Loren Goldstone, Patrick Mendes and Thais Ramone, Ed Brown and Liz Woods, and Michael Ilesanmi and Angela Deem.

The cast also included Sophie Sierra and Rob Warne, Ashley Michelle and Manuel Velez, Gino Palazzolo and Jasmine Pineda, and Nicole Sherbiny and Mahmoud Sherbiny.


90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? featured married couples trying to make their relationships work in America following the K-1 visa process, except for Liz and Ed, who had begun the season as engaged Americans.


90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? documented the cast navigating the highs and lows in their relationship from managing significant cultural differences to working through turbulent family dynamics.

For the first time in franchise history, the cast of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? were all asked to sleep in the same house in New Jersey while the five-part Tell-All event filmed in New York City over the course of four days.

Nicole and Mahmoud did not participate in the Tell All. The couple last appeared on the show in May, and their departure from the 90 Day Fiance series came shortly after Mahmoud's February 2024 arrest on domestic violence charges.

Below is what happened on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?'s Tell-All Part 5 for Season 8.


Sophie told Loren that she was very opinionated about everyone else's relationship. Sophie said Loren and Alexei never showed any bad side of their marriage and they came across perfect, but Loren argued how she had her husband had just fought on the stage.


"I kind of get it now," Loren told Rob, taking a jab at Sophie.

Sophie claimed she was "Team Women," but Loren said it wasn't her job to defend Sophie -- it was Rob's job.

"You think you're better than everyone else... You don't have respect for anyone here," Sophie argued.

And Thais argued with Loren, "You're not better than anyone. You act like that."

Thais said Loren had trashed her behind her back on Pillow Talk only to personally congratulate her about having a baby.


Loren and Alexei explained how they had to fly home to be with their children and that's why they were leaving the Tell All early. As the couple walked out, Sophie was yelling and Loren called her a crazy "b-tch."

Loren insisted that she wasn't perfect and had her own problems to deal with such as anxiety and OCD.


Jasmine wondered if Ashley was delaying Manuel's paperwork to become a U.S. citizen on purpose.

Jasmine claimed Manuel had reached out to her privately on social media and asked her to delete their conversations.

Jasmine said their conversations were innocent, like about a green card, and Manuel had told Jasmine that she was being controlled by Gino.


Jasmine claimed Gino had also intentionally delayed the process because he wanted proof that she loved him.

"It was a selfish decision to put it off for a year," Emily agreed.

Ed advised Gino to simply have sex with his wife, but Gino alluded to how fighting with Jasmine ruined his sex drive.

Ed could tell that Gino was a really sensitive person, but Jasmine complained about how she hadn't had sex in eight months.

"It's always me that's wrong," Gino complained.

"No, it's always me who's wrong," Jasmine vented.

Jasmine lost her cool because she felt "rejected" and Ed kept talking over her.

"Even your family is against you, Gino!" Jasmine shouted, adding how their problems at home were even worse than they appeared.

"Everyone is like, 'Poor Gino, he can't have sex with you because you're such a terrible person.' Let me walk away then! Have the balls to say it!... You are too comfortable without having sex. You don't make me feel beautiful. You don't love me."

"I can't love you when you're yelling and screaming at me every day," Gino countered.



Patrick interjected and said he couldn't understand why Gino just couldn't love his wife. Gino asked Patrick to spend a day with Jasmine, saying he'd understand it then.

"Love me for who I am!" Jasmine screamed.

When Jasmine stormed off, Rob advised Gino to comfort his wife and help to calm her down.

Gino started to cry over the commotion, and Rob asked Gino to give his wife a hug and attempt to win her back.

Sophie told Jasmine that she could relate to Gino because even though she was very attracted to Rob, she couldn't have sex with him unless her mind was in a good and healthy place. Sophie said "sorry" wasn't enough, but Jasmine admitted she didn't know how to fix it.

The cast didn't want to see Gino finally try to improve his marriage when it's already too late.

When Gino went to talk to Jasmine, she apologized for yelling at him. Gino said there were moments when he felt hope for their future but every fight brought him back down and he didn't want to continue a toxic relationship.

"Maybe if we limit the amount of time we're together, we're going to stop fighting. We have reached such a low level in our marriage that we shouldn't be together," Jasmine explained to her husband.

"We should separate for a little, but not break up. I want you to win me over again and take me on dates. I want you to miss me like when I was in Panama and you missed me. It's reaching the finish line, if we don't do something drastic."


Ashley told Manuel it hurt her feelings when he suggested that he wasn't going to stay with her long term.

Manuel explained that he wasn't going to stay in the relationship and "live off love" because he wanted to make money and provide for his wife as well as his children living in his native country.

Manuel thought Ashley was being selfish, and he asked her to stop stressing him out. Ashley was very hurt because she thought she had sacrificed everything for Manuel and their relationship.


Manuel had to pay $200 per month for his kids, and without Ashley, he couldn't do that.

Manuel and Ashley then argued about whether she had printed out his papers. Manuel insisted Ashley had done nothing, but Ashley yelled in turn about how she definitely had printed them out.

Ashley admitted she should've filed the paperwork sooner but it wasn't fair of people to "villainize" her or call her selfish.

"Manuel has always done a lot of blaming," Ashley lamented to her female co-stars. "I've been bending a lot for this relationship, and when you bend something too much, eventually it breaks."

Kobe told Manuel that the situation wasn't easy on Ashley, who had done a lot for him.

But Manuel wished Ashley asked about his kids more and seemed more curious.


"I care about them way more than you realize," Ashley told Manuel. "I needed to do the paperwork sooner, it's true. But I thought I could do it."

Ashley said once they finished the paperwork, she'd like to travel to Ecuador and get to know his family, including his mother, better.

As Manuel packed up his things in the house, he called Ashley selfish again and started to cry in a confessional.

"I'm not going to bind myself to someone that I give so much love to, but I get nothing in return. It's useless. I want to go," Manuel cried to the cameras.

"I haven't really told her, but I'd like to leave. [In Ecuador], I might earn $100 a week, but at least I'm helping my kids. But what am I doing here? Washing her f-cking clothes? I'm not going to miss my kids' lives for her. If she can't understand me and keeps doing her sh-t, I'll be fine in Ecuador. I'll be happy... [It's] easy."


Rob felt like he and Sophie needed help, and so he revealed how he was talking to a therapist.


Rob wasn't sure Sophie really loved him and wanted to work things out, so he suggested they should go to couple's therapy together. Sophie said she'd be open to that, and she and Rob enjoyed a couple easy laughs.

Rob and Sophie left the Tell All house together, which made their co-stars cheer.

Rob felt "a glimmer of hope" with Sophie.

"I don't know if this is going to work out, but we'll just have to see," Rob said.


Patrick called Gino and Jasmine "a great mess," and he said Emily and Kobe were a great example of a couple who is super committed.

"Ed and Liz are really complicated. Liz, I don't know, she's kind of scandalous, if you ask me. One night Jason is throwing her over his shoulder, and the next night, she's holding hands with Ed," Patrick explained.


"And then Ed tells me that Liz said Ed was better in bed. That's coming from Ed, [so] he probably made that up. But I'm just saying -- it's weird!"

Patrick and Thais, meanwhile, were leaving in a good place, even though Thais wanted her husband to defend her more.

LIZ and ED

Ed had saved a photo of Liz and himself from their engagement, which made Liz cry and take a walk down memory lane.

Ed admitted to Liz, "I know if I married you, I would've destroyed you. I know that. So I'd rather part as friends than never talk to you again."

Liz said her man at home meant everything to her but feelings came up in Ed's presence. Liz teared up and explained how she just really needed closure with Ed.



Meanwhile, the girls were gossiping about Liz's love life.

"I'm 50 percent [Liz] is still in love [with Ed] and this guy [Jayson] is just a rebound, and 50 percent she is over it," Jasmine shared.

"I think she's rubbing it in Ed's face too much," Sophie said.

"Not even Big Ed deserves that," Jasmine agreed.

"If Rob did that to me, I would be crying all day. I would be so angry and upset. It's disrespectful," Sophie noted.

Ed was then shown admitting to Patrick that he could've "closed it" with Liz, meaning had another sexual encounter with her before they parted ways.


"I know me, and I know Liz's weaknesses. Could I have done it? Absolutely," Ed told Patrick.

"But she would've felt like sh-t and it would've been harder for her... It would've f-cked her up, man."

Patrick said it must've been tough for Ed to watch Liz kiss and flirt with her new boyfriend right in front of him.

Ed then unblocked Liz on his Instagram account, and the pair enjoyed some laughs.

"I'm not in love with him anymore, but that doesn't mean I still don't have a lot of love for him," Liz told the cameras.

"But I do have a lot of my best memories with him, and I'm very grateful for the four days we have in this house together."


Ed determined he's "fixable" but it's going to take a while, and Liz said she'd always defend him and be there for him.

Liz said she got a little closure from Ed but she felt a little guilty about needing that closure to begin with.

Ed had allegedly told Liz that he wanted to stay in her life and remain friends.

"But I don't want to see Ed again. I want no more contact with Ed," Liz told the cameras.

"But I'd be lying to myself if I say it doesn't hurt knowing this is the last time I'm going to see him."

When they said goodbye, Ed jokingly thanked Liz for ruining his life. Ed thanked Liz for being a part of his life, and then he quipped about how he was going to stalk her.


Ed had tears in his eyes, and he hugged Liz goodbye. She told him to behave and get home safely.

Ed admitted it was hard to see a woman he loved whom he knew he wasn't going to be with anymore.

Liz then received a message from Ed on social media saying he'd always care about her and want what's best for her.


Shaun brought in a polygraph technician, John, to administer a lie-detector test so some couples could discover the truth and get to the bottom of their problems.

Each couple got to choose whether to participate, but Angela and Michael were not present.

The cast learned the test was medically 100 percent accurate.


Jasmine wanted to hook Gino up to the test first, but he chose not to do it in fear the results would not be reliable. Jasmine, insisting she had nothing to prove or lie about, decided to take the test.

The 90 Day Fiance cast learned that Jasmine was, in fact, attracted to Gino and that she didn't cheat on Gino with her ex-boyfriend Dane the night before she moved to America.

Jasmine also revealed that she didn't plan on leaving Gino.

Jasmine, however, lied about how she thought her breasts were big enough. Jasmine admitted, as a result, that she actually wanted to increase the size of her bust again.


On the last day of the Tell All, Emily was crying because she said she and Kobe had fought over baby names.

While Emily hadn't discovered her baby's sex yet, Kobe apparently wasn't budging on naming their son after his best friend, Valerie, who had the nickname Atem. Emily admittedly didn't like the name and mentioned how it could be their son's middle name.


Emily said it was so unfair because her baby was already going to have Kobe's last name.

"Why can't it be the middle name?" Emily asked Kobe.

"It's something you should be excited about," Kobe responded.

"I'm not... We both have to agree on the name. You're the one who is not compromising at all," Emily said.

"The baby is going to be here literally any time now. Now I hope I have a girl so I won't have to fight you over a name and see what will happen if I write down a name that you don't like," Emily said.

"I really hope we have another girl so you'll be happy," Kobe said.


Emily repeated how she didn't like the name Valerie and never agreed to name her son that. Emily said she was tired, pregnant and ready to give birth.

Emily later welcomed a son, and she gave in and called the baby Atem.


Angela referred to herself as "single," and she shared how she was going to return home and hire a lawyer.

"I made my mind up. I don't need y'all to feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for [Michael] because he should've listened," Angela told her co-stars.

"I worked so hard for seven years. I'm exhausted... I want to get my visa from him and send him home. I'm done. I'm not going to fight with him... I'm drained."

Kobe stood up for Michael, and Angela called Kobe "a male chauvinist." Angela said no one was going to tell her how to treat her man or run her life, and she called Kobe "full of sh-t."


Jasmine cried because she felt so bad for Michael. Jasmine thought Angela was being so mean to Michael and that he didn't deserve to be kicked out of the United States.

Michael told Angela that they weren't going to get a divorce, but she disagreed. Michael followed Angela out of the building as Kobe continued fighting with Angela in Michael's defense.

"I ain't scared of nobody! Angela shouted.

Kobe called Angela "a mess" and pointed out how she "wouldn't be able to control Michael forever."

Michael said he needed to figure out how to resolve his problems with Angela but he wasn't sure how to proceed.

"Michael is not as stupid as Angela thinks. Michael is a smart dude," Kobe concluded.

Angela later asked Michael for his wedding ring back, and then she lost it. Angela thought that was a sign, and Michael was pretty upset because he had worn it on his ring finger for four years.

"Maybe it's meant to be off for a reason and I [should] send his ass home," Angela said.

After the five-part Tell All filmed, producers received an update from Angela that her "worst fear" had come true.

"In three days [of being home], he was gone," Angela lamented.

Michael shared his side of the story via video message, saying that once the couple returned home, Angela started giving him attitude and saying mean things to him.

"It got to the point where I had to leave. She said she wants to go out to run some errands, so she left the house and I went to the closet, picked up my backpack, my essential documents, my jacket, and I left the house," Michael explained.


"I walked for about five hours. I was so tired. At one point, it felt like my leg was going to fall off me. And I almost got bitten by a dog. But God saved me. I begged a man to use his cell phone, and I was able to reach out to one of my two friends. They assisted me to get to a bus station. I spend about 18 hours to go to where I am now."

Michael insisted he came to America "for the right reasons."

"From the bottom of my heart, yes, I am here for the right reasons," Michael continued.

"But unfortunately, what I was expecting wasn't what I met. I just want to move on with my life... Enough is enough. No one deserved to be treated this way. I want the best for us and for myself, but it's so unfortunate, I just can't take it anymore."

Angela said, "I'll see you soon. You're getting on a plane and heading to the court room. I'll see you soon."

At this time, Michael was living with friends in an undisclosed location.


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.