90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Tell-All Part 2 featured Ed Brown and Liz Woods slamming each other's sexual performance, Jasmine Pineda making a new Gino Palazzolo porn allegation, Angela Deem exploding on Michael Ilesanmi, and Kobe Blaise and Emily Bieberly disagreeing on a baby name during the Season 8 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.
The cast also included Sophie Sierra and Rob Warne, Ashley Michelle and Manuel Velez, Gino Palazzolo and Jasmine Pineda, and Nicole Sherbiny and Mahmoud Sherbiny.
90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? featured married couples trying to make their relationships work in America following the K-1 visa process, except for Liz and Ed, who had begun the season as engaged Americans.
90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? documented the cast navigating the highs and lows in their relationship from managing significant cultural differences to working through turbulent family dynamics.
For the first time in franchise history, the cast of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? were all asked to sleep in the same house in New Jersey while the five-part Tell-All event filmed in New York City over the course of four days.
Nicole and Mahmoud did not participate in the Tell All. The couple last appeared on the show in May, and their departure from the 90 Day Fiance series came shortly after Mahmoud's February 2024 arrest on domestic violence charges.
Below is what happened on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?'s Tell-All Part 2 for Season 8.
Jasmine claimed Gino has looked at porn of his ex, and Loren and Angela agreed that is a form of cheating.
"When Gino was watching the pornographic videos of his ex, I wasn't there. I was in Florida," Jasmine claimed.
"No," Gino said, denying that was the case. "I'm not addicted to porn like she says I am."
Angela advised Gino to make porn videos with his "gorgeous" wife, or else he's going to lose her to another man.

Jasmine explained how Gino allegedly preferred pleasuring himself over being with her, and she also said he's a jealous person and so he doesn't allow her to have toys when she wants to pleasure herself.
"I never said that," Gino insisted.
Jasmine said she wasn't lying and the "gap" between Gino and herself was growing bigger and bigger.
"I am a single person who is married," Jasmine announced.
"My needs are not taken into consideration whatsoever... Affection, feeling seen, feeling valued, feeling appreciated. It has never been good, but now, it's nonexistent -- like zero. We are not intimate. I don't think it's possible for me to be in a sexless marriage."
Gino said they had to stop fighting so things could return to how they used to be.
But Loren advised Gino to show affection and love in other ways, such as taking Jasmine's hand and making her feel special.
When asked if there was a timeline for when Jasmine would finally give up on Gino, she said "yes."
Gino acknowledged there was a problem that needed fixing, and his relatives advised him to man up and take a stand. On that same note, Loren said Gino should just let Jasmine go if he's not willing to work on their relationship.
"I try, I really try. I want to get back to the way things used to be, but it's really hard," Gino explained.
During a filming break, Jasmine told Gino that she loved him and they could forget about sex for a while. Jasmine suggested they should go on dates and cuddle because she had no plans to give up on him. Jasmine still believed in her heart that she and Gino could be happy together.
Gino later explained to everyone how he and Jasmine had talked backstage and "made some progress" in their relationship.
Gino and Jasmine even hugged and kissed each other in front of the group.
That night at the house in New Jersey, Jasmine slept on the couch and Gino slept in the bed.
Gino claimed he was waiting for Jasmine in the bed, but Jasmine clarified how she wanted their intimacy to happen naturally and not when there was peer pressure for him to perform.
ED and LIZ
After filming a portion of the Tell All, Liz's new boyfriend Jayson said that if Ed had a problem, he'd be there to handle it.
"I'm willing to place a bet that in six months, him and I will be at a bar and he'll be crying in his beer," Ed told the cameras.
"The good news is, she's not my problem anymore. I think I dodged the biggest bullet in my life."
Back at the house in New Jersey, Ed brought up "taco pasta" again, and Jayson didn't like that Ed was stirring up trouble.
When Liz tried to stand up for herself in the taco-pasta argument, Ed called Liz "obnoxious" and announced how he needed a "classy" woman in his life.
Afterward, Ed told Ashley that Liz would've taken him for all of his money. He claimed Liz only cared about money.
Ed then called Liz a liar and told her to her face, "You're not my problem anymore. The truth hurts."
Liz retorted by slamming Ed's height and saying, "I'm so happy I can mentally and physically look up to someone for the first time in my life."
Ed took a jab back at Liz and said, "You have sloppy sex."
"Sloppy?" Liz asked. "You watch porn that is stepbrother-stepsister!"
"You guys go be happy," Ed told Liz and Jayson. "Go. Congratulations. You won the lottery, man."
"I sure did," Jayson quipped.
"Go away," Ed concluded.
Liz told Jayson that she was sorry he had to witness that, but he was caring and supportive of her. Jayson said he wasn't worried about Ed at all.
Jayson then talked to Manuel about how he planned to defend Liz whenever she needed help because she's never had a man in her corner like that before, and Michael applauded Jayson for treating Liz well and making her happy.
After admitting she's in the "best" and "healthiest" relationship of her life, Liz admitted she had "period sex" with Jayson for the first time and it took six months for her to get Ed to orgasm.
Jasmine asked Liz what having sex with Ed was like, and Liz explained how she always had to be on top.
"Yeah, obviously," Liz said. "And I don't know how the f-ck he got tired with that."
Suddenly, Jayson found Liz, threw her over his shoulder, and took her to the bedroom.
Ed proceeded to call Liz "old," rudely suggesting that she was used up in his opinion, and Patrick quipped, "Jayson is getting [Ed's] sloppy seconds."
While having her makeup done for the Tell All the next day, Loren, who previously admitted she loathed Ed in an interview, confronted Ed about him calling her "a bottom feeder" in reply.
Ed said he was annoyed because Loren acted like she had a perfect marriage and preached to other people, but Loren didn't feel she acted that way. The pair agreed they didn't like each other and that wasn't going to change.
"I think you're very not nice to people," Loren announced.
"You're the one who started it," Ed countered, adding how Loren had defamed him in the press.
At the house in New Jersey, Angela said Michael knew how to work a room yet he paid no attention to her. She thought his goal was to make everyone feel like he was the nice guy in their relationship.
Michael told Loren that he really loved Angela, who clearly felt ignored by her husband. Loren therefore told Michael to try to have a conversation with his wife and be nice to her.
When Michael approached his wife, Angela told Michael that when she gave him an inch, he took a mile.
"You don't even give a f-ck! Get the f-ck out of here!" Angela shouted.
Michael apologized, but Angela said they weren't okay. Angela didn't like to see Michael having a good time when she firmly believed "there was a problem" between them.
"And you are the f-cking problem!" Angela screamed at her husband. "Do not get in my f-cking face!... Y'all think I'm the spouse who is crazy, but I am not!"
Loren started to cry, feeling like she had started this argument by pushing Michael to speak to Angela.
Angela was tired of people feeling sorry for Michael, but Ashley noted that Michael set Angela off too easily, no matter what he did.
Kobe suggested to Michael that maybe having sex with Angela could fix their issues, and Michael confirmed he hadn't slept with his wife since he arrived in the United States because of their "issues" and constant fighting.
"I wish I never brought him here," Angela lamented.
Angela later called Michael "a fraudulent m-there-cker."
Angela accused Michael of being dumb and never listening to her, and she forced him to leave her alone. Angela also accused Michael of saying that "all women are stupid."
Alexei recommended that Angela should loosen up and have a little fun while Rob told Michael to look out for himself and not put up with verbal abuse like that.
"Nobody deserves that," Rob told Michael.
Michael repeated how he loved Angela, but it was clear he was walking on eggshells around his wife.
Michael owned up to having cheated on Angela, which made her act this way, but Rob said Angela needed to give him another chance or leave him. Rob wanted to see Michael stand up for himself.
Angela interrupted Rob and Michael's conversation, and she told Rob not to cause problems for their marriage. Angela then went to bed alone while Michael slept on the couch.
Angela told the cameras how she almost pulled Michael's visa but didn't. She wondered if she was blinded by Michael's love, but at the same time, she said she couldn't stand him.
Michael, meanwhile, insisted he'd never scam anyone.
When it became time to film again the next day, Angela left the building and ran away. She eventually returned to continue filming the Tell All, and she admitted at one point that Michael was a good grandfather.
However, it didn't take long for Angela to get fired up again. She yelled, "You cheated and told that b-tch you're going to come to g-ddamn America, get the visa, and handle me! So how am I supposed to deal with that?!"
Emily revealed how she and Kobe would like to have four or five children.
Kobe proudly said he had kept his promise to Emily's parents.
Emily shared how the move was hard at first because her kids love their grandparents but they were eventually able to adjust.
Emily's parents David and Lisa then joined the Tell-All and shared how their house had become quiet and more clean. The couple, however, missed their grandchildren.
Kobe admitted moving out had negatively impacted their finances and paying bills was tough.
Kobe cried, saying he felt so grateful to Emily's parents for taking care of his family for as long as they had. David said he respected Kobe and "couldn't ask for a better son-in-law" because he's a "fantastic" man.
Emily, who was pregnant at the Tell All, said she and Kobe didn't know if they were expecting a boy or girl but they disagreed over calling their son -- if it's a boy -- Valerie after Kobe's best friend who didn't like Emily or really approve of their marriage.
Emily insisted that she's going to name her child and will have the final say since she has to push that baby out.
"You can choose whatever name you want," Kobe conceded. "But if it's a boy, this is what I want... I'm going to love the child, but I might be a monster. That's just me as a person."
Shaun then asked Kobe if he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend when he met Emily, and Kobe denied that was the case. Kobe admitted he had this ex on the back-burner in case his relationship with Emily didn't work out.
Kobe also admitted that when he met Emily, he thought they were going to have a one-night stand and not talk to each other again. Once feelings got involved, Kobe apparently said, "I love you," first.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski