90 Day: The Last Resort featured Natalie Mordovtseva giving Josh Weinstein another chance, Natalie and Sophie Sierra reigniting their feud, and a cheating scandal during the Season 2 episode that aired Monday night on TLC.
The new season of 90 Day: The Last Resort stars star Ariela and Biniyam Shibre, Brandon and Julia, Gino Palazzolo and Jasmine Pineda, Rob Warne and Sophie Sierra, Josh Weinstein and Natalie, and Stacey Silva and Florian Sukaj.
The six couples have all reached a relationship breaking point and will spend three weeks at a desert resort in Arizona undergoing a rigorous relationship bootcamp designed to rebuild trust and connections.
At the resort, the couples will be shown working with therapists and counselors to navigate issues of jealousy, anger and intimacy through group therapy and untraditional approaches -- including hypnotherapy, pleasure mapping, sand tray therapy and off-grid excursions into the desert.
At the end of the retreat, each couple must decide if they want to stay together or call it quits on their relationship at the Final Recommitment Ceremony.
During Episode 6, the couples were asked to race kayaks for a special prize, all the while testing control and leadership in each partnership.
Below is what happened on Episode 6 of 90 Day: The Last Resort's second season.
Jasmine knocked drinks out of Gino and Florian's hands. Jasmine yelled at Florian when he was drunk at the hotel bar for being "a negative influence" on Gino, and Florian called her a "b-tch."The fight -- or "drama bomb," as Ariela put it -- made Stacey cry.
Rob claimed that the ladies hated seeing the men have fun, but Sophie insisted that she didn't care if Rob got drunk and had a good time.
Brandon joked about how Jasmine only wanted Gino to have fun if he was with her.
"Shame on you! We are here to receive therapy! Shame on all of you!" Jasmine shouted.

Jasmine essentially pushed Gino into their room and told him to go to bed. She said he shouldn't be proud of his behavior, and Gino asked her to leave him alone and sleep in a different room.
Before bed, Stacey told Florian that she didn't like the way he had talked to Jasmine, but Florian argued that Jasmine had no right to punch his drink and try to control the situation.
Stacey, however, still thought Florian had disrespected her friends, and she called his behavior "barbaric."
Stacey asked Florian to sleep on the couch that night. They clearly took two steps back from the progress they had made earlier that week.
Florian and Jasmine decided that evening that they didn't like each other, and Jasmine said she didn't want Gino to be friends with Florian anymore.
Josh was gone for a few days but he returned to the resort and wanted to work on things with Natalie. Josh said Natalie was a jealous person who held onto grudges, and so he anticipated she would be angry at him for asking Sophie to go to Las Vegas with him.Josh noted that Natalie wouldn't forgive him and move on from the situation easily.
Natalie told the cameras that Sophie had shown her Josh's text messages and it was apparent that Josh was flirting with her. Natalie said Josh got caught and couldn't lie about it anymore.
Josh apologized for that text and said he didn't word it correctly. He then explained how a group of seven people were going to Vegas in February when he had asked if Sophie wanted to join them. Josh claimed that it wasn't a big deal and his conversation with Sophie never progressed from that point on.
"I'm here to work on the future and you want to keep talking about the past," Josh told her.
Natalie then told Josh that he shouldn't ignore her and neglect her. She craved attention and love, and so Josh kissed her and promised to give that to her.
Since Josh said he was on the show just for her, Natalie decided to let things go and put on a good face. She wanted to have fun with her man.
When Natalie and Josh reunited with several cast members, Stacey called Josh's texts to Sophie "shocking." But Josh announced that his text messages were harmless and friendly. Josh said his texts to Sophie were never inappropriate, and that he never put a finger on her.
Stacey and Ariela were worried about the "charismatic" Josh manipulating Natalie and stringing her along.
"I hope this won't be a focal point for people because there's really nothing there... I am ready to move on," Josh vented to the cameras.
The entire cast gathered together for a kayak competition designed to test the power dynamic in each relationship.Julia thought she wore the pants in her marriage, and so did Gino and Josh. Stacey and Florian weren't sure which role they wanted to be in.
Each couple had to decide who was going to be "the rower" and who was going to be "the thrower" for this activity.
The rower would paddle and steer the kayak, while the thrower would have to untie a ball and then throw it into a basket on a dock. The thrower, however, couldn't touch the oars at any point.
The winning couple would receive a prize that would be announced later on. The therapists hoped this activity would promote love, care, listening skills and good communication.
Sophie said Josh cheated because he and Natalie switched roles after hearing the rules. Many cheating accusations were thrown around during the competition.
Ariela said she and Biniyam were not good at working together and they didn't like how one another handled things. Ariela, however, chose not to say anything to Biniyam during the competition so a fight wouldn't erupt.
"All I want to do is tell him something simple and then he goes, 'You're trying to control me!' At the end of the day, it's not even worth for me to get upset about," Ariela explained.
Josh and Natalie raced to the finish in first place, and Natalie boasted about how they made a good team.
Brandon and Julia finished second, and then Rob and Sophie claimed third. But both of the runner-up couples complained about how Natalie and Josh had cheated.
Natalie and Josh were ultimately disqualified for not sticking to their original rower and thrower roles, and so Brandon and Julia won a night in the honeymoon suite at the resort.
Jasmine was happy about the situation and called Natalie "a snake." But Natalie said she didn't care if anyone liked her because she said she was on the show to fix her relationship with Josh.
After the challenge, Rob claimed Sophie had taken her frustrations out on him and criticized her performance, but Sophie said she had been rooting for Rob the whole time and just tried to push him in the end.
The therapists acknowledged that the pair still had a lot of work to do on their issues.
And Jasmine said she could allow Gino be the leader in their marriage more, and Gino said he really liked the dynamic he had with his wife while kayaking.
Stacey announced how she and Florian were often at odds but they really came together as a team. Stacey said they're "not quitters" and they had no intention to give up on each other.
Sophie said she didn't feel like Rob was giving the challenge his best, and Rob said that pretty much summed up their relationship. Rob said what he did was never enough, even if he was doing exactly what he was supposed to be.Josh decided that Sophie and Rob were on "separate pages" in life.
"She does this whole 'save me' thing. [Sophie] has this cute little voice though that gives her this innocence, and so she tries to get away with that," Josh told the cameras.
"But she has ulterior motives. And so I think Rob better watch out."
Natalie said in Sophie's case, her beauty was not enough.
Natalie proceeded to call Sophie "lazy" in front of the group before bursting into laughter.
While Sophie attempted to explain how Rob always did what he wanted to -- and not what she asked of him -- Natalie was laughing out loud. Sophie asked her to be quiet because her laughing was "rude" and disrespectful.
Sophie explained how she had wanted reassurance from Rob during the activity that he heard her and was giving her best effort.
As Natalie continued to laugh, Julia scolded her for trying to make the show all about her when it was Sophie's moment to talk.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski