90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days featured Tigerlily and Adnan getting married, Rayne's blood boiling over Chidi's celibacy vow, Brian fearing he exposed too much too soon, and Veah keeping a secret from Sunny during the Season 7 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.


90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' seventh season stars eight new couples who are convinced they found true love.

The eight couples include Tigerlily, a 41-year-old from Texas, and Adnan, a 23-year-old from Jordan; Rayne, a 38-year-old from New Mexico, and Chidi, a 34-year-old from Nigeria; Loren, a 33-year-old from Nevada, and Faith, a 31-year-old from the Philippines; and Niles, a 28-year-old from Alabama, and Matilda, a 23-year-old from Ghana.


The rest of the new Season 7 couples are Joe, a 34-year-old from Florida, and Magda, a 23-year-old from Poland; Brian, a 52-year-old from Illinois, and Ingrid, a 33-year-old from Brazil; Veah, a 27-year-old from Florida, and Sunny, a 26-year-old from South Africa; and Vanja, a 41-year-old from Florida, and Bozo, a 38-year-old from Croatia.


Like 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' prior seasons, the seventh season will follow Americans who began online romantic relationships with foreign partners as they travel overseas hoping to get engaged to someone they have never met in person and then begin the K-1 Visa immigration process.

Along the way, the Americans will encounter challenges that include large age gaps, language barriers, cultural issues, and questionable pasts as they travel to a list of countries that includes Nigeria, Philippines, Ghana, Poland, Brazil, Jordan, South Africa, and Croatia to meet their online partners for the first time.

Below is what happened on Episode 3 of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' seventh season on TLC.


Rayne said sleeping in a separate room from Chidi was "definitely not the magical night" she had been anticipating, and she wondered if she was "too much woman" for Chidi to handle.

Chidi could sense disappointment all over Rayne, and so he wanted to make it up to her by cooking them breakfast. Chidi showed he can work his way around the kitchen even though he's blind.


Chidi said he loved the way Rayne talked to him and touched him. He knew keeping his celibacy vow was going to be "a difficult conversation" with Rayne, but he said he was going to follow through on his vow to remain abstinent no matter what.

Chidi and his sister then gave Rayne a tour of the neighborhood, and Rayne learned how to guide Chidi through the busy streets.

During their exploration, the trio stopped at a local market and Chidi's sister wanted to buy -- and kill -- a chicken. However, Rayne got angry and didn't approve of killing the animal, and she expressed anger, which was a point of concern for Chidi's sister.

Rayne said she wasn't embarrassed about making a scene at the market, and Rayne's love for animals apparently made Chidi like her even more.

Rayne, however, asked for more physical attention and care. She told Chidi that she wanted to cuddle, hold hands and kiss. Rayne explained how she just wanted to feel special, but Chidi revealed how they couldn't have sex until marriage due to the vow he had made to God.


"I believe this is something I must keep," Chidi said.

Rayne had been waiting five-and-a-half years to be intimate with Chidi, and so she was completely shocked to be hearing this story now.

Chidi explained how he wanted to follow the Bible and do what was "just," but Rayne argued how Chidi had told her they're already "spiritually bound" and soul mates for each other.

Rayne called this revelation "sickening" and complained that she wasn't going to follow Chidi's "system." Rayne thought that Chidi was following a system of rules rather than what was in his heart.

"If you're letting religion step in the way of what you know is between us, then that's messed up!" Rayne scolded Chidi.


"As a girl, you've given me nothing! It's not right!"


Rayne said she had flown to Chidi to figure out if they're compatible and "love making has everything to do with it."

Rayne's blood was boiling, and she told the cameras, "If I had known he did not want to be intimate with me, I wouldn't have gotten on the plane. I'm starting to feel really rejected... He doesn't see how big this is."


Tigerlily said she couldn't believe she was about to marry a man whom she had just met and wants five kids. The pair had only known each other for four months, and so Tigerlily acknowledged she had a lot to learn about her partner.

Adnan's mother Aliaa was shocked about the quick wedding, but she said it was his decision to make and she'd support him. Aliaa was therefore kind to Tigerlily.

In front of some of Adnan's loved ones, Tigerlily and Adnan exchanged vows in Arabic and tied the knot in a quickie Muslim ceremony.

"I could be putting myself in a really bad situation," Tigerlily told the cameras of marrying Adnan.

"It is overwhelming and terrifying, but my gut is telling me that Adnan is the one for me... and so I am going to follow my heart."

Adnan had been a virgin for 22 years, and so he said he was very excited to be intimate with his new wife and kiss her. Adnan said he loved Tigerlily so much and couldn't wait for privacy.

After spending their first night together as man and wife, Tigerlily said waking up next to Adnan was "the best." Adnan also said his night with his wife was the best night of his life and he was no longer a virgin.


"There is nothing we need to work on. It was sweet, romantic, passionate, and fiery. Right now, I don't even know how I'm standing," Tigerlily quipped, adding how they had done it all.

Since Tigerlily had bed head and was going to meet Adnan's entire extended family that day, she hired a local stylist to do her hair -- but he was a man and that rubbed Adnan the wrong way.

Adnan wasn't okay with this because the guy in Tigerlily's glam squad had at least been her friend for a while. However, Adnan agreed to let her get her hair done this one time.

"I've never seen this side of [Adnan]. He's jealous and possessive over nothing!" Tigerlily complained.

Adnan was trying to rush the process along, and Tigerlily thought he was being ridiculous. Tigerlily said she didn't like the rules and her life in the U.S. was totally different than what she was experiencing in Jordan. Adnan's behavior definitely worried her.

On her way to meeting Adnan's family, Tigerlily shared how Adnan wasn't pressuring her to convert to Islam but she was open to the idea and willing to learn more. The first step for Tigerlily was just being accepted by his family.

The women in Adnan's family covered their hair, and Tigerlily admitted that she didn't like the food. Adnan's loved ones were optimistic Tigerlily would embrace their traditions and adopt their culture over time.

Adnan's family welcomed Tigerlily with open arms, except they were thrilled with the idea of Adnan moving to the United States. Since Tigerlily has kids, she explained how she needed Adnan to move to be with her.

It was a red flag when Tigerlily learned that Adnan's brother had no idea about the move. Tigerlily wondered if Adnan was hiding something from her, or maybe telling her one thing and telling his family another.


Sunny had moved from Bangladesh, where his mother and sister still live, to South Africa seven years prior to help his father run a convenient store.

Sunny called Durban "an amazing place" because many of the people of Muslim and they felt like brothers and sisters to him. Sunny had a roommate and downloaded an international dating app, which led him to a 27-year-old from Orlando, FL. He thought Veah was so cute and had a unique look.

Sunny recalled talking on the phone with his girlfriend a lot, and he said Veah really cared about him. Although they came from very different cultures, he thought they'd get along great and that Veah really understood him. After all, she had faced a lot of adversity by growing up in the foster care system.


"Sometimes she doesn't pick up my phone calls. Sometimes she ghosts, and she has an ex-boyfriend as a friend, which is a very difficult thing," Sunny explained of Veah's pal Rory.


Sunny's friends were worried about his relationship and whether Veah was really ready to commit to him and be loyal to him.

Veah had never traveled out of the country, but she was about to fly to meet Sunny after a year of getting to know him long-distance.

The trip was going to be a lot for Veah considering she struggled with anxiety and confidence due to her challenging upbringing of going in and out of people's homes and never feeling secure.

But Veah said if her visit went well, she and Sunny would probably get engaged and then she'd file for a K-1 visa so he could join her in the United States.


Veah shared how she thought Sunny was The One but they had communication issues and he was jealous. He even tracked her phone and sometimes argued about her whereabouts.

Just in case Veah and Sunny fought, Veah was going to bring Rory on the trip to look out for her. They had dated for over two years but ended on good terms, and so Veah really relied on his friendship.

At one point, Sunny had written "haha" on one of Rory's selfies, which sparked a little bit of tension between the men.

"Bringing my ex to South Africa, it could f-ck up my whole relationship," Veah acknowledged.

Sunny, however, didn't know that Rory was coming, and Veah planned to surprise him. Veah was hoping that Sunny would trust her and be understanding, but he friends weren't so sure things were going to work out for her like that.



Brian asked Ingrid to install hand controls in his car so he could drive. She was surprised by how independent he seemed, and Ingrid said she didn't mind him asking her for help.

Once the pair returned to Brian's place, Brian explained how sex was important to him in a relationship even though he didn't feel much below the belt. Brian said he enjoyed feeling wanted and looked forward to exploring that connection with Ingrid.

Ingrid helped Brian get undressed, and he appreciated her patience. He wanted to share more about his condition, including how he used a catheter to pee, but Ingrid asked to share those details with her later on.

Ingrid admitted this was a little too much information to receive after just meeting him and she felt a bit "overwhelmed."

Brian worried he exposed too much too soon and made Ingrid feel uncomfortable. He recognized there would be a learning curve and it may take time for Ingrid to fully embrace his lifestyle.


Loren was happy to have finally landed in the Philippines, and Faith said she was excited for this next chapter in her life. But Faith said she wanted to really trust Loren and vice versa before having sex for the first time.


Once Loren got cleaned up, the couple went out to dinner and Loren said everything felt "effortless" with her. However, they were only going to have 20 days together, which made Loren nervous and anxious.

In order to speed up getting to know one another, Loren handed Faith a 40-question written test, and she was a good sport about it. Questions were silly and included, "What is a bird?" Faith therefore tossed it back at her boyfriend and jokingly asked him to rip it up.

"It's important to find out sooner rather than later if we're sexually compatible... and she has to also agree to this plan of me staying here forever," Loren explained in a confessional.

He added, "We have to get to know each other physically, emotionally and intimately -- all of it."


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.