90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? featured Sophie Sierra begging Rob Warne for another chance, Angela Deem hiring a private investigator, Gino Palazzolo kicking Jasmine Pineda out of their hotel room, and Patrick Mendes having a breakthrough with his dad during the Season 8 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?'s new season stars Kobe Blaise and Emily Bieberly, Alexei Brovarnik and Loren Goldstone, Nicole Sherbiny and Mahmoud Sherbiny, Patrick Mendes and Thais Ramone, Ed Brown and Liz Woods, and Michael Ilesanmi and Angela Deem.

The cast also includes Sophie Sierra and Rob Warne, Ashley Michelle and Manuel Velez, and Gino Palazzolo and Jasmine Pineda from the latest season of 90 Day Fiance.


90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? features married couples trying to make their relationships work in America following the K-1 visa process, except for Liz and Ed, who began the season as engaged Americans.

The 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? cast will "continue to navigate the highs and lows in their relationships including everything from preparing for first impressions with the in-laws, to managing significant cultural differences, to working through turbulent family dynamics and more," according to TLC.

Below is what happened on Episode 19 of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?'s eighth season.


Angela and Michael were shown sorting through laundry and separating the colors. Angela explained to Michael how they always needed to put the grandchildren first when it came to food and laundry, and she noted how she appreciated having Michael's help with the chores.

"Do you think I'll ever get a chance to wash my own clothes?" Michael quipped, realizing they had a lot of work to do.

Angela had to leave the house, and so she gave Michael a list of instructions on how to handle everything while she was gone.

Angela finally got to celebrate Christmas with Michael, and the family was shown decorating the tree together. Michael had watched American Christmas movies on television, but he didn't really know what to expect.

Michael was a good sport and ate the American food without spitting anything out this time. After all, Michael had really upset and disappointed Angela by spitting out a piece of meat at her friend's restaurant.

Michael explained how he ate chicken in Nigeria for the Christmas holiday but he was excited to spend the holiday with his wife and new American family.

Skyla pointed out how Michael hadn't taken any photos of his time in America thus far, which she found surprising, but Michael explained how his phone was broken. Angela had actually broken Michael's phone in Nigeria following a disagreement.

Michael began to share the story about his phone with Angela's family, but she shut the conversation down quickly. Angela didn't want to give Skyla another reason to be wary or skeptical of Michael and his intentions for moving to the United States.

Skyla asked Angela about the phone after dinner, and Angela recalled how a "paradise" group chat had popped up on Michael's phone and angered her. Skyla was disappointed because Angela had destroyed any evidence she had on Michael's phone, but Angela admitted that she was "tired of digging."

Skyla told Angela that if she was holding onto evidence, it was clear she didn't trust Michael.

Skyla recommended hiring a private investigator as a result, but Angela said she just wanted to live her life and quit worrying about everything for at least a couple of weeks.


Skyla just didn't want to watch her mother continue living a "delusional but happy" life. Regardless, Angela asked her daughter to let her live out her fantasy for a little bit longer.

Angela agreed to meet with a private investigator once she had a little time to enjoy Michael's company in America.

Two weeks after Michael's arrival in the U.S., Angela decided to see that private investigator. She claimed Michael had been acting shady and hiding his phone from her. Angela wanted to verify whether Michael was in America for her or for himself.

During the consultation, the private investigator named Todd asked Angela why she was asking for his help after spending seven years with Michael already, and Angela shared how she had found a "paradise men" group chat in which all the guys were trying to get visas to move to America.

Angela also saw a woman named "Cheetah" contacting Michael after he had cheated on her. Michael claimed that she was helping this woman obtain a visa so she could be with her husband.

"I also found, on his phone, a recent search of a life insurance policy... and I just turned 58," Angela said.

Skyla was shocked hearing this news, and she announced how Michael was "trying to kill" her. Skyla said she "couldn't wait to expose" Michael and Angela was coming across "old and naive."

Skyla told the private investigator of her mom, "She knows the truth. She just doesn't want to face it... I think the private investigator is going to find out Michael has been scamming her, lying to her, cheating on her, [and] hiding money from her."

The private investigator planned to do a search on Michael's profile names on the dark web and find anything that's out there about him. Todd said it didn't matter even if Michael had deleted information because he'd be able to find it.

"I'm willing to sacrifice our marriage to find out the truth... I want to know facts," Angela shared in a confessional. "If he's scamming me, I don't need him here around my grandchildren and my kids."


After dumping Sophie and choosing to end their marriage, Sophie called him on the phone and begged him to come back to her friend's apartment so they could talk and hash things out.

Rob vented about how he was tired of this same routine.

"I don't understand why he would do this to me," Sophie lamented in a confessional.

"I'm so angry because after all the things I've been through -- the online cheating, I moved to this country for a life with him, my mom doesn't like him, and my friends don't like him -- I still stayed with him and have given him so many chances."

Sophie wondered if Rob had "a great time" in Kansas, because she noted how this didn't make any sense.

Sophie also wasn't sure if this was a real breakup or if Rob was trying to "fake dump" her just so she could experience what that would feel like. Sophie wasn't sure what to think.

"I should've left you!" Sophie shouted at Rob. "I'm willing to try, but you're not."

Sophie wanted Rob to show her why she should give him another chance, but Rob said she kept pushing him out of her life -- which wasn't a sign that she was actually trying.

Sophie warned Rob that if he dumped her, he'd never see her again. Sophie told Rob that if he wanted to leave her, that's fine.

"Have a good f-cking life. See ya later!" Sophie yelled.

"I don't want to keep trying and getting nowhere," Rob countered.

This was apparently the first time Rob had ever called it quits with Sophie, and so she broke down into tears. Sophie had woken up that morning, thinking everything was fine, and so she was clearly shocked and heartbroken.

"He broke up with me over what?! I didn't do anything!" Sophie cried to her friend Kae.


Sophie started bawling her eyes out and noted how she wanted to see her mother. Kae was afraid that Sophie was going to have an anxiety attack, and so she attempted to calm her bestie down.

Suddenly, Sophie chased after Rob in the parking lot. She apologized to Rob and admitted that she felt so overwhelmed.

Sophie was essentially having a panic attack, and she also informed Rob that she had a throat infection due to stress. She didn't want to waste years of her life by throwing her relationship with Rob away.

Sophie cried to her husband, saying that she should be the one giving up on him, and not the other way around.

Rob said he was tired of going in circles when fighting with Sophie, and so he drove away and left Sophie crying to her friend Kae and feeling very "stupid" and depressed.

"He is literally Satan on Earth," Kae told Sophie.


After revealing Emily's third pregnancy, Emily and Kobe put their two kids to bed.

Emily's parents, David and Lisa, were not thrilled about the pregnancy announcement because they had been hoping another child wouldn't enter the picture until Kobe and Emily were living in a house of their own.

Lisa wanted to see Emily and Kobe get a place and have some financial independence, but Emily said she didn't want to move until she and Kobe found the perfect place.

David explained how they just needed a "starter home" -- not the perfect house -- but Emily had high hopes about where she was going to expand her family.

"I made a promise to you, and I'm not having a third child while we're still living in your house," Kobe told Emily's parents. "I don't care if we have to rent. We'll rent."

But Emily, who had been saving up for a house, shared how she and Kobe had already been approved for a mortgage. Emily told Kobe that they weren't going to rent a house and throw money away.

"They need to move out for their own sanity and peace of mind. We're not going to be around forever, so they need to get going," David told the cameras.

David insisted that he and Lisa were happy about the baby but they wanted to see Emily stand on her own two feet and take charge.

Emily promised that she had taken the steps to move out, such as hiring a realtor, and she felt attacked. Emily also didn't feel Kobe was standing up for her.

Emily thought her parents would be more excited about the baby reveal, and so she broke down into tears in frustration and disappointment. Emily admitted she was hormonal and feeling a lot of pressure.


Kobe said he was very grateful for David and Lisa's support but he 100 percent agreed that it was time to move out of their home.

"We are moving for us and our family, and for the promise I had made to her parents," Kobe explained in a confessional.


Patrick and Thais then threw a birthday party for their six-month-old daughter, Aleesi. The couple had a big cookout, complete with pink balloons and a nice cake.

Patrick then pulled his dad aside for a serious chat, and he feared this conversation was going to ruin five years of progress and bonding.

When Patrick and his dad Jose talked about the apartment, Patrick started to cry. Patrick said the apartment had provided a way for them to hang out.

"It was hard, growing up without you there," Patrick cried to his dad.

"It was hard on me too. I feel sad about that. Sorry I wasn't there for you all the time. I know it was a very important thing... but I didn't have my father either," Jose replied.

"No excuse," Patrick countered. "It was just hard."

Patrick explained how he didn't care about the money as long as his dad was in his life again.

Jose told the cameras he felt "bad" and didn't want to get between Patrick and his wife. Jose insisted that he loved Patrick very much.

Patrick mentioned how they needed some boundaries in regards to the apartment, and Jose said if they worked on things, their relationship could get stronger.

Jose assured Patrick that if he got rid of the apartment, he'd still be his son and Aleesi would still be his grandchild. Jose let Patrick know that Patrick wouldn't lose him over money, and it was the first time Patrick had ever heard his father apologize.

This honest conversation was a burden lifted off Patrick's shoulders. The men definitely had a breakthrough in their complicated relationship.

Thais was proud of Patrick for having that talk and standing up for himself, and Thais also helped Patrick's brother John for helping them a lot with their issues.

Not only did Patrick cement his relationship with his own father, but he also gained a father-in-law during this trip to Brazil.


Jasmine asked Gino flat out if he had already submitted the paperwork for her to obtain a green card, and Gino reminded her that she was there when he was filling it out.

Jasmine repeated her "yes or no" question, and then Gino revealed he had three of the four pages completed. Gino said he had 20 percent of the documents left to finish.

"This is so shocking to me, Gino. You just ruined my life. You hate me," Jasmine said.


Gino insisted that he was working on the time-consuming paperwork but hadn't officially submitted it yet. Gino said he was trying to enjoy his time with Jasmine in America and support her during the pageant, which took up a lot of his free time.

Gino scolded Jasmine for "starting bullsh-t" with him and having an angry tone in her voice, and Jasmine yelled at Gino that he was "crazy" and "nuts." Jasmine thought Gino was trying to provoke her, and so she just walked away calmly.

"I'm doing everything I can possibly do, and I'm not feeling the love right now," Gino told the cameras.

Once the pair reunited, Jasmine asked Gino why he was denying her one of her basic rights -- to have a permanent residency in the United States. Jasmine didn't even have access to her own passport, but Gino claimed that Jasmine would lose it.

"I have no idea why he's so guarded of that," Jasmine shared in a confessional.

"If you lose it, you get a new one. You can have your passport, and you know what? You can do any paperwork that has to be done. You're going to do it!" Gino said.

"I'm not going to do any of the [remaining] paperwork until we are in a good relationship," he added.

Jasmine complained about how she just wanted the opportunity to fly back to Panama and see her children. She said that's the only thing she cared about when wanting Gino to submit the paperwork and get her a green card.

"GO back and see them now," Gino said.

"I'm not spending the night with you. Get out!" Jasmine screamed.

"No," Gino countered. "You leave."

"I don't want to see you ever again," Jasmine concluded, before throwing her pageant flowers at Gino.

Jasmine felt played and lied to. She explained how if she returned to Panama, she wouldn't be able to re-enter the United States.

Jasmine explained to the cameras how she needed love and kindness and to feel heard. She felt Gino had said a big "f-ck you," and she admitted, "My marriage is at the verge of a breaking point."

Gino told the cameras that he wasn't sure how his marriage to Jasmine was going to survive after this.



While celebrating Manuel's birthday at a whiskey distillery, Ashley asked Manuel where her $1,000 had gone. Manuel admitted it was gone because he needed to use it to pay bills and debts he had in Ecuador.

"You're irresponsible with your debts, but I'm not," Manuel snapped at his wife.

Ashley couldn't believe Manuel had paid off debts with her money, and she complained about how he had lied to her all the while "b-tching" about her student loan debt.


Ashley was upset Manuel had never discussed his credit card debt with her, and she couldn't believe he had accused her of being irresponsible with money when he was doing these things behind her back.

"Walk away! That's all you're good for!" Ashley screamed at Manuel.

Ashley opened up to her family about how she had no trust in Manuel and there was probably never going to be trust there.

"I don't know if I can be in this relationship anymore," Ashley told her loved ones on the verge of tears.

Ashley's mother advised Ashley to let Manuel go. She believed that Manuel had actually sent the $1,000 to his ex-girlfriend in Ecuador.

But Manuel insisted in a confessional that he had to pay off a debut in Ecuador or else his family would be responsible for it. He also claimed that he hated spending Ashley's money and resented the fact he couldn't work to make a living in America yet.

Manuel admitted he didn't think Ashley would even notice the missing $1,000.

Ashley confronted Manuel outside, saying he had lost her trust and they couldn't continue down this same path. Ashley just wanted clarity, transparency and love from her husband in order to have a healthy and "non-toxic" relationship.

Ashley, however, knew the couple's problems weren't going to be resolved in that moment because they were both drunk.

Manuel wondered if it would be better for Ashley and their relationship if he just returned to Ecuador. He was upset that Ashley didn't really give him a chance to explain himself.


Loren was finally fully healed, but she wasn't completely happy with the results of her mommy makeover. Loren therefore wanted to have another surgery, but Alexei wasn't up for that.

Alexei therefore planned a gathering for Loren with her friends. He was hoping that they would tell Loren she looked great and also talk her out of going under the knife again.

Loren, who struggled with body dysmorphia, wanted to have another fat transfer to increase the size of her breasts, but Alexei was very concerned about his wife becoming addicted to plastic surgery.

Alexei and Loren's friends suggested that Loren should have therapy for her body-image issues before having another procedure.

Loren explained to the cameras how she just wanted to feel comfortable in her own skin and Alexei simply didn't understand that.

Alexei, however, wanted to see Loren exercise, eat well and focus on her children. Alexei wanted Loren to be appreciative of her life, and he feared she was becoming obsessed with "artificial" and superficial things -- essentially things that could damage their relationship.


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.