90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' Part 1 of the Season 6 Tell-All reunion featured Jasmine arriving in America on a K-1 visa and making a confession, Statler and Dempsey announcing big relationship plans, Meisha receiving an annulment, and Riley throwing Violet under the bus during the episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.


90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' Season 6 cast Tell-All filmed in-studio with Shaun Robinson serving as host, and it featured the Season 6 couples reuniting and each providing an update on their relationship.

Part 1 featured six couples, some of whom participated remotely from all over the world.


The couples who made an appearance on the Tell-All included Gino Palazzolo, a 53-year-old from Michigan, and Jasmine Pineda, a 35-year-old from Panama; Amanda, a 31-year-old from Louisiana and Razvan, a 26-year-old from Romania; and Riley, a 48-year-old from Pennsylvania, and Violet, a 43-year-old from Vietnam.


The rest of the couples are Christian, a 30-year-old from Minnesota and Cleo, a 32-year-old from England; David, a 42-year-old from Nebraska and Sheila, a 31-year-old from the Philippines; Meisha, a 43-year-old from Minnesota, and Nicola, a 46-year-old from Israel; and Statler, a 33-year-old from Texas, and Dempsey, a 28-year-old from England.

Jasmine actually showed up to the reunion in-person given she had just moved to the United States a few days beforehand.

But Nicola, Dempsey, Razvan, Violet, Sheila, and Tyray, a 33-year-old from California, all participated via Zoom.

Before the Tell-All commenced, the cast agreed that Gino and Jasmine had the most toxic relationship, with Riley and Violet landing in a close second.

Below is what was shown on Part 1 of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' Tell-All special for Season 6.



Statler vented to the cameras, "I used to think that Gino was the scum of the earth, but I now think Gino needs to be protected at all costs. Jasmine is a horrible human. She is the poster child for a toxic partner -- holy cow! I don't even want to be in the same room as her... She's either crying or she's screaming."

None of the cast thought Jasmine was going to participate in-person, and so when she showed up, everyone looked shocked and totally caught off-guard.

"I made it to America bitches! You were not expecting me to be here, but here I am!" Jasmine announced to the group, before explaining in a confessional, "I finally received my K-1 visa and made it to America."

Jasmine said the cast was very "judgmental" and there was awkward silence once she sat next to them all.

Statler asked Jasmine if she recognized that she's toxic, and Meisha also confessed that she felt "very worried" for Gino. Jasmine, however, shut the women down and accused them of bullying her.


In terms of Jasmine's dramatic K-1 visa interview, which 90 Day Fiance viewers saw during last week's finale, Jasmine explained how -- after waiting for 18 months -- she was forced to postpone the interview due to an issue with the system.

Jasmine said she really wanted an answer at the time, even if the answer was, "No, this is not going to be approved," and that's why she got so upset on the phone with Gino.


After having her K-1 visa approved, Jasmine moved to the U.S. and began living with Gino in Michigan. Jasmine said she was very happy but found Michigan extremely cold.

Gino acknowledged how he was worried about whether Jasmine would be able to survive a winter in his home state.


Footage then played of Jasmine going out to lunch and FaceTiming with her ex-boyfriend Dane, when she had shared how Gino didn't want to have sex with her.

Gino looked pissed off and told Shaun that it wasn't okay for Jasmine to call her ex-boyfriend "baby" or talk about their sex life with him.

Amanda voiced how she didn't understand how Gino could trust Jasmine around Dane, but Jasmine admitted she had insecurities and seeing Dane helped her with those because she could hear the male perspective. Jasmine also insisted that Gino wasn't an angel either.

Jasmine announced how she was always honest with Gino, and so she admitted she had dinner with Dane before leaving Panama City.

"I didn't know if I would ever see Dane again, and so he proposed a goodbye dinner," Jasmine revealed.

"A goodbye dinner? What the f-ck is that?" Gino asked his fiancee.

When Amanda pointed out how Jasmine and Dane had gone on a date, Jasmine assured Gino that there was no kissing or sex involved. However, the date was on Valentine's Day, which shocked the cast.

"It's a day of friends!" Jasmine argued. "We didn't realize it was Valentine's until we went to the restaurant and there were hearts everywhere... I'm being honest."

Dane had presented Jasmine with a card and flowers on Valentine's Day, and so Gino complained about how that was "sad" and he couldn't believe Jasmine had done that to him.

"I have a big problem with it!" Gino declared.

Christian accused Jasmine of wanting attention from other guys, but Jasmine dubbed Christian "an attention wh-re" in reply.


Jasmine said she and Dane had so much sex in the past that they got sick of each other, and Meisha called Jasmine out for being "gross."

Jasmine explained how it would be unfair of Gino to ask her to end her friendship with Dane because she has very few friends and Dane was a part of her inner circle before Gino even entered the picture.

When Jasmine was called "toxic" by another cast member, she rolled her eyes.

Meisha suggested that Jasmine didn't care how Gino felt, and then Shaun asked Jasmine if she had made a sex video with Dane from one month before Gino visited her in Panama.


Jasmine admitted she and Dane had made a sex video "just for fun" -- before Gino existed to her -- but that she had told Gino about it. Gino denied that was true.

Jasmine insisted she had only done crazy stuff with two men in the past: Dane and her ex-husband.

Jasmine said she had made a video with Dane months before meeting Gino and that it was just a drunken encounter. Gino asked to see the video in order to figure out the date in which it had been filmed, and Riley advised Gino not to watch it.

Jasmine told Shaun that she hadn't spoken to Dane since their Valentine's Day outing, but the cast looked suspicious.

Backstage during a break, Jasmine assured Gino that she never watched her sex video with Dane and she promised to delete it and get rid of it. Jasmine complained about how Gino has mistreated her in front of everyone and she shouldn't feel bad about something that happened in her past.

Jasmine demanded that Gino stand by her side and defend her, but Gino was still upset. Jasmine said she wasn't sure how they were going to have a healthy relationship going forward.

Meanwhile, Statler called Jasmine a "narcissistic abuser."



A year had passed since Meisha and Nicola last saw each other. Nicola said dating long distance was "hard" but he planned to visit her in the United States "next week."

The pair planned to meet in New York and then fly to Minnesota together. Meisha said she couldn't wait to take Nicola to a beer garden and a state fair.

Meisha shared how they planned to apply for the K-1 visa eventually.

"So I've been waiting for the annulment [for my previous marriage] for a year-and-a-half, and basically, the tribunal for the archdiocese will decide if I could ever marry again," Meisha announced.

"Nicola, I did not tell you this, but I did actually receive an answer from the tribunal about my case. And I just want to let you know that no matter what they said, I love you and it does not change how I feel about you."

She then added, "But fortunately, they gave me the annulment."


Nicola appeared overjoyed, and so Meisha said his arrival in Minnesota was going to be "nothing but a celebration."

"Amazing! I love it so much! We prayed for it every day," Nicola shared.

Jasmine then shouted how Nicola was soon going to lose his virginity and that she was happy for them.

Meisha said she was ready to get married as soon as possible because she had been ready for years.

"Same, but sex has to only be between husband and wife... That's what the Bible says," Nicola said.

Meisha said she knew and understood that; however, she planned for Nicola to sleep in her bed.



The cast laughed about how Nicola wasn't going to last long during his first sexual encounter, and Christian said Nicola had "some learning to do." Statler offered to give Nicola a class.

Nicola felt confident about his sexual abilities and said it didn't need to be hard.

"I know I won't be an expert, but I will learn. And Meisha will teach me," Nicola said with a smile.

Meisha also assured her co-stars that she wasn't worried about Nicola's performance and that he had great equipment to work with. She also said she couldn't wait to consummate that marriage and she wouldn't hold back in the bedroom.

Meisha's two daughters, Morea and Svea, then joined the Tell-All onstage. The girls seemed wary and distressed about their mother's relationship with Nicola.


The girls expressed how they didn't want to feel judged or controlled by Nicola once he moved to the United States.

"We don't want to feel like we're trapped in our own home," Svea said.

Statler admitted Nicola would probably judge "the hell" out of Meisha's daughters and ruin Meisha's relationship with her kids. Morea and Svea didn't want a man to come in between their relationship with their mother, who was shown wiping her tears away.

Nicola declared how Meisha was going to be the boss of her household and her children, but then Nicola sounded a little hypocritical when he announced how the man is supposed to be the head of the household based on his religion.

"[The man] is the provider. He's the one to give advice, and women need to follow the man. God creates the woman for man, not man for woman... The man is in charge and the woman needs to listen to the man," Nicola said.

"Not in this day and age," Dempsey argued.


Amanda said she agreed with Nicola on that and that husband and wives can still be equal under God.

Meisha could totally understand her daughters' fears, but she said she would "handle" the situation and "check" Nicola whenever necessary. She said she wouldn't hesitate to step in and defend her children.

Meisha's daughters wanted Meisha to be with a man who would listen to her and respect her opinion, and Meisha promised there is a lot of good in Nicola that they'd come to see with time.

Statler told Meisha that there are many fish in the sea, but Meisha admitted she wouldn't be able to walk away from Nicola and her family would soon be able to spend time together on her turf and in her world.

Meisha dubbed the whole situation "a mess" and acknowledged how she had a lot of nerves and concerns about pursuing her relationship. Nicola said he was in a relationship with Meisha and not her kids, but Meisha reminded him how she's a package deal with her children.

Nicola promised Meisha that he would treat her children like Jesus Christ, but Meisha didn't seem comforted.



Dempsey said Statler was the most important person in her life and she wanted to do life with her going forward.

Statler said she and Dempsey weren't going to live on the farm and they had some big news to share.

"We decided we're going to look into buying a camper van so we can travel around to different countries and Europe -- and just travel around in a van full-time," Dempsey announced.

"It's the ultimate lesbian dream," Statler added. "She's been selling all of her things... but it's too overwhelming."


Statler, who works from home, could work from anywhere in the world, and Dempsey said she'd do "bits of work here or there."


Statler shared how she was going to be the breadwinner for a few months, which gave her a ton of hesitations. Statler admitted she'd like to have a partner who is also financially independent and that she and Dempsey had yet to talk about finances.

Although they hadn't engaged in serious conversations yet, Statler said their trip was going to kick off in a few weeks -- and that she was just "holding on for dear life."

The trailer was going to be even smaller than Dempsey's former living arrangement, but Statler said she was trying to grow as a person and this environment would push her out of her comfort zone.

Statler once had sex inside of a church during her early twenties, and Nicola said this wasn't respectable and Statler should ask God for forgiveness. Nicola called Statler's actions "a big sin," and Christian agreed it was a disrespectful act.

Dempsey, however, wasn't upset or bothered by Statler's crazy past at all.

Statler's friend Natali joined the Tell-All and revealed how Statler tended to move fast in relationships. She also voiced how Dempsey wasn't that special.


Dempsey said Natali's opinion was invalid to her, but Natali said her opinion absolutely mattered because she cared for Statler and her well-being.

Statler acknowledged that she and Dempsey struggled to communicate because one person tended to shut down in the face of conflict, but Dempsey refused to see a therapist. In order to meet halfway, Dempsey had agreed to do couple's workbooks, with therapy as a last resort.

Statler also revealed how she and Dempsey were on the same page about children.

"We're both not sure if we want any," Statler said.

Natali wasn't buying it, and she asked Dempsey to just take good care of Statler, who has a very kind and soft heart.


Riley confirmed that he and Violet were no longer together and that they weren't a couple. In fact, he said their relationship was a strong "no."


Violet planned to "share the truth" that no one knew.

Gino asked Riley if Violet was pregnant with his child, and Shaun interjected, saying they'd find that out very soon.

Amanda, Christian and Tyray agreed Riley's decision to look into hiring a private investigator was justified because Violet hadn't been forthcoming with information or communicating with him.

Meisha and Dempsey, however, said a relationship needs trust and so Riley's actions were "bizarre" and unnecessary.

Riley explained how he had broken up with Violet before but then she started reaching out to his family. Riley said, since he was in love, it was hard for him to let her go.

Riley's friend Tiffanie was then welcomed onstage, and Tiffanie pointed out how Violet never explained why she hadn't deleted the dating app on her phone after meeting Riley.


Violet explained how she deleted her account but she didn't realize she needed to delete the app as well. Riley covered his face in frustration.

"[Her account] was active. It tells you how long ago it was active, and it was like 'two days ago' active," Riley claimed.


Violet alleged that she's not a high-tech person, and Riley looked very skeptical. Violet thought it was weird that Riley had even gone into the app to check if she was still active.

Most of the cast thought Violet was keeping her options open at the time, but Violet claimed she had gone on the app just to check on him as well.

Riley shook his head in disbelief.


The topic of Violet's alleged pregnancy then came up, and Riley explained how he and Violet had sex during their last night together in Vietnam. Riley said Violet had showed up to his hotel room and the sexual encounter just happened.

Riley said Violet had asked him to keep their sexual encounter a secret, and Violet explained how Vietnamese culture does not approve of unmarried couples sleeping with each other. Violet apparently didn't want her family and friends to find out.

Violet said Riley thought another man had gotten her pregnant since he's alleged unable to conceive a child naturally.

Violet broke down into tears, and Riley announced, "There is science and then there are miracles."

Shaun interjected and asked Violet to share exactly what had happened.

"After Riley left, I did a pregnancy test because I did not get my period. Riley asked me to buy a pregnancy test and test in front of him. So I bought a new test and called him while doing the test," Violet recalled.


Riley said he just wanted a doctor to confirm Violet's positive pregnancy test, but Violet refused.

Violet insisted that she couldn't go to the hospital for a check-up if Riley didn't support her financially. The fees at the international hospital were very expensive, according to the school teacher.

"That's not true. I called the international hospital. I spoke to the prenatal doctor and I put a card on file with them," Riley said.

Although Violet had her own doctor, Riley wanted to Violet to see an English-speaking physician.

"The timeline and the dates are not making sense," Riley claimed. "I didn't believe the timeline and that it was me [being the father]... I feel, and this is my opinion, that she didn't like me so easily walking away from her and she wanted me to chase her."

Riley said their relationship was so "toxic" that he believed Violet "would lie" to get him to commit to her.

"I know medically where I am at. This is not something I made up," Riley shared.

Violet said Riley was always seeking ways to be suspicious of her, but Riley asked Violet to "cut it out" and own her "bullsh-t."

Jasmine thought it was wild Violet would allegedly lie about a child to manipulate Riley, but Riley was pretty convinced that was the case.

"Violet, can you tell me if you are pregnant with Riley's child?" Shaun asked.

Violet's response was not immediately shown.


Christian and Cleo were still together and dating, which surprised Meisha, who pointed out how Christian seemed to love talking to and flirting with other women.


"If Nicola went into bars... and invited them to Thanksgiving, that would be a dealbreaker for me," Meisha announced.

And Razvan added, "They do not seem compatible at all, and Christian is not on the same page."


Tyray was apparently sick and possibly struggling with COVID-19.

Tyray said it was difficult to be asked about his prior relationship with Carmella all the time. Given he had been catfished, played and hurt, he admitted it was difficult to relive those moments and think about them.

David was rocking a new beard, and Sheila said she liked her fiance better without it. David, however, admitted he had no plans to shave his beard.

Amanda and Razvan had a very tearful goodbye. Once Amanda returned to the United States, Razvan said he took "a step back" to really think about things and be ready for such a serious relationship.


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.