90 Day Fiance featured Ariela Weinberg and Biniyam Shibre getting married, Mohamed Abdelhamd and Yvette "Yve" Arellano tying the knot Yve's way, Emily Bieberly fighting with Kobe Blaise the night before their wedding, Thais Ramone's father Carlos refusing to give Patrick Mendes his blessing to marry Thais, and Shaeeda worrying about Bilal Hazzies' "alpha-male" personality during the Season 9 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.
The show also stars Yve, 48-year-old from Albuquerque, NM, and Mohamed, a 25-year-old from Egypt; Patrick, a 31-year-old from Austin, TX, and Thais, a 25-year-old from Brazil; and Ariela, a 30-year-old from Princeton, NJ, and Biniyam, a 31-year-old from Ethiopia.
Ari and Biniyam first appeared on Seasons 2 and 3 of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way and have a child together named Avi.
90 Day Fiance features Americans who have fallen in love with foreigners bringing their fiances to the United States on K-1 visas.
However, once the couple is in America together, the American must marry their overseas partner within the 90-day period allowed by the visa or the foreigner has to return to their home country.
"The pressure is on and with travel guidelines more challenging than ever, there's even more at stake with these international love stories," TLC teased of the season.
"Couples aren't just navigating unique lifestyle and cultural changes when arriving in America -- many of them must also adjust to parenthood and nontraditional family lifestyles. And while absence makes the heart grow fonder, personalities and temperaments have changed and not always for the best."
Below is what happened on Episode 16 of 90 Day Fiance's ninth season.
With only two days to go until their wedding, Bilal was shown talking to his daughter and asking her how she felt. Bilal's daughter clearly liked Shaeeda and said she was getting used to having Bilal's fiancee around the house.Shaeeda said now that the prenup was in her past, she could focus on the wedding and become excited about saying, "I do." Shaeeda was also about to see her wedding dress for the first time.
The dress was custom designed by Bilal's sister, a fashion designer, but Shaeeda complained, "This is not the style I sent you." Bilal's sister said she had decided to "do my own thing" and create a gown that she thought would be more roomy and look better on Shaeeda.

"It's an old-lady dress, a hideous dress! I'm trying to compose myself because I know how I get when I'm angry... Someone was clearly not taking instructions," Shaeeda vented in a confessional.
Shaeeda apparently wanted a more form-fitting gown with lace, as she had been hoping to look "moderately sexy" for Bilal on her big day.
However, Bilal's sister was just joking, and then she surprised Shaeeda with the real dress -- a fairly tight lace dress with a high neckline -- and Shaeeda gushed about how she completely loved it.
Shaeeda couldn't believe Bilal's sister had pranked her, and Shaeeda asked, "No more pranks before the wedding, please! My heart cannot take it... Stop playing pranks on me with sentimental value."
While getting pedicures with her sisters, the prenup talk emerged again and made Shaeeda feel bad. Shaeeda realized she was marrying a strong-minded alpha male, and so she questioned if she was 100 percent ready for this relationship.
Shaeeda wasn't sure if she'd be a good wife to Bilal, who "has such a strong personality."
Shaeeda was only hours from her wedding, and she admitted, "I'm still trying to figure it out."
Patrick and Thais were vacationing in Miami, FL, and Thais complained about feeling tired due to all the traveling. They had visited Dallas, Massachusetts, and Miami in what felt like a few short weeks.Thais said instead of partying on a boat, she and Patrick should've been more concerned about fixing their problems and getting to know each other better. Thais believed Patrick was controlling in the relationship, but Patrick asked her to stop stressing and just have fun.
But Thais was nervous to meet Patrick's friends, especially since she wasn't sure if she felt ready to marry Patrick. The group spent the day on a yacht, drinking and swimming.
Everyone was having fun except for Thais because she didn't know if the wedding was going to happen or not. Given Thais felt she couldn't talk to Patrick's family about the couple's issues, she wished she had someone to vent her frustrations to and receive advice from.
One of Patrick's female friends told Thais to stand on her own two feet and make her own decisions, based on what would make her happy, rather than listening to her father. Thais pointed out to the cameras, however, how her father's opinion is very important to her.
Patrick's pals asked Thais not to break his heart, and they didn't want to see Patrick go through another divorce. They wanted Thais to break up with Patrick sooner rather than later if she truly wanted out of the relationship.
Patrick thought the yacht party was great, but Thais felt like Patrick was dragging her all across the country right before their wedding. The couple therefore went out to dinner alone that evening to enjoy some quiet time and personal conversation.
Thais told the cameras that she was thinking about whether to dump Patrick or not. She couldn't imagine breaking his heart because she loved him and they had been together for a long time, but she still had doubts.
Thais told Patrick that he was always telling her what to do and she didn't feel like she had a voice in their relationship, but he snapped back, "You don't have to say 'yes!' I can do things alone."
Patrick allegedly kept telling Thais that he was going to change, but she wasn't seeing that change. Thais told Patrick that they needed to decide things together, as a team, and he insisted, "Of course!"
Thais then told Patrick that his brother John must move out of their house after their wedding. Patrick said it wasn't going to happen right away and John needed at least three months to find a new place.
Patrick explained how he couldn't just throw his brother into the street and making John move out would be very hard. Patrick said John was an integral part of his life and the separation or detachment was going to take time.
Thais was weighing the pros and cons of staying in her relationship or leaving it, and she seemed more unsure as the big day was approaching.
"We have less than three days to figure it out," Patrick reminded his fiancee.
Patrick never imagined he and Thais would be having a conversation like this right before their wedding, and so Patrick realized there was a good chance Thais may return to Brazil and dump him.
Thais explained, "I'm afraid if I marry Patrick, it will damage my relationship with my dad forever. But thinking about breaking up with Patrick... makes me sad."
Patrick decided to call Thais' father Carlos and express himself in attempt to smooth things over, and Thais agreed to the conversation. Patrick wanted to convince Thais' dad that he meant well and only had Thais' best interest in mind.
Patrick told Carlos that he wanted his blessing and to have a good relationship with him going forward. Carlos refused to give his blessing, saying he didn't agree or support this wedding. Carlos threw his hands up in the air and said, "No."
"I'm just in shock and I feel really defeated. It definitely hurts because I know he has a ton of influence over Thais," Patrick lamented. "I'm scared she might not go through with getting married and just go back to Brazil."
On Ariela and Biniyam's wedding day, Biniyam said he felt very happy. Ariela's father Fred helped Biniyam get ready while Ariela dressed at her sister's house.The ceremony was going to take place in a Jewish temple, which Biniyam didn't like since he's a Christian and the couple's son was baptized in a Christian Ethiopian church. But Biniyam said this was his way of compromising and sacrificing for his future wife.
Meanwhile, Ariela said she finally felt excited to get married, and she seemed calm and content when speaking to her mother Janice.
Ariela said although she and Biniyam's sisters, Wish and Mimi, had fights and problems in their past, she still loved them and wanted them to tune into the wedding ceremony via Zoom. Biniyam missed his family and friends badly, and so he was thrilled for all of them to watch together.
"While I recognize the road ahead for Bini and I is not going to be easy and that nothing magical has happened where everything is perfect, in Bini and I's situation where we come from totally different backgrounds and we couldn't be more different, deciding to get married to one another is definitely taking a leap of faith," Ariela shared in a confessional.
Ariela then walked down the aisle, and she and Biniyam were both smiling big.
"I love her so much. She is my angel. God gave me this beautiful family," Biniyam gushed.
Ariela loved how she and Biniyam were able to compromise and blend their cultures and traditions in the wedding ceremony.
The couple expressed their love to one another and exchanged rings, and Ariela got a little emotional. The ceremony ended with the breaking of a glass, symbolizing how the couple's union could not be easily undone.
Ariela and Biniyam became man and wife with a kiss, and guests in the temple cheered and clapped.
Ariela shared with the cameras how her 90 days with Biniyam weren't easy but she felt a giant weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Ariela looked forward to more family adventures with Biniyam, who proudly carried his wife out of the temple in his arms.
Yve was shown going to a nail salon with her friend Rochelle. Yve showed off her new engagement ring, telling the women at the salon how Mohamed had "re-proposed" to her and she did not expect it at all.Rochelle was glad to hear that Mohamed was thinking ahead, and Yve admitted, "I literally had frigid feet. But I don't have any doubts today... I was really scared. Things got a little stressful."
Rochelle had been nervous about the wedding for months and admitted to cameras that she didn't want Yve to marry Mohamed. Rochelle said if Yve changed her mind about walking down the aisle, she'd be there for her best friend.
Yve explained how the path to being with Mohamed was "so hard," but Rochelle reminded how fairy tales aren't real life and Yve and Mohamed had been facing real roadblocks. Rochelle told Yve that she was getting married in real life and there were many red flags.
Yve said she took her friends' opinions and advice seriously, but it didn't seem like she was going to dump Mohamed.
Yve still had concerns about her differences from Mohamed and whether he'd accept her for who she truly is, but Mohamed couldn't wait to call Yve his "wife." Mohamed's friend Rafay also attended the wedding, and so Mohamed was thankful to have some support at the ceremony.
Mohamed had agreed to Yve's wishes for their ceremony, and so he was a little upset about not having a Muslim ceremony. Mohamed, however, was trying to adjust to Yve's American culture and accept it, especially since his mother had told him to do so.
Yve said she loved her strapless wedding dress but was nervous it was going to be too revealing in Mohamed's eyes. Yve's son Tharan was embracing the wedding and dressed in a tuxedo, and Yve hoped everything was going to go smoothly.
Tharan ended up ripping off his suit and wearing a T-shirt to the wedding, but Yve was totally fine with that. Once Yve walked down the aisle, Mohamed said she looked "gorgeous" and he was okay with the fact she wasn't wearing a Muslim dress.
"I just want Yve to be happy the way she wants," Mohamed said in a confessional.
Mohamed, Yve and Tharan did sand art at the ceremony to represent how they could never be separated. Yve believed she'd be bonded with Mohamed for the rest of their lives because family is very important to the both of them.
Mohamed and Yve then exchanged wedding rings, and Mohamed teared up during the ceremony.
"He truly does love me and is ready for that commitment," Yve said after Mohamed got emotional.
Mohamed and Yve were pronounced husband and wife, and Mohamed kissed his bride.
With only one day left until their wedding, Jibri and Miona were shown driving through the desert and checking into an AirBnB in California. It was a rainy day, and so Miona hoped her wedding day was going to be sunny.Miona found a beautiful venue for the couple to get married at, and so Jibri applauded his fiancee for setting up their wedding "out of thin air." Jibri's grandmother Cheyne made the trip to officiate the wedding, and Jibri gushed about how his grandmother was always there for him.
It meant so much to Jibri to have his grandmother attend his wedding, especially since his parents had refused to come due to the last-minute plans and arrangements.
"It's affecting me," Jibri admitted. "But I'm also going to do what I think is right for me, and that's getting married."
Jibri definitely had his moments of doubt about Miona, but he was prepared to get married. He just hoped his parents would surprise him and ultimately show up to the wedding. Jibri's mother and stepfather thought Jibri was being irrational and rushing into marriage.
"I think my mom should drop everything and be at her son's wedding," Jibri lamented in a confessional. "My parents only have a little bit of time to change their mind, and I'm hoping my mom and dad will be there. But I'm not sure yet."
One day before his wedding, Jibri Zoom chatted with his mom Mahala, and Jibri said how the only thing that was missing for him was his parents' attendance. Mahala admitted she was very sad about not being there but they'd celebrate with a bigger wedding later on.
"I hope it's beautiful," Mahala said.
"It would be more beautiful with you here," Jibri sadly replied.
Jibri offered to buy his mother a plane ticket, but she reluctantly replied, "I just can't."
Mahala wished Jibri the best and said she wanted to see him happy. She noted, "I don't bless the way this came about. But I'm going to bless it going forward."
One day before Emily and Kobe's wedding, Kobe was preparing to meet all of Emily's family members. Kobe said he was excited to get married but the last few weeks had been a lot for the couple to endure and get through.Kobe and Emily were keeping a secret about Emily's pregnancy, and Emily was afraid she wouldn't be able to hide her small baby bump and sudden weight gain.
Emily begged Kobe not to say anything to her parents, who were paying for the wedding.
"I do feel guilt about them not knowing," Emily acknowledged. "But at the same time, I want them to have a fun time... I don't want to ruin this big day for [my parents]."
Emily planned to drink non-alcoholic beer so that no one would catch onto the fact she wasn't drinking at her wedding.
Kobe's mother passed away in 2014 and his father and stepmother couldn't really travel due to their age, so he was overjoyed to see some of Emily's family dressed in attire at the rehearsal dinner that represented his Cameroon culture.
Emily was questioning everything due to Kobe's seemingly sudden desire to move to Ohio and his mindset on gender roles, but Kobe insisted to Emily that they were meant to be. Emily just didn't want Kobe to change his mind about things and surprise her once they were already married.
Kobe asked Emily if she thought he was in America for the benefits, and she remained silent, which Kobe called "insulting."
"I love you and I want you, but man, I'm not seeing myself taking this sh-t anymore," Kobe lashed out in a confessional.
Kobe told Emily that he had left everything behind in Cameroon -- including friends and family -- to be with her in the United States. Kobe said it didn't make sense for Emily to marry a man whom she didn't fully trust, and he felt upset.
Emily said she didn't plan on getting into an argument and just wanted reassurance from Kobe.
"What are we doing? Are we happy together? Maybe it wasn't realistic for me to believe that we had enough time to figure out this relationship in 90 days," Emily noted.
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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski