90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days featured Chidi thinking about dumping Rayne, Bozo making Vanja feel "like a fool," Ingrid's mother disapproving of Brian, and Matilda forgiving Niles for his refusal to marry her during the Season 7 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.

90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' seventh season stars eight new couples who are convinced they found true love.


The eight couples include Tigerlily, a 41-year-old from Texas, and Adnan, a 23-year-old from Jordan; Rayne, a 38-year-old from New Mexico, and Chidi, a 34-year-old from Nigeria; Loren, a 33-year-old from Nevada, and Faith, a 31-year-old from the Philippines; and Niles, a 28-year-old from Alabama, and Matilda, a 23-year-old from Ghana.

The rest of the new Season 7 couples are Joe, a 34-year-old from Florida, and Magda, a 23-year-old from Poland; Brian, a 52-year-old from Illinois, and Ingrid, a 33-year-old from Brazil; Veah, a 27-year-old from Florida, and Sunny, a 26-year-old from South Africa; and Vanja, a 41-year-old from Florida, and Bozo, a 38-year-old from Croatia.

Like 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' prior seasons, the seventh season will follow Americans who began online romantic relationships with foreign partners as they travel overseas hoping to get engaged to someone they have never met in person and then begin the K-1 Visa immigration process.

Along the way, the Americans will encounter challenges that include large age gaps, language barriers, cultural issues, and questionable pasts as they travel to a list of countries that includes Nigeria, Philippines, Ghana, Poland, Brazil, Jordan, South Africa, and Croatia to meet their online partners for the first time.

Below is what happened on Episode 9 of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' seventh season on TLC.


Vanja had missed her connection and so she was feeling a little "stressed out." Vanja was waiting to board a different connecting flight, but at least Bozo finally answered his phone.

Once Bozo answered his phone, Vanja's mind was put at ease.

Bozo, meanwhile, was hiding the fact he didn't have a job, and so he was very worried how Vanja was going to react to this news. However, he was so happy and excited about the idea of seeing her.

Bozo picked Vanja up at the airport with a potted peace lily in his hands, and their airport meeting was very sweet. The pair hugged and smiled big, and Vanja said seeing Bozo face to face for the first time was "surreal" and "special."

Bozo didn't give Vanja a kiss, but she said that was okay because she liked how he was an "old school" gentleman.

Bozo said Vanja had an "unbelievable" presence that he loved and being with her was almost overwhelming. He then took Vanja to a baking class so they could do an activity together and bond.

But Bozo told people during the cooking class how he and Vanja were friends, which caught her totally offguard and upset her.

While he was just joking around, Vanja found his words "hurtful" and his disrespectful exchange with other people left her "speechless."

Vanja gave Bozo a bunch of gifts, but he still didn't feel comfortable staying with her in her apartment. Vanja also still had to process how Bozo had treated her at the class.

"Today was a shock to me. I am hoping for a change in behavior. It feels like I might have been a fool all along," Vanja lamented in a confessional.



After getting into a big fight with Chidi and his family, Rayne booked herself a hotel room.

Rayne had flown across the world to be with Chidi, and so she had expected him to join her in the hotel room.

"I believe, honestly, that this is the end of our relationship," Rayne cried while looking out a window.

"It hurts. I'm a very strong person, but on the inside, I have a lot of pain deep down. I've been hurt a lot in my life, especially with romantic relationships."

When Rayne was three months pregnant, for example, her daughter's father left her and never came back. Other men she had dated also used drugs, and she said their was no love or commitment.

Rayne said although she was willing to give Chidi the world, he had let her down and "rejected" her in multiple ways.

Chidi, for his part, apparently had a restless and sleepiness night without Rayne. He called Rayne leaving "heartbreaking" and "heart-wrenching."

Chidi felt "partially responsible" for making Rayne feel frustrated, but at the same time, he noted how she had lacked respect for his family, which was a big problem for him.

Chidi revealed that his "utmost desire" was to win Rayne back, but that really surprised his sister Victoria.

Chidi's family didn't understand why he wanted Rayne back after she had behaved that way, but Chidi explained how people never loved Rayne well before and he had promised her that he'd love her and always be there for her.

"Are you willing to give up your family?" Victoria asked him. "That's what you're going to have to talk to her about, if you continue with this relationship. I don't think she's the right person for you."

Victoria said that she didn't want to get in his way -- and that she'd step aside -- but she wanted what's best for him.

During Rayne's second day in the hotel, she and Chidi weren't talking but they had texted back and forth a little bit. Rayne invited Chidi to come to her hotel to talk, but he was dragging his feet on the reunion.

Rayne was starting to feel ready to go back home to the U.S. She said it was breaking her heart that Chidi wouldn't visit her to work things out.

Chidi admitted he was struggling on how to move forward. He was used to forgiving Rayne for her transgressions, but this time, he said things felt different.

Chidi therefore met with his best friend Christian to talk about things first, and Christian was definitely concerned about Rayne's behavior. Christian said Chidi had even mentioned "demons" before when speaking about Rayne.

Chidi insisted he loved Rayne, but Christian asked Chidi if he could truly manage and navigate a permanent life with Rayne by his side.

"Do you think you can cope with her temperament?" Christian asked.

"You know how calm I am... but knowing how she screams and shouts and gets angry... it's something that's unending and it's something that's a part of her," Chidi told his pal.

"Honestly, I don't think I can put up with that, but I love her and I care about her. I am confused about what to do."

Christian said sometimes it's best to love someone and let them go, but the idea of losing Rayne made Chidi cry.

Chidi finally called Rayne, who was beginning to feel "hopeful" about reconciling with Chidi. She thought he'd never let his family get between them, and she dressed up in lingerie to prepare for his visit to her hotel room.


After more than a month of being apart, Tigerlily was bracing herself to see Adnan again. Tigerlily had returned home from Jordan as a happy newlywed, but things quickly changed.

Tigerlily said that once she returned to the United States, Adnan became "more controlling" and they kept "running into issue after issue."

Tigerlily claimed that Adnan was making ridiculous -- and constant -- rules for her while he was in Jordan, and so she didn't seem happy.

Tigerlily was then shown getting her hair done for her trip to Turkey, where she planned to meet her husband.

Tigerlily explained to her male hairstylist how Adnan didn't approve of the fact she had a male chiropractor, which led to a big fight.

At one point, when Tigerlily was ignoring Adnan's calls, she said Adnan admitted himself into the hospital because he wasn't breathing well. Tigerlily's hairstylist accused Adnan of being manipulative.

Tigerlily noted while Adnan may have had a panic attack, she also thought he was "playing it up" for attention and to make Tigerlily listen to him.

Tigerlily, however, still loved Adnan and was hoping to get pregnant. Tigerlily wasn't sure if she'd be reuniting with Adnan during a fertile time, but she remained optimistic about their chances of conceiving.

Tigerlily hoped that spending more time with Adnan in-person would help their relationship, but Adnan was still against the idea of Tigerlily working with a chiropractor -- even if she claimed it was for health reasons.

"I don't like it when other men are touching my wife," Adnan complained in a confessional.

During Tigerlily's flight, Tigerlily discovered a photo of Adnan taking a steamy shower.

Tigerlily asked him to delete the photo because she thought it was disrespectful to their relationship, but he refused to delete it since he's a man and he thought it was okay.

Tigerlily was tired of the double standard, especially because she had made so many changes in her life for him.

"It feels like a total slap in the face," Tigerlily complained to the cameras.



Matilda was upset because Niles had told her that they couldn't get married during his trip to see her.

Matilda broke down into tears and was so upset. She apparently felt shocked and betrayed.

Matilda asked Niles what he wanted her to tell her pastor and friends, but Niles argued that he had never promised or agreed to tie the knot.

Matilda asked Niles if he was pranking her, but Niles assured her that wasn't the case. Niles claimed he had told Matilda that they'd discuss marriage but not necessarily exchange vows.

"You're lying," Matilda said.

Niles said he wanted to meet Matilda in person and get to know her better before getting married, but Matilda insisted her man had told her a different story.

"I thought I was pretty clear that I would not be getting married on this trip," Niles told the cameras.

But a producer pointed out how Matilda had spoken about their wedding and he never stopped her or clarified his intentions. The producer called Niles out for trying to rewrite history and leading Matilda on, essentially.

Niles admitted he struggled with social skills and maybe hadn't told the full truth. Niles therefore apologized to Matilda for not spelling things out for her.

Niles told the cameras he had multiple opportunities to come clean but he didn't, and so he had made a very bad mistake. Niles apologized to Matilda again, and he said he just didn't want to ruin the moment with her.

Matilda decided to forgive Niles even though he had really hurt her. She said she loved Niles and was starting to understand that it was difficult for Niles to communicate sometimes due to his autism.

"That makes this complicated -- more than I thought," Matilda admitted. "I'm just worried that my family won't accept him. That will be a very big problem."


Brian and Ingrid had a nice conversation about communication and respect, and he said they were better as a couple because of it.

Before enjoying a little vacation together, Brian asked Ingrid to arrange a meeting so that he could meet her parents.

Brian predicted Ingrid's parents were going to be tough on her, but her father apparently had to work and wasn't around. Brian wondered, as a result, if Ingrid's father was avoiding meeting him.

"I wish I had a chance to win him over... but at least I can make a good impression on [her mom]," Brian explained in a confessional.

Ingrid acknowledged her father may have used his job as an excuse because he didn't really approve of their relationship. She also had to beg her mother to meet Brian and remain open-minded about his physical limitations.

Brian said he's typically confident in his conversational skills but Ingrid's mother was "stonewalling" him and it was "difficult" to talk.

"SHe's just cold and no emotions -- nothing. I don't know if it's my wheelchair or because I'm from another country, but I just don't know what to do right now," Brian said in a confessional.

Ingrid's mother didn't even want to eat at the same table as Brian and her daughter, and Brian couldn't believe she was acting this way.

Brian feared Ingrid's mother would rub off on Ingrid and then they'd be done.

It turned out that Ingrid' mom was upset about the idea of Ingrid potentially leaving them to join Brian in a different country. She didn't think Brian had the right to take her daughter away from her.

Brian worried that his relationship wasn't going to last if Ingrid's parents couldn't come around to the idea of them being together, and Ingrid confirmed that the tension between her mother and boyfriend was too much for her to handle.


Faith and Loren spent a day in Faith's hometown of Leyte before Loren was going to meet her family.

Faith said swimming in the ocean and spending time with her partner on the beach was wonderful and made her heart happy, and then Faith explained how her father had died from a heart attack when she was younger and she had to be the person to take care of her family financially.

Faith had to move to Manila alone and work hard. She finished high school and provided for her loved ones, and so she hoped her family was proud of her.

Faith and Loren had an emotional chat about her upbringing, but Faith confessed it was still hard to trust Loren after he had slept with other women and contracted an STD during their romance.

Loren knew he had to make a great first impression because these were the most important people in Faith's life. He didn't know what they were going to think of him once they learned about how he had treated Faith poorly while he was still living in the U.S.


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.