90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days featured Tigerlily learning some hard truths about Adnan and having second thoughts about marriage, Rayne feeling stabbed in the heart by Chidi, and Loren and Brian meeting their partners overseas during the Season 7 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.

90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' seventh season stars eight new couples who are convinced they found true love.


The eight couples include Tigerlily, a 41-year-old from Texas, and Adnan, a 23-year-old from Jordan; Rayne, a 38-year-old from New Mexico, and Chidi, a 34-year-old from Nigeria; Loren, a 33-year-old from Nevada, and Faith, a 31-year-old from the Philippines; and Niles, a 28-year-old from Alabama, and Matilda, a 23-year-old from Ghana.

The rest of the new Season 7 couples are Joe, a 34-year-old from Florida, and Magda, a 23-year-old from Poland; Brian, a 52-year-old from Illinois, and Ingrid, a 33-year-old from Brazil; Veah, a 27-year-old from Florida, and Sunny, a 26-year-old from South Africa; and Vanja, a 41-year-old from Florida, and Bozo, a 38-year-old from Croatia.

Like 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' prior seasons, the seventh season will follow Americans who began online romantic relationships with foreign partners as they travel overseas hoping to get engaged to someone they have never met in person and then begin the K-1 Visa immigration process.

Along the way, the Americans will encounter challenges that include large age gaps, language barriers, cultural issues, and questionable pasts as they travel to a list of countries that includes Nigeria, Philippines, Ghana, Poland, Brazil, Jordan, South Africa, and Croatia to meet their online partners for the first time.

Below is what happened on Episode 2 of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' seventh season on TLC.


Rayne was shown packing up her belongings -- including soft underwear for the bedroom -- at her farm in New Mexico to embark on her three-week trip to Nigeria to meet Chidi, her blind "Nigerian Prince Charming" whom she had met over five years prior on social media.

Rayne said the fact Chidi is blind made her fall even more in love with him.

"I feel like we're going to have love making and not just sex. I've never been involved with love making," Rayne admitted.

Rayne's kids were proud of her mother for pursuing love and finding happiness, but they hoped she'd stay safe and have a good time.

This marked Rayne's first trip outside of the United States, and she was about to fly halfway across the world to Lagos. She was afraid of getting "ass worms" from the food in Africa.

Rayne said Chidi was "sweet with his words" and so she anticipated he'd be just as affectionate in-person. Rayne believed her love for Chidi would make her feel "complete" in life.

When Rayne and Chidi finally met in the airport, they hugged each other and Chidi called the moment a "dream" come true.

"I never thought this day would come, babe! I love you so much!" Chidi gushed. "I can't see you, but my heart sees you."

"Aww, you're so sexy," Rayne gushed.

Chidi said Rayne's body was different in person than how she had described herself, and he called her body "big."

But Chidi said Rayne was still "perfect" and he liked her stature. Chidi dubbed his partner "the perfect description of beauty," and he said he loved her long hair.

When the pair walked out of the airport together, Rayne decided to hold her man's butt. Chidi enjoyed seeing the world through Rayne's eyes.

Rayne was going to stay at Chidi's sister Victoria's house, which made Rayne feel a little anxious. The women hadn't spoken much, and Rayne feared having drama with her.

Rayne apparently had a feeling when she was younger that she was going to have a problem with a man's sister. Rayne said her intuition was typically correct and so that worried her.


But Victoria gave Rayne a warm welcome and planned to do everything possible to make Chidi's girlfriend feel comfortable.

"Rayne is not aware that we won't be sleeping in the same room. I have to tell her tonight before we go to bed. I just hope that she won't get upset," Chidi noted.

When Chidi broke the news that they couldn't sleep together that night, Rayne seemed to understand. Chidi explained how his spirit and thoughts would still be with Rayne, and she replied, "I know."

Rayne was trying to be respectful, but she told the cameras that she felt "totally rejected." After getting to know each other for so many years, she said it felt like "a stab" in her heart.

"I didn't come all the way over here for me to just be alone," Rayne lamented in a confessional.


Tigerlily was leaving Texas for Jordan, where she was going to meet her fiance Adnan for the first time.

"Right after I land, Adnan and I are going to be married -- and I can't wait!" Tigerlily told the cameras.

"My kids are with their dad, and it was pretty hard saying goodbye to them. This is the first time I've ever left them, but I know it will be worth it. This is their chance to have a family and be happy too."

Tigerlily packed 12-18 fully-accessorized outfits for her six days in Jordan, and she was a little worried one or more of her suitcases was going to get lost in travel.

Tigerlily's glam squad joined her for the trip so she could look perfect for her wedding, but her squad was nervous because Tigerlily had never even met her fiance. They thought Tigerlily barely knew the man she was about to marry.

About 24 hours prior to Tigerlily's arrival in Jordan, Adnan, who worked as a model, was shown preparing for his wedding through a cleansing ritual, grooming and dancing with friends in celebration.

Adnan thought Tigerlily was absolutely beautiful but that she also had some depth to her from an emotional standpoint.

Adnan was a virgin, and so he said he was looking forward to having sex for the first time with his wife.

But Adnan's friends were concerned about him marrying a stranger, who also tended to wear tight clothing and dress sexy in the streets, which conflicted with his beliefs and values.

"As her husband, my say should not be challenged. So she must respect my decision... She can't reject it," Adnan explained to his pal. "In my religion, they don't want a wife... talking with other men, and she should cover everything because she is my wife."

Adnan said if Tigerlily didn't respect his demands, then they could have a big problem on their hands.

Once Tigerlily landed in Jordan, her glam squad jumped into action in the airport bathroom while Adnan waited to see her for the first time face to face. Tigerlily said she had been waiting "forever" to meet him and she was so glad the moment had finally arrived.

When Adnan saw Tigerlily, they embraced in the airport, and Tigerlily called him "so cute."

Adnan shared how he felt "a fire" inside of him and he gave her a little kiss on the head in public, which wasn't exactly allowed. Adnan said he couldn't control himself because he loved Tigerlily so much.

Tigerlily showed up wearing a sexy black jumpsuit with cutouts in the mid-section, and so Adnan said she'd have to change her clothes once they got home. Adnan also didn't like the fact that Tigerlily's hairstylist was a man.

"In the future, Tigerlily can't have guy friends. It's not acceptable to me," Adnan told the cameras.

Tigerlily and Adnan agreed to tie the knot that night, but doubt was starting to creep into Tigerlily's mind. Marriage was a permanent decision, and so promising herself to Adnan so quickly was "nerve-wracking" for Tigerlily.

Adnan thought Tigerlily looked like "a doll," and he said he loved it so much.

But once Adnan and Tigerlily began their drive to a hotel, where they'd be spending the night together, the couple had nothing to talk about. Adnan lived with 14 other people, and he shared with Tigerlily's glam squad how he'd like to have five children.

"You didn't even tell me that, baby," Tigerlily responded.

Tigerlily also discovered that Adnan planned to spend more time in Jordan than she thought once they got married. She thought he'd join her in the U.S. and stay there most of the time.


Tigerlily hoped the love they shared would be enough to work everything out, but she had just been through a rough divorce and so there was a lot on the line.

When heading to the venue where they would become legally wed, Tigerlily learned that she'd be meeting Adnan's family. Tigerlily had been under the impression that she and Adnan were going to tie the knot alone in an intimate ceremony.

Tigerlily became very nervous and wasn't sure how to behave in order to impress Adnan's parents.

"Now I'm meeting his mom for the first time with no notice at all. It's a lot," Tigerlily complained.

"It is really starting to hit me that I am marrying someone who I just met a few hours ago... This could be the biggest mistake of my life. I mean, maybe I don't want to do it."


Loren was shown cleaning himself in the airport after 20 hours of flying. He was one short flight away from meeting his girlfriend Faith in the Philippines.

Loren brought an engagement ring with him on the trip, but he acknowledged how they had a lot to figure out -- including his trouble with finances and his desire for an open relationship.

"These are not easy things to accept, but I have a deep love for Faith, and I hope that we can work through it," Loren told the cameras.

About 24 hours prior to Loren's arrival, Faith was shown washing clothes in a bucket as a hotel housekeeper and events coordinator.

Since Faith was holding down a steady job, she was able to send money to her family. Faith felt very lucky because her co-workers accepted her for who she is.

Faith was born a male named Rodnie, but she could not change her gender according to law in the Philippines. However, she entered a trans beauty pageant when she was 15-years-old, and she won "Miss Shining Hair."

Faith then decided to live her life as a female, but she decided not to undergo any surgeries. Faith said she was willing to have a breast augmentation yet she had no plans to have her penis removed.

Since she was a self-declared "ladyboy," Faith had been single for about 30 years -- until she met Loren from the United States on a dating app.

Faith shared how Loren made her laugh and was very respectful. Loren was her first official boyfriend, and Faith explained how her friends were so happy for her.

Faith told her pals that Loren seemed "serious" about her. The pair had sent sexy photos to each other, and Faith said she was open to sleeping with Loren. However, Faith wanted to be sure that Loren loved her before having sex.

Faith was under the assumption that Loren was a hustler who worked many side gigs, but she didn't know what exactly he did for money and if he had a main, steady job.

"Philippines is a very poor country, and the U.S., there are a lot of opportunities and you can earn more money. So if I move to the U.S., I think Loren and I can make a successful life together," Faith explained to the cameras.

Faith said she had fallen in love with Loren but she wasn't sure yet if he truly loved her in return. Faith told the cameras that no one had ever loved her before and she was afraid to get her heart broken.

When Faith and Loren met each other in the airport, they hugged each other tight, and Loren said, "Finally!" Faith could tell that Loren was "not embarrassed" of her at all, which she thought was a really special thing.


Brian from Illinois had just landed in Brazil, and he had one more flight to catch before meeting his love Ingrid in-person. The trip was hard on Brian's body, but he insisted the struggle was "so worth it."

Brian hoped Ingrid wouldn't be turned off by his wheelchair and that his physical issues wouldn't change her mind about spending the rest of her life with him.

Ingrid, meanwhile, explained how she loves riding horseback in the Tocantins. Ingrid enjoyed living in Brazil, even though she acknowledged life wasn't always easy raising two children: Italo, 12, and Arthur, almost 3.

Ingrid had welcomed her boys with two different fathers, and Arthur's father apparently abandoned her in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, when she became unemployed with a baby. Ingrid said it was a very difficult time in her life but she overcame it.

Ingrid therefore set out to find a man who could take care of her and her children, and that's when she met Brian on a dating website. Ingrid said she thought Brian was interesting and charming, and she didn't seem to mind that he was living in a wheelchair.

Ingrid could tell that Brian was independent and traveled a lot, and so she assumed he could be a good partner for her.

Ingrid and Brian were about to meet face to face for the first time, and Ingrid admitted she was both nervous and excited.

One of Ingrid's friends was worried about Ingrid's lack of knowledge about dating a man in a wheelchair, and Ingrid also hadn't told her father about her relationship in fear he wouldn't accept Brian.

"I don't know if I would feel comfortable [dating] someone my parents don't accept," Ingrid said, adding how she wanted to find a good and honest man. "I don't want to go through that [heartbreak] again."

Ingrid and Brian planned to stay in a hotel for their first night together, and so she took a bus to meet him at the airport. Ingrid had absolutely no idea how the next few days were going to go, but she looked forward to potentially meeting her soul mate.

Brian wheeled his way over to Ingrid making sure that he looked strong and masculine, and Ingrid approached him in a tight-fitted black dress.

Although Ingrid had been very nervous, she smiled big when seeing Brian for the first time. Ingrid sat in Brian's lap and hugged him, and she whispered, "I can't believe that you are real. My God."

"We fought a lot for this," Brian replied.

Ingrid said she believed in their relationship, and Brian admitted he was "blown away" by his girlfriend, who smelled nice. Ingrid, in turn, said Brian looked "beautiful." She reacted well to the wheelchair situation, but they both admittedly had a lot to learn about each other.


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.