90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? featured Jasmine Pineda feeling "completely worthless" and accusing Gino Palazzolo of a porn addiction, Ashley Michelle seeking a post-nuptial agreement, Rob Warne wondering if Sophie Sierra was using him for a green card, and Angela Deem fearing Michael Ilesanmi was scamming her during the Season 8 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?'s new season stars Kobe Blaise and Emily Bieberly, Alexei Brovarnik and Loren Goldstone, Nicole Sherbiny and Mahmoud Sherbiny, Patrick Mendes and Thais Ramone, Ed Brown and Liz Woods, and Michael Ilesanmi and Angela Deem.

The cast also includes Sophie Sierra and Rob Warne, Ashley Michelle and Manuel Velez, and Gino Palazzolo and Jasmine Pineda from the latest season of 90 Day Fiance.


90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? features married couples trying to make their relationships work in America following the K-1 visa process, except for Liz and Ed, who began the season as engaged Americans.

The 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? cast will "continue to navigate the highs and lows in their relationships including everything from preparing for first impressions with the in-laws, to managing significant cultural differences, to working through turbulent family dynamics and more," according to TLC.

Below is what happened on Episode 12 of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?'s eighth season.

Patrick and Thais

John had slept over Patrick and Thais' place in Brazil instead of getting his own hotel, and Thais had to show him how to wash his dirty dishes in the sink. The night prior, John had eaten Thais' birthday cake with his fingers.

Patrick wanted to have Aleesi's first birthday at his father Jose's ranch, but Thais was worried that his Jose was going to ask for money or take advantage of his son. John even had "mixed feelings" and felt "bad stuff" about the man, who allegedly loved having and taking money from people.

Thais and John ended up being right, because Jose, did, in fact, ask Patrick for more money within 10 minutes of the birthday party. Jose pointed out things that needed to be fixed around the ranch, and John accused Jose of hoarding his money and spending it on the wrong things.

John even pointed out how Jose was dressed so nicely for someone who needed money from his son all the time.

"I don't know how much you can expect from him when you weren't even there for him," John told Jose, before adding, "I think for the first time in my life, I'm on Thais' side. I don't think you should be helping him."

Thais believed in helping out family, but she thought Jose was treating Patrick like "a bank" and that it wasn't right.

Michael and Angela

Michael had moved his visa interview, and Angela was shown venting about how she was "done" with him. Michael said he was just trying to be with Angela so they could be one family, and he felt a lot of weight and pressure on his shoulders.

Michael told Angela that they just needed to give the Embassy some time and then they'd be together.

Angela was furious because Michael had allowed her to believe that the Embassy moved his interview when it was really his own doing.

Michael had already failed two visa applications and she believed Michael moving his interview would probably make the Embassy suspicious of them. Moving the interview was going to take two more weeks, and so Angela's daughter guessed that Michael was using Angela and wanted to travel to the United States without her.

"Michael is doing all of this crap behind my back. Anybody would be tired of being lied to. I'm your partner!" Angela complained in a confessional.

Angela's daughter Skyla said she believed Michael was a "scammer," especially after he had lied to and cheated on her. Skyla told Angela that she was hanging onto someone who didn't deserve her and wasn't worth it. Angela cried about feeling "so confused."


Angela admitted Skyla was probably right because "the lies never stopped" with Michael, and so she planned to get to the bottom of whether Michael was really scamming her.

Angela decided that if she even doubted Michael was scamming her, it would be "game over" for their relationship.

Rob and Sophie

Rob said he hadn't spoken to Sophie since she stormed out of his apartment one day prior. Rob was sick of Sophie always threatening to call it quits after a fight, and Rob admitted he was "so tired" of the drama and her acting that way.

Rob's friend Tor'I said Sophie didn't seem invested in their relationship, and he was especially concerned when Rob mentioned how there wasn't much physical intimacy in his marriage.

Tor'I questioned if Sophie was "getting it" somewhere else, and then Rob realized that if he and Sophie called it quits, Sophie wouldn't receive her green card to become a U.S. citizen.

Rob didn't think Sophie was just trying to stay in America, but Tor'I thought Sophie's "cat and mouse game" indicated that she was playing Rob and stringing him along for the green card. Rob didn't think that was the case because he and Sophie had dated for a while before she moved to be with him.

"If she really wanted a green card, wouldn't she have found some rich sucker? Why would you choose a guy who doesn't have a bathroom in his apartment?" Rob quipped.

"But now, maybe I am her ticket. Maybe she didn't come here with that in mind, but now she doesn't want to leave. The reality of... how far we've come and how great it is when we are in a good place, it's so hard to let go of, and I can't help it."

Tor'I told Rob that he was enabling Sophie's behavior, but Rob said he didn't want to get a divorce.

Meanwhile, Sophie's friend and mother Claire were telling her that she didn't need a man and she could make herself happy on her own. Sophie admitted she didn't want to leave Rob because she was in love, but Claire didn't like how Rob treated her beloved daughter.

Sophie cried about how Rob was no longer the person she had fallen in love with -- the person whom her family and friends had also once loved. Sophie lamented about how Rob wasn't nice to her, nor did he make her feel valued and desired.

Gino and Jasmine

It became time for Gino's family reunion, and he didn't want to give his loved ones the impression that he and Jasmine weren't happy together or weren't doing well. Gino wanted an apology, saying Jasmine had thrown a smoothie at his new shoes and her behavior was unacceptable.

Jasmine said she felt like Gino had all the power and she was like a dog in their relationship. Gino said he wanted Jasmine to appreciate everything he had done for her, but Jasmine was so tired of hearing that. Jasmine blamed Gino for sabotaging her beauty pageant and breaking his promises.

"If there is someone who is ungrateful in this relationship it's him because he doesn't appreciate the things that I do for him -- cleaning the house and cooking for him. He assumes that I am obligated to do that because I'm his wife," Jasmine explained to the cameras.

"Gino has this sense of entitlement. It's like he's the American hero who traveled to a third world country and saved me from my misery. F-ck you, Gino, you are not!"


Gino asked Jasmine to try to put on a good face in front of his family, but she was upset about living "in a shith-le" and having to pretend to be happy when her husband simply wasn't making her happy.

Jasmine said she wasn't going to fake it anymore and she couldn't believe she had left her family, her language, her culture, her friends, and beautiful weather for this life.

Jasmine felt like she could be herself with Gino's family, and she managed to have fun with them -- and not because Gino had told her to.

Jasmine revealed how Gino wouldn't let her compete in a pageant, but Gino announced how it was going to cost them $1200 and they had other expenses to take care of. Jasmine then announced to Gino's family how they weren't doing well and the couple owed it to all of them to tell the truth.

Gino didn't appreciate being made to feel like the bad guy. Jasmine didn't like being at Gino's mercy for everything when she had been an independent woman in Panama, but Gino argued that he had taken her to the movies and the gym.

Gino's family took Jasmine's side, but Gino said he had trouble being intimidate with Jasmine because of the terrible things she had said to him.

"I don't want to be affectionate with somebody like that, so it hasn't been good," Gino declared.

Jasmine couldn't believe Gino had brought up their sex life, and Jasmine told the cameras, "Gino has a lot of deep, sexual issues but I would humiliate and deeply hurt him if I tell them the truth."

Jasmine told the cameras that Gino was a "gaslighter." She said their sex life was once very passionate and he made her yell at him so that he'd have an excuse not to have sex with her.

"He doesn't enjoy intimacy with me. He'd prefer to do other things. I take it personally. I feel undesired and completely worthless," Jasmine admitted in a confessional.

Jasmine asked Gino to "stop putting makeup" on the real sexual problems he had, but Gino insisted he didn't have any sexual problems. Gino then announced how Gino had "an addiction to pornography," but Gino called her "a liar."

Gino insisted he was not addicted to porn and Jasmine was just looking for something to blame, rather than herself.

Ashley and Manuel

Ashley was looking into getting a post-nuptial agreement because there were still some underlying trust issues with Manuel. Ashley wanted them both to be protected financially in case things went south again, but Manuel thought this was silly and unnecessary.

Ashley explained to a lawyer how Manuel was secretive and giving him money was a sensitive topic for her.

Ashley was wishing for more transparency in her marriage, but Manuel thought he was the one who should be worried since Ashley tended to spend most of their money. Manuel said he was the one who should be worried about their house and his well-being.

Ashley ran an online spiritual business prior to marrying Manuel, but she was earning money while they were together.

In the case of divorce, Ashley would have to split those marital earnings with Manuel, and Ashley didn't like that idea at all because she had put her blood, sweat and tears into her business.

Ashley said she had no intention of divorcing Manuel but if he kept leaving out details and demanding money, she had every right to protect herself.

At the end of the meeting with the lawyer, Manuel learned that Ashley had 100,000 in student loan debt. This news absolutely shocked Manuel and rocked his world, but the lawyer said the couple wouldn't have to split up that debt in particular if they chose to break up.

Ashley said she saved a couple hundred every month, but Manuel wasn't buying that. Ashley explained how she paid the bills and Manuel didn't. Ashley also pointed out how student loan debt is extremely common in America.

The pair clearly had a lot to talk about and share with each other, and the divorce attorney said it wasn't his place to give them personal advice.

With all that being said, the attorney offered to draft the couple a post-nuptial agreement.

Manuel acknowledged he'd probably have to stop sending money home to his family since Ashley was in so much debt.

Loren and Alexei

Alexei's family was in Israel after a war broke out with Hamas, and so Alexei was feeling fearful and unsettled. Alexei was stressed with work and with taking care of his wife and kids, nevermind having to worry about the safety of his relatives.

Alexei's dad was still staying with him, and he discovered from his mother via FaceTime that she was doing okay and she was prepared for the war.

Alexei thought about volunteering in Israel, and Loren said she understood where Alexei was coming from, even though she didn't approve of him going. The idea of Alexei leaving and entering a war zone brought Loren to tears.

Kobe and Emily

Emily and Kobe were on their way to meet up with Kobe's ex-girlfriend, whom he had dated for seven years. Emily wanted to know the truth about whether Kobe was still seeing this woman when he got Emily pregnant.

Emily had heard this allegation from Kobe's friend, but Kobe denied it. Emily believed her husband for the most part, but she wanted evidence that Kobe never played her or had a backup option.

Kobe wasn't happy about Emily digging into her past, but she couldn't let go of the idea of Kobe potentially having lied to her five years ago.


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.