90 Day Fiance couple Jenny Slatten and Sumit Singh still haven't gotten married on Season 3 of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, so what do 90 Day Fiance spoilers reveal about if Jenny left Sumit and returned to the United States, or whether the couple still together and living in India?
[90 Day Fiance Spoilers: This report includes spoilers that reveal if Jenny and Sumit have split up or if the 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way couple is still together and maybe even married now.]
Jenny, a 63-year-old from Palm Springs, CA, and Sumit, a 33-year-old from India, met on Facebook and Sumit catfished Jenny, but once she discovered his true identity, she still wanted to be with him.RELATED LINK: '90 DAY FIANCE' COUPLES NOW: WHO IS STILL TOGETHER? WHO HAS SPLIT? WHERE ARE THEY NOW? (PHOTOS)
Jenny decided to move to India to pursue love with Sumit, but she didn't know he was married to another woman! (And Sumit's parents didn't know about his affair with Jenny).
"I was dating Jenny when my parents set up an arranged marriage, and I barely knew the girl before I married her... No one should force me into a marriage... It's my decision. I want to be with Jenny. It's my right to be happy," Sumit said in a confessional on Season 1 of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way.
Once Sumit's family found out about Jenny, they got involved and turned the situation into an even messier one. Jenny's visa expired in the meantime and so she had to return to America before progressing her relationship with Sumit.
During the second season of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, Jenny and Sumit had been apart for five months and she was ready to give Sumit another chance and move back to India.
Jenny traveled over 20 hours to New Delhi with no car or money, but she expected to be happy and for Sumit to marry her.
Sumit said he was definitely divorcing his wife but it could take between two to five years to finalize the paperwork in India. Sumit had already completed the first motion and said they could file the second motion after six months.
"I have to make them understand Jenny and I love each other and it's a true love. And that's what's more important than what society thinks," he noted.
Sumit, however, still wanted to wait to have a formal ring ceremony with Jenny, even after his divorce was finalized.
In April 2020, Sumit and Jenny were in lockdown together in India amid the coronavirus pandemic and bonded through the quality time they got to spend together.
After the lockdown ended and courthouses reopened, Jenny and Sumit met with a lawyer who specializes in marriage law so they could start the process of getting married legally.

A lawyer advised the couple to avoid a lengthy process and potential complications by getting married in the "Arya Samaj Mandir," a temple. Jenny and Sumit were told they could explain their willingness to marry, provide documents and then get married.
Certain religious sacraments would be performed at the temple, and Jenny was told her union would be legal and she wouldn't have to convert to Hinduism. The lawyer said registration was post-marriage and Jenny and Sumit could get married at any time.
What Jenny heard was like a dream come true, that Sumit's parents would not be able to object to their nuptials unless Sumit was under age 18 or was "a lunatic," according to the lawyer.
But Sumit still didn't want to wed without his parents' approval.
"I want them to be happy for me. I don't want to just do something without telling them. Literally, I would lose my parents," Sumit said.
The next day, Jenny revealed Sumit had agreed to go through with the ring ceremony -- which was essentially getting engaged -- before talking to his parents.
But when Sumit's brother Anil learned about the couple's secret plans, he essentially changed Sumit's mind and caused Jenny to have an emotional breakdown.
"This is my life now and this is what I've chosen for myself," Jenny cried, begging people to stop giving her "hell" and being so set in their ways.
Jenny vented about how she couldn't change her age or feelings for Sumit.
Amit's wife told Sumit that he should tell his parents he's getting engaged because the secret would hurt them even more and make the situation "more sour" and also more difficult.
Sumit therefore postponed the ring ceremony, saying he needed to explain himself properly to his parents and convince them of the marriage.
"Well that's something I've heard before," Jenny complained, referring to when Sumit had postponed their ring ceremony on Season 1.
When Sumit and Jenny sat down with Sumit's parents, it has been eight years since Jenny had a real conversation with her potential in-laws.
"There is no law above parents' law," Sahna said.
"I am going to marry her," Sumit noted.
"Marriage? Over our dead bodies," Sahna shouted, adding that her body would be in the ground when Sumit chose to marry Jenny.
Anil later complained, "This is all you could find?! You'll find other women a thousand times better -- a million times better."
Sahna admitted she was "ashamed" of Sumit's new romance, and then Sumit got down on his knees and begged her for approval. Sumit said he was "dying" and needed her to accept Jenny because his life without her was "a disaster."
On the Season 3 premiere of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, Jenny said she was living her best life with Sumit, "the love of [her] life."
Jenny shared how she has a 10-year Tourist Visa to live in India but she must leave the country every six months. Due to the lockdown, Jenny was able to extend her visa for several months, but she was afraid that was going to stop soon.
"Sumit needs to marry me. It's sad, I wish the man I love could just make a decision and stop listening to everybody else... If this is what you say you want, then let's do it. Keep me here; let's stay together and be happy. This is what we both want," Jenny complained in a confessional.
Suddenly, Jenny learned her visa extension had been "closed" rather than extended and approved for more time. Jenny said she was going to have to leave India again, and she appeared very upset and nervous.
Sumit replied, "We need to figure it out," adding they could maybe stay in Nepal for a couple of months until the borders would open again, and Jenny intended to talk to a travel agent for guidance and advice.
Sumit's in-laws had also taken his passport away, and so Nepal seemed to be the couple's "only option," according to the travel agent.
"Well, it looks like I'm going back to America," Jenny determined, asking Sumit to go against his parents so they could get married and she could stay in the country.
Jenny snapped that she was "ruining [her] life" for Sumit, having to travel back and forth between two different countries.
"You can change the situation if we get married," Jenny complained. "I came to America so I wouldn't have to leave India again... What do I have to go back to? I have no home to go back to. I have nothing."
Jenny admitted she was tired of Sumit's empty promises and his parents' interference.
"I'm not gonna come back," Jenny threatened her fiance. "Why would I come back for the fourth time? For what? For what?! I can't stay in the country!"
"That's it!" Jenny yelled, throwing something on the floor on her way out of the house. "I am done with all of this crap! F-ck you, Sumit! I'll never listen to you again! I'm booking my flight and I'm leaving!"
Sumit attempted to calm Jenny down by telling her that they could spend some time in Nepal and then return to India, but Jenny was also upset about having to pay for everything for them.
Sumit assured Jenny that he loved her, but Jenny couldn't predict what was going to happen between them.
"Maybe I failed Jenny. I promised her a lot of things... but this is not my fault. Nepal's border is closed," Sumit explained.
Jenny said she was supposed to live permanently with Sumit as his wife but she had to keep leaving and coming back, which she realized was ridiculous. She was "frustrated" and "fed up" with Sumit, especially because he didn't even have his passport.
Jenny was not ready to give up her American citizenship because she had worked hard her entire life for benefits she'd have to give up. That's where Jenny apparently drew the line, and her kids and grandkids are also in the U.S.
"I would never give up my American citizenship," Jenny said.
The couple learned they had one option, ISKCON, a missionary visa for Hindus who pray to the blue avatar, Krishna -- the god of protection, compassion, tenderness and love -- as their religion.
Jenny found the loophole humorous but said she'd be willing to explore that idea, especially if it meant not having to do anything for the religion and being able to stay with Sumit in India.
Did Jenny and Sumit break up, get married or has the 90 Day Fiance couple continued dating?
Jenny and Sumit are absolutely still in a relationship, and they appear to be very happy as a couple.ADVERTISEMENT
"Krishna will show me a path @blend_it_boo @sumitjenny @gains_ta #90daytheotherway #tlcrealityshow #happilyeverafter #happyinmylife #stophating #loveislove #lovewins #watchyourwords," Jenny wrote.
When one of her followers joked that Krishna may show her the path to go home, Jenny commented, "I am home," along with a smiley-face emoticon.
There are many photos of the couple together on social media, whether they are happy at home, grabbing coffee, or going out on dates to gardens, beaches and restaurants.
On August 14, 2021, Sumit posted selfies with Jenny as well as pictures of them out shopping together, and he wrote, "Enjoy every moment of the life fully. No one knows the future. #enjoy #enjoylife #everymoment #behappy #keepsmiling #keepcalm #yourtimewillcome #loveall #thanksall #forlove #support #understanding #prayers and everything. #90dayfiance #90daytheotherway #season3 #tlc #discoveryplus #staytuned #29thofaugust #premiere."
A couple of days earlier, he wrote to Jenny on Instagram, "If I know what love is, it is because of you."
That same month, Sumit revealed that his traditional Indian mother Sahna, who has disapproved of his relationship with Jenny Slatten for years, recently moved in with the couple.
When asked if his parents were still struggling with his relationship with Jenny, Sumit told Us Weekly in a video interview, "You can say that."
"The last thing, which you saw [on TV was] a big fight, and now my mom decided just to move into the house," Sumit revealed with Jenny sitting by his side for the interview.
"We are trying to fix this up. Let's see how this is going to go. But to see that, you'll have to wait [until the show returns]."
Sumit, however, was still holding out hope his parents would eventually come around, and he said he would "love" to have his mother and father attend his wedding to Jenny someday.
"I would love that. Yeah, definitely, for sure, no doubt," Sumit shared. "I keep trying, I'm still trying."
Jenny added, "Keep praying."
As far as where the lovebirds see themselves in five years, Jenny joked that she and Sumit will probably be sitting in the same spot on his couch in India -- but "hopefully" with wedding rings on their fingers.
"That's the plan," Sumit agreed. "Hopefully, that's the plan. We [have been] trying to get married since 2013. Until now we haven't married yet, but still, you can say the plan is the same."
Back in June, Jenny posted a photo with Sumit on Instagram when the couple was hanging out on their terrace. She added "love is love" in the caption, and earlier in the month, Jenny made it known she and her man "laugh at" the rumors out there about them.
In April when Jenny and Sumit were still living together in India, Sumit revealed on Instagram he and Jenny were both suffering from coronavirus.
"Thank you all for praying for us," Sumit captioned a selfie of the pair Tuesday on Instagram.
"Thank you all for hoping best for us and for wishing us good health and stay safe. Sorry to inform you all that we both are Covid positive. We are doing okay and hoping to recover asap. Love you all."
Despite being sick and going through a pandemic together, their love apparently stayed strong.
"Our love is way stronger than you think," Sumit wrote alongside a photo of the couple smiling on April 3.
He added the following hashtags to his post, "#Love #stronglove #fightforlove #lovequonquersall #loveislove #90dayfiance #90daytheotherway #tlc #tvshows #loveall #peace."
Jenny revealed an update on her visa and marital status during a January episode of 90 Day: Bares All on Discovery's new discovery+ streaming service.
"When the pandemic hit, it shut the borders and no flights in, no flights out. So I just applied for an extension every month, so that's the way I've been doing it," Jenny explained.
"Every month, [I file] a new extension," she added.
90 Day: Bares All host Shaun Robinson noted it seemed like Jenny didn't really know what was going to happen in the future and was living month to month.
"My visa can expire, and if they don't want to extend it, that's when I'm probably going to have to leave the country," Jenny said.
Jenny, however, acknowledged she'd be able to stay in India with no problem if she and Sumit actually got married -- which had been the couple's plan all along.
"So, why don't we just do that?!" Shaun asked in regards to tying the knot.
"Sumit doesn't seem to want to separate from his family, so [that's it]," Jenny shared with an angry look on her face.
Sumit remained silent as Jenny spoke and just nodded his head in agreement as he sat beside her.
"Are you satisfied with the relationship with Sumit, just not being married?" Shaun asked for clarification.
"No," Jenny confirmed.
Going back to November, Sumit posted a selfie with Jenny and gushed about her on Instagram.
"You will never mock me again over my suffering, first try to attach your heart in someone's love just once," Sumit captioned the image.
"#90dayfiance #90daytheotherway #duringlockdown #tlc #network #realitytvshows #realpeople #realcouple #reallove so #keepcalm and #keepwatching #loveyouall #staysafeandhealthy."
In late October, Sumit posted a video of himself feeding a dog as well as a selfie of the couple on Instagram in which they were both flashing big smiles.
"In true love the smallest distance is too great and the greatest distance can be bridged. Getting my smile back on my face. Wish good time will teach same as bad time does," Sumit wrote alongside the image.
Sumit also added the following hashtags: "#smile #happyness #love #you #loveyouforever #luckyme #thankyou #foryourlove #90daysfiance #90daysfiancetheotherway #season2 #tlc #tv #tvshow #realityshows #realitytv #thankyouall #loveyouall."
In mid-October, Sumit also posted splitscreen photos of Jenny and himself drinking tea.
"Humanity runs on coffee and chai, so keep drinking and enjoy life," Sumit captioned the image.
"What's your first wake up drink of the day? Mine is chai means tea not chai tea #goodmorning #iknowiamlate #tea #coffee #chaitea #ilovemytea #90dayfiance #90dayfiancetheotherway #season2 #tlc #tvshows #realitytv #realityshow #keepwatching #spreadlove #nojudgement #loveall."
If fans look at the photo carefully, a ring can be seen on Sumit's ring finger on his left hand.
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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski