Angie Swindell became the third houseguest evicted from Big Brother's tenth season during last night's live broadcast of the CBS reality show.
Along with Angie, Keesha had nominated Jessie Godderz, a single 22-year-old bodybuilder from Huntington Beach, CA, for eviction during Sunday night's Big Brother 10 broadcast.
Keesha reasoned that Angie abandoned previously evicted houseguest Steven Daigle when he needed support in the house; while Jessie was nominated because he was the one responsible for nominating Steven.
Despite the fact that Keesha promised Jessie he would be staying in the house, he still felt insecure about his position and continuously ranted about how he felt it was unfair he was on the chopping block for nominating Steven. Jessie explained that when he nominated Steven, he was only doing what the majority of the houseguests requested.
Jessie specifically targeted Libra Thompson, a married 31-year-old human resources representative and mother of three from Spring, TX, as the one who wanted Steven out of the house. He told Keesha how she shouldn't trust Libra and suggested that if he won Power of Veto, Keesha should put Libra up as the replacement nominee.
However it was Keesha who won the PoV during Tuesday night's broadcast, and she decided against using it on anybody and kept her nominations the same. Keesha made a point to tell all the other houseguests she wouldn't be backdooring Libra because she had given Libra her word earlier in the competition and didn't want to go back on it.
Realizing that she was being targeted, Angie talked with Jerry MacDonald, a married 75-year-old former Marine and retired marketing executive from Magnolia, TX, as the two sat outside.
"Are you going to go along with what the house says?" Angie asked him. "I think there's bigger fish to fry in the house."
Jerry told Angie he didn't disagree with what she was saying but explained "none of it is my choice," adding he was simply following the numbers -- which suggested Angie would be booted.
Jerry then accused Jessie; Robert "Memphis" Garrett, a single 25-year-old mixologist and party planner from Los Angeles, CA; and Michelle Costa, a single 28-year-old real estate agent from Cumberland, RI, of being "cocky" while Jessie was HoH the previous week.
Angie eventually told Michelle what Jerry had said, and she in turn told Jessie and Memphis -- leading to a confrontation between the three of them and Jerry. While he was called out for talking smack about Jessie, Michelle and Memphis, Jerry wouldn't back down and said he refused to kiss Jessie's ass -- even if he were to win the upcoming HoH.
"You know where you'll be," Jessie told Jerry, a not-so-thinly veiled threat that if Jessie were to win HoH, Jerry would be on the block.

"You know where you'll be too if I get it," replied Jerry.
After viewers saw footage of the houseguests' reaction to Tuesday's earthquake, Jessie continued to let his ego get the best of him.
He blew a kiss and waved at Libra from outside, mouthing the words, "You're going bye-bye," to her. Libra was not pleased and told Keesha and April Dowling, a single 30-year-old finance manager from Higley, AZ, what Jessie had done, calling it "arrogant."
Of course Renny Martyn, a married 53-year-old hair salon owner from Metairie, LA, agreed since she has had problems with Jessie since the beginning.
"He's going down," she said.
Jessie only further dug a hole for himself when he called Jerry "father time" in passing.
"I think he needs to get out of here," said Jerry.
Despite having given Jessie her word that Angie would be going home, Keesha was starting to have her doubts.
April, Libra and Bryan Ollie, a single 27-year-old marketing sales representative from Bloomington, MN, then discussed how it would be wise for them to take the opportunity to boot Jessie since he's such a strong player.
"If y'all want to do it, let's get Keesha the word and tell her to give the thumbs up," said Ollie, as the houseguests had all previously promised they'd vote according to the HoH's wishes.
"The first time we did that, she listened," pointed out Libra, referencing how Jessie and Angie ended up on the block in the first place.
The live portion of last night's Big Brother 10 broadcast then commenced and host Julie Chen revealed to viewers that a banner that was flown over the house during Tuesday night's broadcast "had nothing to do with Big Brother" -- despite the fact Jessie, Angie, Memphis and Michelle had told the other houseguests it said, "Libra's a liar, love Steven."
Hoping her fellow houseguests would realize Jessie was the bigger threat, Angie made her final plea.
"It has certainly been an interesting three weeks for us. We've made some friends, we've made some enemies. But it all started out with 13 strangers walking into this house and basically trying to win $500,000. So You guys are probably sitting here pretty confident in your vote -- who you're going to be voting to evict. But I just want to offer you one thing," said Angie.
"Only one person in this room is going to win $500,000 -- not an alliance, not a majority of the house -- one person. So you need to take a good hard look at the nominees up here right now. You need to decide who's the biggest roadblock in your way to winning that money. If it's me, great. I'll walk out the door. But if it's not, I would definitely take that into serious consideration before you cat your vote. That's a mistake you definitely don't want to regret."
However the houseguests stuck to their plan, as Memphis, Michelle, Jerry, Renny, Libra, April, Ollie and Dan Gheesling, a single 24-year-old Catholic high school teacher from Dearborn, MI, all voted to evict Angie.
Angie then gathered her belongings and exited the house before being met by Julie and a live studio audience. Julie asked an emotional Angie if she agreed with Keesha partially blaming her for Steven's eviction.
"I actually think that there's probably some other underlying things," answered Angie. "Maybe it had to do with a lot of the constant competitiveness of the girls in the house."
Angie also discredited rumors that she and Big Brother 10's first evicted houseguest Brian Hart were a romantic item, even though she had been wearing his knit cap since he was given the boot.
"Me and Brian are very, very good friends. I know that he has somebody that he's with," said Angie. "I think it got to the point that when I found out it really bugged everybody in the house, it kind of became something like, 'Well if it bothers them, I'm going to wear it more."
Dan was informed of America's selection in the Diary Room, as the note he received explained: "If you accept the offer, America will pay you $20,000 to represent them for one week in the Big Brother game. From who to get nominated to who to get evicted and everything in between, America will be calling the shots. But you must keep it a secret or risk losing everything."
Dan then thought about the offer.
"This is pretty cool. I'm very blown away, very appreciative towards America," he said.
"On the pro side, obviously there's the money. I'm a teacher, I don't really need to tell you guys how much money I make. I could tell you that this money would make a huge difference for me. One con to becoming America's Player is I could jeopardize my entire chance of winning this thing. But if America wants Dan to be America's Player, who am I to deny America. If that's what America wants, I'm on board. I will be accepting the America's Player offer."
Home viewers were allowed to vote on Dan's first task immediately following last night's episode, and they'll be determining which of the houseguests he should lobby to be nominated for eviction.
After it was revealed Dan was America's Player, the 10 remaining houseguests -- minus Keesha, who as the outgoing HoH, was deemed ineligible to compete -- competed in the tenth season's third HoH competition.
Dubbed "Livin' on the Edge," each houseguest had to stand on a ledge. Whichever houseguest could hang on the side of a building the longest would be the new HoH.
While the results of the challenge are already known to the show's 24/7 live Internet feed viewers, CBS will reveal the winner during Sunday night's Big Brother 10 broadcast. (If you don't want to wait until then to find out what happened, highlight the area below.)
April won the challenge and became the fourth HoH.
Big Brother 10's next episode will air Sunday, August 3 at 8PM ET/PT on CBS.
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio